Financial aid advising appointment

About Student 1xbet sports betting Assistance

Serving students and their families every step of their K-State journey.

Your personal 1xbet sports betting aid advisor

Financial aid advisor

The Office of Student 1xbet sports betting Assistance is dedicated to helping every student understand and navigate the scholarship and 1xbet sports betting aid process. To ensure future and current Wildcats get the assistance they need, every student at K-State is assigned a personal 1xbet sports betting aid advisor.

Our knowledgeable advisors are available every step of the way to connect students and their families to important tools and resources, allowing students to focus on their top priority: their education.

Meet my 1xbet o

1xbet sports betting assistance policies

Review eligibility requirements, consumer information, appeals and more.

We're here to help! Connect with us via email at for help with any step of the 1xbet sports betting aid process.


Read about our goals and code of conduct to learn more about how we communicate with students about 1xbet sports betting resources.

Goals and code 1x