Dr. Valerie 1xbet best casino website

Interim Head and Professor

Valerie Padilla CarrollLeasure Hall 101B
Office hours by appointment
BA, University of Texas at San Antonio MA
PhD, Saint Louis University

Research interests

Dr. Valerie 1xbet best casino website researches the intersections of environmentalism and popular culture, environmental histories, environmental feminisms, and the sustainability and food justice movements. Her publications include articles on back-to-the-land, simples living, and film/television texts.

Select publications

Dr. 1xbet best casino website 's upcoming book, Who Gets to go Back-to-the-Land: Gender, and Race in U.S. Self-Sufficiency Popular Culture (September 2022), explores the history and meaning of U.S. self-sufficiency media texts as the both illuminate the embedded race, gender, and heteronormative ideologies that reinforce dominant power and highlight the alternative stories of excluded peoples as they rewrite and reimagine a more inclusive promise of self-sufficiency.

1xbet best casino website , Valerie. (2021). “Ralph and Myrtle Mae Borsodi’s Vision of Back-to-the-land as a White Heteropatriarchal Refugium during the Great Depression” in Environment & History, Special Issue: Placing Gender. 27:2, pp. 303-323.

1xbet best casino website , Valerie. (2018). "Introduction: Ecofeminism in Dialogue" in Ecofeminism in Dialogue, Douglas Vakoch and Sam Mickey, eds. Lexington Books, pp. 1-123.

1xbet best casino website , Valerie. (2017). "Fables of Empowerment: Myrtle Mae Borsodi and Back-to-the-Land Housewifery in the Early Twentieth Century" in The Journal of American Culture. 40:2. pp. 111-125.

1xbet best casino website , Valerie. (2017) “Writing Women into Back-to-the-Land: Feminism, Appropriation, and Identity in the 1970s Feminist Magazine Country Women” in Women and Nature? Beyond Dualism in Gender, Body, and Environment, Douglas Vakoch and Sam Mickey, Eds. Routhledge, (2017). pp. 117-131.

1xbet best casino website , Valerie. (2016). “The Radical Possibilities of New (Feminist, Environmentalist) Domesticity: Housewifery as an Altermodernity Project” in ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and the Environment, Winter 2016. pp. 51-70.


GWSS 275 Gender and Sex in Sci-Fi

GWSS 305 Advanced Fundamentals of Women's Studies

GWSS 350 Gender in American Film

GWSS 405 Resistance and Movements for Social Change

GWSS 480 Gender, Environment & Justice

GWSS 550 Gender in Popular Culture

GWSS 575 Gender and Food Justice

GWSS 610 Capstone in GWSS

GWSS 810 Theories and Methodologies