A&S 1xbet online games login Travel Awards

Jennifer Delzeit and Jianfeng Chen have each received an Arts & Sciences 1xbet online games login Travel Award for Spring 2019. They will attend the 2019 Eastern North American Region (ENAR) spring meeting (March 24-27, 2019) in Philadelphia, which is a large-scale professional biostatistics conference for the region of Eastern America and expected to attract more than 1000 participants to attend this conference (https://1xbet online games login org/meetings/spring2019/index.cfm).

Ms. Delzeit will present her master's 1xbet online games login and Mr. Chen will give an oral presentation of his PhD 1xbet online games login . Their major professor is Dr. Wei-Wen Hsu. The 1xbet online games login is in collaboration with Dr. David Todem from Michigan State University and Dr. KyungMann Kim from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Ms. Delzeit has received a job offer and will graduate 1xbet online games login May. Mr. Chen expects to graduate in Fall 2019.

Jennifer Delzeit Title:
Univariate gradient statistic for marginal cure 1xbet online games login model with high-dimensional covariates

Jennifer Delzeit, Jianfeng 1xbet online games login , Wei-Wen Hsu, David Todem, KyungMann Kim

Cure 1xbet online games login models have been well established and widely used in the literature for analyzing the lifetime data of long-term survivors. Owing to the advancement of genomic technology, it is now of interest to identify the significant genes or microarrays that are highly associated with the survival outcome under the cure 1xbet online games login model framework. The identification procedure using these genetic data will involve the technique of variable selection for high-dimensional covariates. However, the cure 1xbet online games login model requires the additional modeling of the cure fraction, which inevitably leads to a more complicated variable selection process. In this paper, we propose a gradient-statistic-based variable selection method under the marginal representation of cure 1xbet online games login model. This marginal model can produce interpretable covariate effects on the overall survival response by relating the marginal mean hazard 1xbet online games login to high-dimensional covariates directly without specifying the cure fraction component. A univariate gradient statistic is then used iteratively to determine significant covariates. Coupled with the use of a False Discovery 1xbet online games login approach, the top-ranked list of covariates can be easily obtained. The results of the proposed method are illustrated by extensive simulations and an application to TCGA breast cancer data which contain more than 400,000 microarrays.

Jianfeng Chen Title:
Marginal cure 1xbet online games login models for long-term survivors

Jianfeng 1xbet online games login , Wei-Wen Hsu, David Todem, KyungMann Kim

Two-component mixture models for long-term survivors, known as standard cure 1xbet online games login models, have been widely used and intensively discussed in the literature. Much of the attention has been put on to understand the covariate effects on both the cure fraction and hazard 1xbet online games login components of this model. However, it is extremely challenging to interpret the covariate effects on the overall survival response when these covariates are shared by the cure fraction and hazard 1xbet online games login simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a marginal cure 1xbet online games login model that can provide a general framework to investigate the covariate effects on the survival outcome of the whole population. Technically, a novel transformation that can relate the covariates directly to the marginal mean hazard 1xbet online games login is adopted and embedded in the likelihood function of a standard cure 1xbet online games login model. The proposed marginal model is evaluated through extensive simulation studies and illustrated with an application to the liver cancer data from the SEER registry.