Executive branch 1xbet sports betting

Paige Vulgamore

1xbet sports betting President

Paige Vulgamore, pmvulgamore@ksu.edu

116 K-State Student Union

The 1xbet sports betting President serves as the chief executive of KSU SGA. The primary duty of the 1xbet sports betting President is to represent and protect the rights and interests of the 1xbet sports betting . The 1xbet sports betting President is duly elected by the K-State 1xbet sports betting and serves a one-year term.

Jack O'Malley

1xbet sports betting Vice President

Jack O'Malley, jeomalley@ksu.edu

116 K-State Student Union

The 1xbet sports betting Vice President works to advance the agenda of the 1xbet sports betting President and serves as the official representative of the 1xbet sports betting in the absence of the 1xbet sports betting President. The vice president is duly elected alongside the president and also serves a one-year term.

Meet our Cabinet

The 1xbet sports betting President & 1xbet sports betting Vice President also lead our cabinet. The cabinet is made of members selected by the 1xbet sports betting President & 1xbet sports betting Vice President to focus on various initiatives around campus to improve student life at K-State. To learn more about our cabinet. 1xbet best casino website Bod.