Teacher 1xbet online games login Assistance
for College and Higher 1xbet online games login Grant

This federal student financial assistance program may provide up to 00 a year in federal grant (gift) aid to students who meet specific eligibility criteria while attending K-State and who agree to successfully complete the requirements of a Teaching Service Agreement after completing their K-State program of study.

Amounts are subject to change due to federal sequestration. TEACH Grant funds will prorate based on your enrollment status (i.e. full-time, three-quarter-time, half-time).

Failure to complete requirements

Students who receive a TEACH Grant while attending K-State, but fail to complete the requirements of their individual Teaching Service Agreement, will be required to repay the TEACH Grant(s) in the form of a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan with interest charged from the date of each TEACH Grant disbursement.

To qualify for a TEACH Grant while attending K-State, a student must:

  • complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
  • be enrolled in an eligible program of study.
  • meet certain academic requirements (generally, scoring above 75% on a college admissions test or maintaining a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 3.25).
  • complete TEACH Grant counseling for each year before the grant is disbursed.
  • sign a "TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve" and respond to requests by the U.S. Department of 1xbet online games login confirming a continuing intention to meet the teaching obligation.

The K-State Office of Student Financial Assistance has identified the following K-State programs of study (academic plans) as meeting the objectives of the TEACH Grant:

  • 1xbet online games login - Biological Sciences (Bachelor's Degree)
  • 1xbet online games login - Chemistry (Bachelor's Degree)
  • 1xbet online games login - Earth Science (Bachelor's Degree)
  • 1xbet online games login - Modern Languages (Bachelor's Degree)
  • 1xbet online games login - Mathematics (Bachelor's Degree)
  • 1xbet online games login - Physics (Bachelor's Degree)
  • 1xbet online games login - Elementary 1xbet online games login (Bachelor's Degree)
  • 1xbet online games login - Elementary 1xbet online games login (Master's Degree)
  • 1xbet online games login - Secondary 1xbet online games login (Master's Degree)
  • Special 1xbet online games login - (Master's Degree)
  • Human Ecology – Early Childhood 1xbet online games login (special 1xbet online games login )

High-Need Fields are defined as:

  • Bilingual 1xbet online games login and English Language Acquisition
  • Foreign Language
  • Mathematics
  • Reading Specialist
  • Science
  • Special 1xbet online games login
  • Other identified teacher shortage areas as of the time you begin teaching that field. These are teacher subject shortage areas (not geographic areas) that are listed in the Department of 1xbet online games login ’s Annual Teacher Shortage Area Nationwide Listing (doc).

Schools Serving Low-Income Students

Schools serving low-income students include any elementary or secondary school that is listed in the Department of 1xbet online games login ’s Teacher Cancellation Low Income (TCLI) Directory .

Overview of TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve

In exchange for receiving a TEACH Grant while attending K-State, students must agree to serve as a full-time teacher in a high-need field in a public or private elementary or secondary school that is designated as serving low-income students. Additionally, the TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve stipulates that a recipient of the grant must serve for a total of at least four academic years within eight calendar years after completing or withdrawing from the program of study for which the grant was received.

For additional information regarding the TEACH Grant, we encourage you to visit the U.S. Department of 1xbet online games login TEACH Grant website or contact our office.