Tuition enhancements 1xbet sports betting


The Tuition Enhancements Committee (TEC) receives and reviews 1xbet sports betting applications for the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) and Student-Centered Tuition Enhancements (SCTE) monies. TEC hears presentations from applicants and makes recommendations to the Student Senate regarding 1xbet sports betting levels. Questions or concerns about EOF or SCTE 1xbet sports betting should be directed to the Committee Chair.

EOF and SCTE applications can be found on the 1xbet sports betting Opportunities page on OrgCentral.

TEC Chair: Evelynn Ediger,


TEC will review EOF applications and make a 1xbet sports betting recommendation in the fall semester. The Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) establishes formal guidelines for the use of EOF monies. According to KBOR guidelines, money can only be allocated out of the EOF for academic scholarships, need-based grants (particularly for students that have been historically under-represented in higher education), salaries or grants for students participating in public and community service programs, and salaries for students employed in campus student services programs. Preference is given to applications that will fund programs that affect large numbers of students, programs that have limited or no other sources of 1xbet sports betting , or programs that significantly enhance the student experience.

Click here for the full EOF guidelines.

TEC will review SCTE applications and make a 1xbet sports betting recommendation in the spring semester. SCTE is a program unique to K-State that provides 1xbet sports betting for seed money for the creation and implementation of new projects and initiatives. SCTE proposals can receive 1xbet sports betting for up to four years. Preference will be given to proposals that have definite, predictable outcomes, programs that affect a large number of students, programs that have limited or no other sources of 1xbet sports betting , or programs that significantly enhance the student experience.

Click here for the full SCTE guidelines.