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Fighting fallacies: researchers battle false factoids that surround 1xbet online sports betting every day

By Stephanie Jacques

Kansans don't have accents. Natural ingredients are healthier. One flea is all 1xbet online sports betting takes to make a dog itch.

Although most popular beliefs like these are harmless, 1xbet online sports betting can become a barrier to researchers trying to disseminate their findings to a broader audience. Kansas State University researchers in English, food science and veterinary medicine are going toe-to-toe to give everyday preconceived notions a solid research-data right hook.

Fallacy: Among Americans, Kansans 1xbet online sports betting have an accent.
Fact: Kansans are developing a Hollywood-style accent.

Mary Kohn, associate professor of English, is researching how 1xbet online sports betting say a word and how that changes over time. According to Kohn, the change in Kansans' accents happened around the same time as similar changes in California accents and many other areas across the country.

"We do have an accent," Kohn 1xbet online sports betting . "All dialects do, but one of the cool things about this is that we can show how our accent is looking similar to what has developed in several pockets of the country. That change has developed this stereotype as being Californian."

Kohn 1xbet online sports betting accents are typically identified by the way vowels are pronounced. In English, the tongue's movements produce around 12 to 13 different vowel sounds, which can crowd the mouth. According to Kohn, one way to deal with that is to lose a distinction or two.

"What we find is that Kansas is participating in a vowel shift that we call the California Vowel Shift," Kohn 1xbet online sports betting . "In other words, our young Kansas participants — really anyone younger than 65 or so — are cultivating an accent that sounds very much like you would expect from someone from California."

One example where Midwesterners have dropped a vowel distinction is between the words "cot" and "caught." "We actually completely lost the vowel difference between 'cot' and 'caught,'" Kohn said. "Most Midwesterners can't hear that sound difference. Ifyou ask them to produce 1xbet online sports betting , they really struggle, but if someone from Great Britain says 'cot' and 'caught,' you could hear the difference."

Kohn says Kansans and Californians say "cot" and "caught" as "c-ah-t." While the pronunciation of "cot" is the same across 1xbet online sports betting U.S. dialects, the vowels in "caught" are pronounced differently in areas without the Californian Vowel Shift. For example, a New Yorker might say "caught" as "c-uh-ah-t" and a Southerner might say "caught" as "c-a-ow-t."

Since the end of 1xbet online sports betting War II, the California Vowel Shift has been popping up across the nation, mostly in areas with a highly mobile middle class.

"We can watch the sound change across generations," Kohn said. "We haven't pinpointed exactly what the social cause of 1xbet online sports betting is yet — and 1xbet online sports betting is going to have to be something that can explain how this same accent pops up in a bunch of different places all at once."

Kohn's sociolinguistic research 1xbet online sports betting help educators and speech pathologists discern between dialect difference and pathology.

"An understanding of dialect difference can help teachers tell when a student is really struggling or when a student just speaks a dialect that differs from expectations in the classroom," Kohn 1xbet online sports betting . "Misunderstandings about linguistic differences can lead to misdiagnoses of speech and learning disorders."

Fallacy: The phrase "1xbet online sports betting ingredient" is defined and synonymous with healthy.
Fact: consumers greatly differ in what they consider a 1xbet online sports betting ingredient, and the Food and Drug Administration has not defined the term.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which oversees most food products, has yet to define the term "natural ingredient" because many people interpret 1xbet online sports betting in a variety of ways, according to Edgar Chambers IV, university distinguished professor of food, nutrition, dietetics and health. Chambers and his collaborators are involved in three studies to determine what people consider natural ingredients.

"With the exception of meat, there is not a definition of natural for most food products in the U.S.," Chambers said. "Companies can call just about anything natural and get away with 1xbet online sports betting ."

Chambers' collaborators are Edgar Chambers, research technician; Mauricio Castro, doctoral student; and Thao Tran, master's degree student. Each is in charge of one of the three studies, which when combined — accounting for more than 2,000 participants — did not find a consistent majority of people who agreed on the naturalness of ingredients or on the reasons why an ingredient was not 1xbet online sports betting .

"The problem with defining 'natural' is that what you think is natural is not the same as what I think is natural," Chambers said. "We are finding from our U.S. research that the term 'natural' is so varied in meaning and 1xbet online sports betting could referKansas State University Herbariumto anything from the growing to the processing to the health issues."

Top reasons participants gave for saying an ingredient was not natural included not knowing what the ingredient was, 1xbet online sports betting was unhealthy or led to health concerns, 1xbet online sports betting was genetically modified, herbicides or pesticides were used in growing 1xbet online sports betting , 1xbet online sports betting was disgusting, 1xbet online sports betting was illegal or 1xbet online sports betting had been changed in some way that could not be replicated in a traditional home kitchen.

"Natural is so misunderstood," Chambers said. "1xbet online sports betting 's so confusing to people. 1xbet online sports betting means something different to so many different people, so 1xbet online sports betting 's a rather difficult thing to define, which is why the FDA hasn't defined 1xbet online sports betting ."

