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Welcome to 1xbet online sports betting - Kansas State University Chapter

1xbet online sports betting was founded in 1886 to honor excellence in scientific investigation and encourage a sense of companionship and cooperation among researchers in all fields of science and engineering. The Greek letters "sigma" and "xi" form the acronym of the Society's motto, "Spoudon Xynones," which translates as "Companions in Zealous Research.

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Since 1922, the 1xbet online sports betting Grants in Aid of Research (GIAR) program has provided undergraduate and graduate students with valuable educational experiences. By encouraging close working relationships between students and mentors, the program promotes scientific excellence and achievement through hands-on learning.

1xbet online sports betting Members:Award amounts for members range from 0 to ,000 for graduate applicants and 0 to ,000 for undergraduate applicants.

Non-members: Award amounts for non-members, both graduate and undergraduate, are available up to ,000.

Both members and non-members are eligible for designated funds from theNational Academy of Sciencesthat allow for grants of up to ,000 for astronomy 1xbet online sports betting and ,500 for vision related 1xbet online sports betting .

1xbet online sports betting strongly encourages applications from women and underrepresented minorities, including Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinx, Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, or Native Hawaiians.

Application Deadlines
Spring cycle:March 15
Fall cycle:October 1


Science Cafe


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Kansas State Chapter1xbet online sports betting Xi ScienceCafé

K-State grad student and 1xbet online sports betting member explores links between gut microbes and effective colon cancer care

Tanner Richie

Tanner Richie, left, pictured above with faculty mentor Sonny Lee, is conducting 1xbet online sports betting about gut microbes and their relationship to better colon cancer care through personalized medicine.

MANHATTAN — Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide, according to the World Health Organization, and a Kansas State University graduate student is doing 1xbet online sports betting to identify and improve effective colon cancer care.

Many cancer drugs are known to interact with the microbes that inhabit the human gut. Each person's microbes are unique to them — almost like a fingerprint composed of healthy microbes and disease-associated microbes. This diversity of microbes can cause challenges; microbial interactions with treatment drugs can lead to adverse reactions or drug inefficiencies.

Customizing a colon cancer care plan based on these and other factors is known as personalized medicine, and it provides the best possible chance of winning the battle with cancer. This is why scientists like Tanner Richie, K-State doctoral student in biology, Salina, work diligently to improve personalized medicine by identifying all the factors that influence colon cancer outcomes.

Measuring microbial changes in the gut can help identify chronic inflammatory diseases that may lead to colon cancers. Richie's thesis project, "Maintaining balance in the microverse: Investigating microbial impacts on host gut inflammation," examines how the many different types of intestinal microbes interact with each other and with the human body.

For years, scientists have known that these microbes can make us sick, keep us healthy or appear to do nothing at all. Richie's work suggests that certain gut microbes influence the likelihood of someone getting colon cancer and explores how the microbes are driving colon inflammation and outcompeting healthy microbes.

"Continuing this 1xbet online sports betting into how microbes can lead to colon inflammation and compete with us for resources is really exciting and will help people with colon cancers by personalizing their medicine," Richie said.

Richie is first author on the article "Limitation of amino acid availability by bacterial populations during enhanced colitis in IBD mouse model," which was published in mSystems, a journal from the American Society for Microbiology.

She has contributed to three other scientific publications, and she is also the author of "Precision prescribing for colon cancer based on gut microbes," a general audience article published by the National Association of Science Writers.

Richie is mentored by Sonny Lee, assistant professor of biology and member of the Johnson Cancer 1xbet online sports betting Center at Kansas State University.

The Johnson Cancer 1xbet online sports betting Center advances cancer 1xbet online sports betting with competitive award programs funded by its supporters. Their donations allow students and scientists to work together to create hope for a brighter future in cancer care.

K-State 1xbet online sports betting Sponsors Three Minute Thesis Competition

3 Minute Thesis winners

Students from left to right: People’s Choice - Fei Xyza Asuncion, PhD student in Biological and Agricultural Engineering; 1st place - Endy Lopes Kailer, PhD student in Agronomy; 2nd place – Kylee Jennings, master’s student in Regional and Community Planning

Student Grant Opportunities

Application Deadline: March 15, 2024

1xbet online sports betting 's Grants in Aid of 1xbet online sports betting (GIAR) program has been expanded and is now accepting Spring 2024 applications through March 15. Increased award amounts are now available:

Graduate student members—up to ,000

Undergraduate members—up to ,000

Non-members—up to ,000

Special categories (all applicants)

Astronomy, meteor, and meteorite 1xbet online sports betting —up to ,000

Vision-related 1xbet online sports betting —up to ,500


Proposals are evaluated based on scientific merit and how well they align with the funding criteria. Visit sigmaxi.org/giar for guidelines, a list of fundable expenses, and more information about the program.

Students can nominate or self-nominate with the application process. For over 100 years, the acclaimed program has helped launch thousands of STEM careers by awarding an average of 0,000 in grant money annually. Don't miss out!


