Workshops - summer 1xbet best casino website 2018

The Department of Statistics 1xbet best casino website host four distinct workshops that focus on recent developments in statistical methodology and computational techniques. These workshops are targeted for K-State faculty and affiliated researchers, including collaborators, graduate students and postdocs. Participants should have sufficient statistical background; specific requirements can be found in the description of each workshop.

All workshops 1xbet best casino website conducted during Summer 2018 at the K-State Manhattan campus. Attendance is free for KSU affiliates, but pre-registration is required. Space is limited, and qualified registrants are accepted on a first-come first-served basis.
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These workshops are supported by Shell Oil.

Introduction to Spatial Analysis in R

photo of earth from space

Department of 1xbet best casino website Workshop Co-sponsored by Shell Oil

Date: May 18, 2018, 8 am to 6 pm
Location: Kansas State University, Dickens Hall, Room 207
Presented by:

  • Dr. Trevor Hefley, KSU 1xbet best casino website
  • Dr. Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University & USGS
  • Haoyu Zhang, KSU 1xbet best casino website Graduate Student
  • Nelson Walker, KSU 1xbet best casino website Graduate Student

No prior experience with R is required, but you will need to bring a laptop that has R installed. A list of required R packages 1xbet best casino website emailed to the participants before the workshop.

Capacity: Limited to 24 participants.

Download the PDF for more information.

This 1xbet best casino website is at capacity, and no new applications are being accepted. The full course material 1xbet best casino website offered in STAT 764 during the fall semester.

Statistical Machine Learning for High Dimensional Data

heat map Department of 1xbet best casino website Workshop Co-sponsored by Shell Oil

Date: June 1, 2018, 8 am to 5 pm
Location: Kansas State University, Dickens Hall, Room 207
Presented by:

  • Dr. Cen Wu, KSU 1xbet best casino website
  • Guotao Chu, KSU 1xbet best casino website Graduate Student
  • Fei Zhou, KSU 1xbet best casino website Graduate Student

This workshop is targeted for K-State faculty and affiliated researchers, including collaborators, graduate students and postdocs with an interest in statistical machine learning for high dimensional data. No prior experience programming with R is required. However, some familiarity with R 1xbet best casino website very helpful. You will need to bring a laptop with power cable. Please have R software installed on your laptop before the workshop. We will use R Studio for illustration. No prior biology experience is required. We will focus on high dimensional cancer genomics data but the methodology can be readily extended to other domains. A list of required R packages 1xbet best casino website emailed to all participants at least one day before the workshop.

Capacity: Limited to 20 participants.
Please contact Dr. Cen Wu to RSVP (

Download the PDF for more information.

This 1xbet best casino website is at capacity, and no new applications are being accepted. The full course material 1xbet best casino website offered in STAT 766 in Fall 2019.

Applied Classical and Modern Multivariate Statistical Analysis

hypercube Department of 1xbet best casino website Workshop Co-sponsored by Shell Oil

Date: August 15, 2018, 8 am to 6 pm
Location: Kansas State University, Dickens Hall, Room 207
Presented by:

This workshop provides a relatively broad introduction to commonly used techniques for analyzing multivariate data. Basic exploratory tools for summarizing and visualizing multivariate data 1xbet best casino website introduced, and the classical multivariate statistical inference procedures 1xbet best casino website covered, such as multivariate mean comparison, tests on covariance matrix from multivariate normal distribution, correspondence analysis, principal component analysis and classification. If time permits, this workshop will also discuss some modern multivariate analysis methods for regression and classification, such as support vector machines and tree-based methods. Statistical theories for all topics 1xbet best casino website kept at a minimum level, and extensive examples 1xbet best casino website used to illustrate how to implement the relevant statistical procedures using R.

Capacity: Limited to 30 participants.
Please contact Dr. Weixing Song to RSVP (

Download the PDF for more information

Mixed Models for Agricultural and Biological Research

cows at a feed lot

Department of 1xbet best casino website Workshop Co-sponsored by Shell Oil

Date: Early August 2018, exact date and location TBD
Instructor: Dr. Nora M. Bello, KSU 1xbet best casino website

This workshop will provide a fairly comprehensive exposition of mixed-model based statistical data analysis, power determination and sample size calculation for commonly used experimental designs in the agricultural and biological sciences. The approach 1xbet best casino website workshop-like, example-driven and primarily based on the various mixed model analysis procedures available in the SAS software. Specification and implementation of general and generalized linear mixed models for normal and non-normal responses 1xbet best casino website discussed in the context of hierarchically structured data. Specific topics will include complete and incomplete blocks, nested effects, subsampling and repeated measures, as well as diagnostics for mixed models.

(Registration is not yet open for this 1xbet best casino website .)

Please note: Dr. Bello is on sabbatical through Spring 2018. She respectfully requests that you postpone contacting her about this 1xbet best casino website until she returns in mid-summer.
As more information about this workshop becomes available, it 1xbet best casino website posted on the K-State Statistics Department website (news 1xbet sports betting a).