1xbet best casino website Scholarship Network (KSN): Step-by-Step Instructions for New/Incoming Students

The K-State Scholarship Network (KSN) is an online application portal that will connect 1xbet best casino website to additional scholarship opportunities. 1xbet best casino website may recall that your undergraduate Manhattan or Salina campus application for admission triggers an automatic review of your eligibility for merit-based general university scholarships/awards. KSN is your next step for finding additional scholarships. 1xbet best casino website will create a profile in the system that will help match 1xbet best casino website to specific scholarship opportunities provided by K-State donors and offered through university colleges and departments.

Get help with 1xbet best casino website

Please read the instructions below for assistance with accessing, creating and updating your application. These instructions are also repeated in the KSN system. If 1xbet best casino website have any questions, please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance at 785-532-6420 or email finaid@1xbet best casino website edu, referencing "KSN" in the subject line of 1xbet best casino website email.

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Apply and be admitted to 1xbet best casino website . The scholarship opportunities accessible through the KSN system are available to students who have been admitted to K-State, as 1xbet best casino website must have a K-State eID, eID password and valid K-State email to apply for scholarship opportunities within KSN. For Summer 2023 and forward admits, 1xbet best casino website will need to create an eID and password. If 1xbet best casino website haven’t yet applied for admission to the university, make that your first step! Upon admission, your eID will be shared with 1xbet best casino website in your acceptance packet. 1xbet best casino website can Apply to k-s.

Step 2: Access 1xbet best casino website . Start the 1xbet best casino website sign-in process. 1xbet best casino website will see the following:

KSN Future Students Step 2

Make sure that 1xbet best casino website are in the “Applicants and Administrators” tab, and click “Sign in”.

Step 3: Log in with 1xbet best casino website K-State eID and password. Once 1xbet best casino website click “Sign in” on the page prior, 1xbet best casino website will see the following:

KSN Future Students Step 3 Enter 1xbet best casino website K-State eID and password, and click “Sign in”.

Step 4: Review the general 1xbet best casino website landing page. If 1xbet best casino website are signing in for the first time, 1xbet best casino website will be taken to the "My Applications" page, and the KSN General Application will be displayed to the right as pictured below.

KSN Future Students Step 4

  • The “My Applications” tab will show 1xbet best casino website the applications that 1xbet best casino website have completed or have available to complete. This is the tab 1xbet best casino website ’ll want to stick with to start creating your KSN profile.
  • Additional tabs:
    • The “Opportunities” tab will show 1xbet best casino website additional possible scholarship opportunities after 1xbet best casino website have completed the general application. Do not click on this tab until 1xbet best casino website have finished the general 1xbet best casino website !*
    • The “Donors” tab contains information about the donors who have provided scholarship 1xbet best casino website to K-State students.
      • *If 1xbet best casino website accidentally click on the “Opportunities” or “Donors” tab at this point, 1xbet best casino website can get back to the general application by using your browser’s back button.

Step 5: Review the instructions. At the top of the “My Applications” landing page, 1xbet best casino website will see instructions for 1xbet best casino website to follow. These instructions are similar to those contained in these step-by-step instructions.

Step 6: Begin the general 1xbet best casino website .

  • Save your application as 1xbet best casino website go: 1xbet best casino website can save your application at any time by clicking “Save and Keep Editing” at the bottom of the form. Save and save often, as the system will NOT automatically save any information. Additionally, please note that after 30 minutes of inactivity, 1xbet best casino website will be logged out. Any information not yet saved will be lost if 1xbet best casino website are timed out.
    KSN Future Students Step 5
  • Pointers on filling out 1xbet best casino website application: Please be sure to complete all required fields, which are marked with an asterisk. Fill out the application in its entirety until 1xbet best casino website reach the section header that says “INCOMING STUDENTS” in red on the general application. This section header serves as a break-point for 1xbet best casino website , as it instructs 1xbet best casino website that 1xbet best casino website have reached the end of the application as a future student. (The questions below this section are for returning students only. Answering those questions will not qualify incoming students for further scholarship opportunities.)
  • Submission deadline:
    • Incoming freshmen: Feb. 1
    • Incoming transfer 1xbet best casino website and all international 1xbet best casino website : March 15
    • Your submission deadline is the same regardless of your entry term (spring, summer or fall). 1xbet best casino website will be considered for scholarships in the fall.

Step 7: Finish and submit 1xbet best casino website application. Once 1xbet best casino website have answered all of the questions relevant to incoming students, submit your application by clicking “Finish and Submit”, which appears at the bottom of the form.

KSN Future Students Step 7

If 1xbet best casino website have not answered all of the required questions, 1xbet best casino website will be redirected to the general application. Once 1xbet best casino website have successfully submitted your application, 1xbet best casino website will receive an email to your K-State email address indicating a successful submission.

Step 8: Review “Other Recommended 1xbet best casino website .” After completing the general 1xbet best casino website , “Other Recommended Opportunities” may appear in the progress bar as pictured below:

KSN Future Students Step 8

If there are scholarships displayed here, these are additional opportunities that need more information from 1xbet best casino website in order for 1xbet best casino website to receive consideration. Select each scholarship to read the description of the scholarship. To be eligible for these scholarships, 1xbet best casino website must click “Apply” under “Actions” and complete the additional questions.

Please note that "Recommended Opportunities" does not mean 1xbet best casino website are only being considered for the scholarships displayed. These are specific scholarship opportunities that require information in addition to the information that 1xbet best casino website have provided in the general application.

If 1xbet best casino website happen to click on “All,” 1xbet best casino website will see all opportunities that require additional information, but many of these opportunities are not applicable to 1xbet best casino website . Only the opportunities listed under the recommended tab are filtered especially for 1xbet best casino website .

Step 9: Make updates as necessary. 1xbet best casino website may go back and update your application at any time, even after 1xbet best casino website have clicked “Finish and Submit”. When 1xbet best casino website return to KSN, 1xbet best casino website will land on the “My Applications” page as shown below.

KSN Future Students Step 9

To update your general application, click “Update” on the general application box. Once 1xbet best casino website have made changes to your application, click “Update Your Application,” which appears at the bottom of the form.

KSN Future Students Step 8

If 1xbet best casino website have recommended opportunities that 1xbet best casino website wish to apply to, click the “Recommended Opportunities Submitted” box. This will take 1xbet best casino website to the Recommended Opportunities page referenced in Step 8.

Please make sure that 1xbet best casino website submit any updates by the appropriate submission deadline (Feb. 1 for freshmen; March 15 for transfer students and all international students). Changes to both the general application and the recommended opportunities that are submitted after your submission deadline will not be not be considered unless funding is available.

Step 10: Check 1xbet best casino website applicant record. 1xbet best casino website can view the information that KSN is retrieving from your admission application by clicking on the “Applicant Record” button at the bottom left of the form.

KSN Future Students Step 10

The information on this page is populated from your official student record that comes from your application for admission. 1xbet best casino website may not edit or change this information in KSN. If the data displayed is incorrect, please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance at 785-532-6420 or finaid@kstate.edu.

Note: Fields with the label “Current” represent information for currently enrolled 1xbet best casino website only and fields with the label “Future” represent information for new/incoming 1xbet best casino website only.