1xbet sports betting

1xbet sports betting

The objective of the K-State 1xbet sports betting competition is to identify and reward exceptional high school seniors who have demonstrated a commitment to serving others in their community, school, or place of worship.

  • This competition rewards students who are making a difference and demonstrating creativity by developing projects and programs with a lasting impact on those they serve.
  • Finalists will be selected by a committee of campus and community leaders and must participate in an on-campus interview and recognition event. Parents and family members are encouraged to attend.
Freshman year award
Award amounts for 1xbet sports betting winners
Ranking Award Amount
First place: ,000
Second place: ,500
Third place: ,000
Other benefits

Recipients have the opportunity to participate in civic leadership activities and Introduction to Leadership Concepts class.

  • Have an exemplary record of community service and
  • Be a high school senior and
  • Be admitted to K-State and
  • Attend K-State in fall 2025 and
  • Participate in an on-campus interview and recognition event Monday, Feb. 3, 2025
  • Submit the K-State scholarship application (if you have not already done so)
  • Complete the 1xbet sports betting application
  • Applications and letters of recommendation are due by 5 p.m. CST on Sunday, Dec. 15, 2024
  • Applicants will be updated on their application status in mid-January following the initial committee review
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