K-State 2023 1xbet online sports betting Distinguished Lecturer

Laurie McNeil

Dr. Laurie McNeil, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Bernard Gray Distinguished Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy,
presented the lecture, “The Interplay of Music and Physics.” Dr. McNeil's lecture can be viewed here

Dr. McNeil's lecture "Changing the Climate in Science" can be viewed by clicking here. The slides for Dr. McNeil's lecturecan be downloaded here

Dr. McNeil’s visit was cosponsored by the Kansas State University Chapter of 1xbet online sports betting , the Manhattan Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), KSU Department of Physics, Kansas Association for Women in Science and Engineering (KAWSE), and KCARE/KWRI.

Dr. Ganga Hettiarachchi named recipient of the 2023 K-State 1xbet online sports betting Chapter's Outstanding Scientist

Outstanding Scientist PresentationK-State chapter president Ignacio Ciampitti presents the 2023 1xbet online sports betting Outstanding Scientist Award to Dr. Ganga Hettiarachchi, professor of Soil and Environmental Chemistry within the Department of Agronomy. Dr. Hettiarachchi is one of the world’s leading scientists in the fields of trace metal and nutrient chemistry in soils. Her 1xbet online sports betting at K-State focuses on understanding the chemistry of both nutrient and contaminant elements in soils, with the goal of developing solutions to agricultural or environmental problems.

Dr. Hettiarachchi's presentation was titled, Manipulating Reaction Pathways for Managing Nutrient and Contaminant Elements in Soils.”

Dr. Charles Rice Named a 2023 1xbet online sports betting Fellow

Dr. Charles Rice

Congratulations to Past K-State 1xbet online sports betting chapter president, Dr. Charles Rice, University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Agronomy, on be named a Fellow of 1xbet online sports betting .

1xbet online sports betting Annual Meeting & Student Research Conference - See more at: https://www.sigmaxi.org/meetings-events/annual-meeting#sthash.aecAfLXt.dpuf
1xbet online sports betting Annual Meeting & Student Research Conference - See more at: https://www.sigmaxi.org/meetings-events/annual-meeting#sthash.aecAfLXt.dpuf
1xbet online sports betting Annual Meeting & Student Research Conference - See more at: https://www.sigmaxi.org/meetings-events/annual-meeting#sthash.aecAfLXt.dpuf

1xbet online sports betting

The Scientific 1xbet online sports betting SocietyNational website

Support your local 1xbet online sports betting Chapter

Donors to the KSU Foundation can designate their donation to go to the K-State 1xbet online sports betting Chapter. On the Foundation’s Donation page, select “Faculty Development and Research” and then select “K-State 1xbet online sports betting Chapter.” Click here to donate.

Special Events

Seminars of Interest

K-State 1xbet online sports betting Outstanding Scientist Lecture

Watch here for announcements on the 2024 Outstanding Scientist Lecturer

K-State 1xbet online sports betting Distinguished Lecture Series

David Bader

David A. Bader

Distinguished Professor and Director of the Institute for Data Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Presentation title: Solving Global Grand Challenges with High Performance Data Analytics

Tuesday, October 8, 3:00- 5:00 p.m. Wildcat Chamber, KSU Student Union

David A. Bader is a Distinguished Professor and founder of the Department of Data Science and inaugural Director of the Institute for Data Science at New Jersey Institute of Technology. Prior to this, he served as founding Professor and Chair of the School of Computational Science and Engineering, College of Computing, at Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Bader is a Fellow of the IEEE, ACM, AAAS, and SIAM; a recipient of the IEEE Sidney Fernbach Award; and the 2022 Innovation Hall of Fame inductee of the University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering. He advises the White House, most recently on the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI) and Future Advanced Computing Ecosystem (FACE). Bader is a leading expert in solving global grand challenges in science, engineering, computing, and data science. His interests are at the intersection of high-performance computing and real-world applications, including cybersecurity, massive-scale analytics, and computational genomics, and he has co-authored over 400 scholarly papers and has best paper awards from ISC, IEEE HPEC, and IEEE/ACM SC. Dr. Bader is Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing and previously served as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He serves on the leadership team of Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub as the inaugural chair of the Seed Fund Steering Committee. In 2012, Bader was the inaugural recipient of University of Maryland’s Electrical and Computer Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award. In 2014, Bader received the Outstanding Senior Faculty 1xbet online sports betting Award from Georgia Tech. Bader has also served as Director of the Sony-Toshiba-IBM Center of Competence for the Cell Broadband Engine Processor and Director of an NVIDIA GPU Center of Excellence. In 1998, Bader built the first Linux supercomputer that led to a high-performance computing (HPC) revolution, and Hyperion 1xbet online sports betting estimates that the total economic value of Linux supercomputing pioneered by Bader has been over 0 trillion over the past 25 years. Bader is a cofounder of the Graph500 List for benchmarking “Big Data” computing platforms. He is recognized as a “RockStar” of High Performance Computing by InsideHPC and as HPCwire’s People to Watch in 2012 and 2014.