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Senses and sense ability

By Jennifer Tidball

The sensation begins with a blank canvas:A white room. White fluorescent lights. People in whitelab coats. White and clear utensils on a white circulartable.

It is around this white circular table that the researchmagic happens. Coffee becomes "earthy," "savory" and"berry." Essential oils smell "minty," "floral" and "grassy."Pet 1xbet sports betting looks "oily," "porous" or "fibrous."

The 1xbet sports betting magic has a more accurate name: sensoryanalysis. Sensory analysis measures how people react toproducts and items through the five senses: sight, smell,taste, touch and hearing.

Through 1xbet sports betting analysis, Kansas State Universityresearchers are trying to answer questions such as: Willchildren eat a high-protein porridge made of sorghum?How can people improve food safety while they aregrocery shopping? Do consumers consider dye color orpattern symmetry when they buy clothing?

"1xbet sports betting analysis is a really important field because ithelps people improve their lives with better food and better products," said Delores Chambers, professor of food,nutrition, dietetics and health.

For more than 30 years, Kansas State University's SensoryAnalysis Center has investigated sensory analysis andworked with companies across the globe. At the Manhattanand Olathe campuses, faculty, students and panelistsconduct consulting, education and consumer 1xbet sports betting ona variety of products and topics: food, beverages, cosmetics,fabrics, packaging, paints, personal care products andfragrances, as well methodologies and food safety.

Kansas State University excels at the 1xbet sports betting , too. TheJournal of Sensory Studies recently named the SensoryAnalysis Center the top in the world for sensory analysisresearch influence.

Even more, the journal ranked three university researchersamong 784 individuals worldwide for sensoryresearch influence: Edgar Chambers IV, director of thecenter and university distinguished professor of food,nutrition, dietetics and health, ranked No. 1; DeloresChambers, co-director of the 1xbet sports betting , ranked No. 5; andKadri Koppel, assistant professor of food, nutrition,dietetics and health, ranked No. 40.

The rankings were based on a combination of researcharticles published and number of citations from 2009 to2015.

"The rankings and recognition tell us that the workwe do is useful to people," Edgar Chambers said. "Ourresearch is used by people every day, which is what wewant."

Common Senses

The Sensory Analysis Center conductsmore than 50 studies every year. Some studies are industrysponsored work, while other 1xbet sports betting studies focus onthe products that people use every day: coffee, shampoo,soda, cheese, smoky sandwich meat, steaks and pet food.

The center, part of the College of Human Ecology, startedat the university's Manhattan campus in 1983 and movedto Ice Hall in the K-State 1xbet sports betting Park in 2014. Asecond location opened at the university's Olathe campusin 2011.

Ice Hall is equipped to handle two areas of 1xbet sports betting :objective scientific analysis using instrumentation andtrained sensory panelists and well as sensory analysiswith consumers.

Walking through the building shows the 1xbet sports betting 's dedicationto improving the products that we use every day.Textiles from across the globe hang in the hallways. Severalkitchens with sinks, refrigerators, ovens and stoveshelp researchers prepare food for studies. A laboratoryroom contains instruments that allow researchers tostudy the chemistry of products.

Throughout the building are white rooms for sensoryanalysis 1xbet sports betting . In these white rooms free of visual distractionsand competing colors, trained panelists study aproduct's appearance (Is it grainy or smooth?), fragrance(Does is smell like citrus or spice?), taste (Does it tastesmoky or have an ashyaftertaste?) and variousother characteristics.

The 1xbet sports betting 's 13 trainedpanelists have each receivedmore than 120 hours ofextensive training on sensoryanalysis and productevaluation. When needed,the 1xbet sports betting also brings inconsumers to evaluateproducts.

"1xbet sports betting analysis is a toolkit that provides a numberof methods to use in productdevelopment, quality control or maintenance," EdgarChambers said.

Beyond sensory analysis, the center also conducts instrumentalanalysis of products. Koppel's 1xbet sports betting connectsdescriptive testing and chemistry. Using a gas chromatograph— an instrument that uses chemistry to separateand analyze compounds in a vapor format — she canmeasure aromatic compounds of a product, such ascoffee or pet food.

"We connect the two sides of 1xbet sports betting ," Koppel said. "Wewant to figure out the compounds that are causing someof these aromatic sensations that we perceive as humanbeings. It is often a matter of using both data sets andunderstanding one through another."