In one of the studies, 37.2 percent of people said wheat flour — the most common type of flour used in breads, cookies and cakes — was not natural because they didn't know what 1xbet online sports betting was, 1xbet online sports betting contained gluten or 1xbet online sports betting had been processed. The term "wheat flour" was used in the study to differentiate from other flours such as sorghum flour.

"One of the biggest reasons people had for calling something not natural was if they thought 1xbet online sports betting was not healthy; if 1xbet online sports betting 's not healthy, 1xbet online sports betting can't be natural," Chambers V said. "This included ingredients with chemical-sounding names, names that sound similar to unhealthy ingredients and those that have a misperception of being unhealthy."

Among the ingredients that were deemed the most unnatural were insect powder, or ground insects used to increase protein, by 93.4 percent; sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, by 87 percent; corn syrup — not the high fructose kind, just regular corn syrup — by 80.5 percent; gluten by 23 percent; and salt by 45.6 percent. Corn — historically the most genetically modified crop — was considered the most 1xbet online sports betting ingredient by 69 percent of people, and sea salt was considered 1xbet online sports betting by 60 percent of people.

"To consumers, this makes complete sense, but to food scientists 1xbet online sports betting makes no sense, which makes 1xbet online sports betting harder to define," Chambers said. "When something like this isn't defined, 1xbet online sports betting can be used any way companies want, creating a niche market." According to Chambers, natural food stores account for 20-25 percent of the market, and 1xbet online sports betting 's growing. To avoid confusion, many companies have started labeling products as what they aren't —non-GMO, no high fructose corn syrup and 100 percent organic — instead of using the term "natural."

"There is a lot consumer education that needs to happen," Chambers 1xbet online sports betting . "We want consumers to understand that because natural is not defined, its use is not very helpful to them. We all should know where our food comes from."

Fallacy: 1xbet online sports betting jump from pet to pet.
Fact: Once a flea finds a host pet, 1xbet online sports betting stays there until 1xbet online sports betting dies.

Michael Dryden, university distinguished professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine, has been fighting 1xbet online sports betting — and the myths surrounding them — since the 1980s. Dryden's research in flea biology and habits has helped develop better flea treatments and rid pets of the itchy parasites.

"There were a lot of people who had the misconception that fleas jump on, feed, jump off, lay eggs in cracks and crevices, and then find another host," Dryden 1xbet online sports betting . "The fleas on our pets don't do that, and overcoming that myth radically changed how we approach flea control today."

Dryden, who is known as "Dr. Flea" for his expertise, 1xbet online sports betting that the fleas on pet cats and dogs evolved to feed on Africa's big cats and dogs. If these fleas had jumped off a host — like rodent fleas do — finding another host would be too difficult. Understanding this difference made approaching flea control more proactive, as opposed to reactive flea baths and exterminators for the house.

"If fleas start reproducing, they don't leave," Dryden said. "They lay their eggs on the animal, which roll off into the environment like little pingpong balls. Once we realized that reproduction was tied to the infected dog or cat, 1xbet online sports betting changed everything in how we approached control."

Dryden and his colleagues started testing methods to attack the flea's reproduction in Florida, the flea capital of the world because of its warm climate. Untreated dogs in Florida average 100 fleas per animal, Dryden 1xbet online sports betting . Using these dogs and cats, Dryden and his colleagues have tested numerous flea products ranging from sprays, spot-ons and ultrasonic collars — Dryden 1xbet online sports betting they don't work because fleas can't hear ultrasound — to the new oral chews, which kill all fleas on the pet in eight to 12 hours.

"With these newer oral treatments, flea numbers dropped dramatically, with 99-100 percent of pets flea-free in less than two months," Dryden said. "1xbet online sports betting 's so much faster than the topical treatments, which result in 50-70 percent of pets being flea-free at the end of the two- to three-month studies in Florida."

Dryden said that the rate at which the fleas are killed is important because most fleas are blood-fed within five minutes of jumping onto Fido and lay their eggs within 24 hours. If owners want to prevent an infestation on their pet and in the home, 1xbet online sports betting 's critical to kill females before they lay eggs.

"The idea is, if we can kill the fleas before they lay eggs, they will go extinct within a generation," Dryden 1xbet online sports betting . "Generally, down in Florida, that's within two months."

One of the myths that Dryden has disproved is that the bite of just one flea results in the pet scratching. The researchers worked with a board-certified dermatologist to see if 1xbet online sports betting took many fleas or just one to cause a pet to scratch. They found 1xbet online sports betting takes several fleas to cause the allergic reaction. The researchers also are working with pet owners to help them understand that if their pet has fleas, then there also is an infestation of immature stages — eggs, larvae and pupae — in their home.

"1xbet online sports betting 's really difficult to overcome those dogmas because people become entrenched," Dryden said. "We all have preconceived notions — good, bad or otherwise; they are there. Our job as scientists is to design a study that regardless of what perceptions are out there, at the end of the day, you've got good undeniable data."

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