Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II reporting 1xbet online casino: Created Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA)

Acknowledgment of certification and agreement

The Federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA Act), 2021, has allocated emergency financial aid grants called the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) II. A significant portion of K-State’s total allocation will be targeted to assist 1xbet online casino directly with exceptional need. These grants can be used by 1xbet online casino toward educational costs and other emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care), or child care.

Total amount of funds received

K-State has been notified of a total allocation of ,845,018 under the CRRSAA.

Institutional Support

K-State may utilize up to ,501,741 from its total allocation for institutional support. The use of funds for institutional support has not yet been determined.

Student Support

K-State will distribute ,343,277 from its total allocation for direct student support in a way that prioritizes eligible 1xbet online casino with exceptional need and ensures that funds are distributed as widely and expeditiously as possible, per federal guidance. Such direct student support will be provided in the form of grant aid and will be referenced as HEERF 2 Grants by K-State’s Office of Student Financial Assistance. This pool of funding will be allocated directly to 1xbet online casino based on the following two groupings:

  • More than ninety percent of the fund, nearly .8 million, is being allocated directly to 1xbet online casino who have filed a 2020-21 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as HEERF 2 Block Grants with the amount of each grant determined on the FAFSA’s calculated Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as well as the student’s spring 2021 enrollment level (full time vs. part time). This cohort of 1xbet online casino is described as Group 1 below.
  • The remaining portion of the fund is being made available via two separate application processes to eligible 1xbet online casino facing continuing COVID-19 based financial hardships. This cohort of 1xbet online casino is described as Group 2 below.

Total number of 1xbet online casino who have received funds


Total Number of 1xbet online casino who have Received Funds

Total Amount Distributed to 1xbet online casino

April 9, 2021 7,405 ,806,500
May 11, 2021 7,993 ,288,000
June 16, 2021 8,055 ,343,277

Method to determine student support awards

Student Group 1

1xbet online casino who meet the eligibility criteria below will be electronically notified and will be automatically awarded a HEERF 2 Block Grant for the Spring 2021 term in the amounts outlined below. Expected Family Contribution (EFC) range is based on need calculated by the 2020-2021 FAFSA. Note: These awards will be made automatically to all eligible 1xbet online casino . No application will be required.

The Office of Student Financial Assistance 1xbet online casino reference the calculated Expected Family Contribution (EFC) by the federal processor of the student’s 2020-21 FAFSA on file to document exceptional financial need at the time of the award. The office 1xbet online casino also reference the student’s enrollment level for the Spring 2021 term at the time of the award.

Find help determining Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

Zero - 9,000 EFC

Full time ,000
Part time 0

9,001-20,000 EFC

Full time 0
Part time 0

1xbet online casino will be notified via their K-State email account of receipt of the award. The award will be credited to their university account but will, effectively, bypass any university charges and will be forwarded on in the form of an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) per student authorized directive or in the form of a mailed paper check to the student’s local address of record.

Student Group 2

The Office of Student Financial Assistance will make additional HEERF 2 grant awards, outside the parameters listed for Student Group 1, premised on information submitted by 1xbet online casino as part of an application process.

  • 1xbet online casino who have encountered unexpected education-related expenses due to COVID-19 and who are not eligible for any funds under the Group 1 parameters above are invited to apply for a limited number of HEERF 2 Grants.
  • Graduate 1xbet online casino on a graduate teaching or graduate research assistantship who have encountered financial hardship in obtaining/securing technology hardware/software critical for carrying out their assistantships during the pandemic are invited to apply for a limited number of HEERF 2 Technology Grants. The Office of Student Financial Assistance will email an application for this grant to graduate 1xbet online casino who have a current (spring 2021) graduate teaching/research assistantship appointment.

Regardless of methodology, no award 1xbet online casino exceed the equivalent amount of a maximum Federal Pell Grant for the 2020-21 award year.

Instructions, direction or guidance to 1xbet online casino

The vast majority of available HEERF 2 grants 1xbet online casino be made automatically in accordance with the awarding parameters noted above by the Office of Student Financial Assistance and 1xbet online casino not require a student to complete an application.

Kansas State University is utilizing multiple methods to communicate information about HEERF II awards to 1xbet online casino and the university community, including but not limited to:

  • Developing a comprehensive web page with a link to the awarding parameters utilized and guidance for 1xbet online casino .
  • Providing responses to frequently asked questions, which are listed below.
  • Sending an electronic application to eligible graduate 1xbet online casino with a teaching or research assistantship appointment for the spring 2021 term.
  • Posting an online HEERF 2 Grant application for 1xbet online casino who do not qualify for an automatic HEERF 2 Block Grant award.
  • Specific departments and deans sending emails to 1xbet online casino who were identified as having a known expense related to the disruption of campus operations during the spring term.

Frequently Asked Questions