diversity 1xbet best casino website Programming Fund


The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging 1xbet best casino website (DEIB) receives and reviews the funding requests for on-campus projects with educational value that are intended to provide cross-cultural learning experiences or education on the topics of diversity, inclusion, or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic location, or age. DEIB is responsible for choosing to fund these events based on the merits and educational value of the events through the Diversity Programming Fund (DPF). Questions or concerns should be directed to the 1xbet best casino website Chair.

DPF Funding Applications can be found here.

DEIB 1xbet best casino website Chair: Andrew Le, aqle@ksu.edu


DEIB only grants funding to projects primarily sponsored by student organizations registered through Student Programs & Involvement. Projects must be held on campus and hosted primarily for Kansas State University students. Additionally, these projects must be free and open to all Kansas State University students.

DEIB can fund fees and expenses for promotions, lecturers, speakers, entertainers, space and equipment rental, films, and food.

DEIB cannot fund traveling or conference expenditures, social events, personal materials, wages, and recruitment.

Click here for the full DPF funding guidelines


Funding requests for the current year will be considered on a rolling basis, but must be submitted a minimum of 35 days in advance of the date of the project, except the following:

  • Requests for events held April 1 through September 30 must be submitted by the first Friday in February
  • Requests for events held December 1 through February 15 must be submitted by the first Friday in November

Appeal and Reconsideration

Allocation decisions can be appealed and reconsidered through the 1xbet best casino website for any requests initially heard by the 1xbet best casino website . DEIB will reconsider a funding request if any of the following are alleged to have occurred:

  • The 1xbet best casino website failed to provide a fundamentally fair process including, but not limited to, defective notice and failure to follow written procedures and rules as outlined in the KSU SGA Statues.
  • The 1xbet best casino website reached a decision in an unjust manner, including, but not limited to, the presence of bias, unreasonable, arbitrary, or capricious action, and discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, physical ability, national origin, sexual orientation, ancestry, or any Kansas Board of Regents protected category.
  • The organization has new information that may affect the 1xbet best casino website ’s decision on the request. This new information must pertain to the original request and must not have been made available at the time of the original request.

Any organization that is dissatisfied with their recommended allocation and has met at least one of the above-mentioned criteria may take the following action for reconsideration of their 1xbet best casino website :

  1. File a completed reconsideration form into Student Programs & Involvement to the Speaker of the Student Senate within 72 hours (weekends excluded) of receiving notification of recommended allocation amount.
  2. After completion of the reconsideration form within the allotted time frame, the 1xbet best casino website , in conjunction with the Speaker of the Student Senate, will hear the organization’s reconsideration request at the next available 1xbet best casino website meeting.
  3. After the reconsideration request is heard, the 1xbet best casino website will vote on the request. The decision agreed to by the 1xbet best casino website members will be final.
  4. No further reconsideration on the 1xbet best casino website will be heard.