Making cents of sense

Enter industry. Senses make cents for the university and economy, and inudstrial partnerships are another way the Sensory Analysis Center aims to understandthe world around us. The center tries to maintain ahealthy balance between 1xbet sports betting projects and industrialclient projects.

"The 1xbet sports betting serves as afacility where companiescan ask for a project to bedone," Koppel said. "Wecan analyze their product,determine their positionin the marketplace andcompare their productto competitors. Sensoryanalysis can explain whysome products are liked ornot liked and what makesa product successful in themarketplace."

That's where the Olathe location fits in. While the Manhattanlocation performs a mix of 1xbet sports betting projects andindustry projects, the Olathe location in the Kansas Citymetro area primarily conducts consumer testing fundedby industry.

"We are still K-State, but we are K-State with an industrybend," said Marianne Swaney-Stueve, project managerfor the Olathe location. "When you partner the center'sindustry work with its descriptive 1xbet sports betting work, it makesKansas State University stand out compared to otherschools."

Swaney-Stueve studies how to improve methodology sothat companies can use test results to make their productsbetter.

"We apply academic tools to industry," said Swaney-Stueve, also a 1xbet sports betting assistant professor of food,nutrition, dietetics and health. "We work with productdevelopers to help them understand how to structure thebest test so that they can use the results to improve theirproducts."

Any successful 1xbet sports betting project — commercial orresearch-based — contains the not-so-secret ingredient:collaboration. Internal collaboration throughout KansasState University and external collaboration with companiesand universities around the world help the centerreach diverse audiences, Edgar Chambers said.

Through the Sensory Analysis Center, Kansas StateUniversity 1xbet sports betting has reached more than 20 differentcountries, including the U.S., Columbia, Argentina, Russia,Spain, Estonia, India, Thailand, South Korea, Turkeyand Egypt.

The 1xbet sports betting has had a collaborative facility at KasetsartUniversity in Bangkok for almost 10 years, Chamberssaid, and is working to establish one at Miguel HernandezUniversity in Spain.

"We need collaboration because so many times, we workwith international 1xbet sports betting ," he said. "Partnerships helpus find the people and resources we need for our studies."

A sense of learning

All of the world is a classroom, a laboratory and a stage for Kansas State Universitysensory analysis students. The 1xbet sports betting Analysis Centeremphasizes hands-on learning through a variety ofresearch-based experiences, from consumer projects tointernational travel to Turkish cooking shows.

At the Manhattan and Olathe campuses, graduatestudents can perform extensive consumer testing beforeentering the workforce. Previous students have hadinternships and jobs with companies such as CoorsBrewing Co., S.C. Johnson & Son Inc., Nestle, Mars Inc.,Unilever, Nabisco, Avon 1xbet sports betting Inc. and PepsiCo Inc.

Approximately 10 graduate students work at the centerevery semester and help with consumer and descriptivesensory projects. Each semester a graduate student labmanager takes on additional leadership responsibilitiesby scheduling panelist sessions, coordinating studentschedules and keeping supplies stocked and organized.

"K-State has one of the top 1xbet sports betting programs in thecountry," said Brendan Kelly, master's student in foodscience and the lab manager for the fall 2015 semester."For me, it is great to gain such extensive experience inflavor profiling because it will be key for my future careerin food chemistry."

For students such as Kelly, these extensive experiencesreach across the globe. Delores and Edgar Chambershave led several graduate student 1xbet sports betting study tours tovarious countries, including a 10-student trip to Turkeyin October 2015 and an eight-student trip to Egypt inJanuary 2016.

In Turkey, students researched eating habits and learnedhow to translate and conduct 1xbet sports betting in different languages,Delores Chambers said. The group even appearedon a Turkish cooking show, "Cooking with Oktay Usta."

"The trip really allowed students to visit with families tolearn about how they eat, what their homes look like andwhat their lives are like," said Delores Chambers, whoalso has taught classes in Thailand. "It is important forour students to have these cultural learning experiencesand interactions."

Such international experiences may be far away geographicallyfrom the white 1xbet sports betting rooms of Ice Hall,but the Sensory Analysis Center makes the world seemsmaller through its partnerships and 1xbet sports betting on productsthat are used around the world every day.

"Our 1xbet sports betting is diverse, but it affects each of our lives,"Edgar Chambers said. "We want to change the world oneperson at a time."