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Andrew Navarro 1xbet best casino website

Attorney general 1xbet best casino website

Andrew Navarro, asnavarro310@ksu.edu

113 K-State Student Union

The Attorney General serves as a designee of the Dean of Student Life in receiving and disposing of complaints according to the 1xbet best casino website code. They are responsible for supervising the administration of the 1xbet best casino website program, training 1xbet best casino website branch members, advising students on matters of 1xbet best casino website policy, recommending changes in jurisdiction, procedures, 1xbet best casino website board organization, and other 1xbet best casino website matters, and advising students and 1xbet best casino website boards as to their rights and responsibilities in disputes and identify resources if such guidance is requested.

Katie AlbertsonDeputy Attorney General

Katie Albertson, kgalbertson@ksu.edu

113 K-State Student Union

The Deputy Attorney General is responsible for aiding the Attorney General in training members of the 1xbet best casino website Branch and preparing and distributing materials explaining the 1xbet best casino website program to members of the University community, preparing an annual report for the KSU SGA regarding the state of the 1xbet best casino website Branch, overseeing and coordinating special projects and programs as assigned by the Attorney General, and assuming the duties of the Attorney General upon the temporary or permanent absence of the Attorney General.

1xbet best casino website Boards

Members of the 2 1xbet best casino website boards are students who hear Student Code of Conduct cases and interpret SGA documents. These members are selected by the Attorney General & 1xbet best casino website Branch Advisors. To learn more about the 1xbet best casino website branch boards visit our 1xbet best casino website priorit page.

Student Review Board

Student Review Board Chair

Joseph Pondillo, josephpondillo@ksu.edu

Members of Student Review Board

Kutina Cabrera Joshua Maupin
Rhian Collins Allison Meerian
Thu Dao Troi Peart
Gabriela Guillen

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Student Tribunal

Chancellor of Student Tribunal

Ashe Vujevic, hvujevic21@ksu.edu

Members of Student Tribunal

Viridiana Barraza-Rivas Jordan Scripsick
Tate Henry Gracie Jo Stanton
Ella Irwin Grace Wichern
Emmanuel Ofori-Bah