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1xbet online sports betting travel with dummies

By GregTammen

“This is it,” says Byron Jones, professor of mechanical engineering, as he flips severalswitches. The large, darkened air 1xbet online sports betting springs to life with warm electronic hums andthe sound of air circulating overhead. Stubby nozzles above passenger seats begin forcefullyblowing air downward. Portable lighting rigs illuminate the 1xbet online sports betting and its silent,lifeless passengers.

This is a scale-model Boeing 767 passenger 1xbet online sports betting . Kansas State University researchersuse it as a laboratory to conduct ground-based air 1xbet online sports betting research for the Federal AviationAdministration and the commercial air transportation industry.

Jones operates the research passenger 1xbet online sports betting with MoHosni, the university’s Charles and Nona Frankenhoffchair in engineering and professor of mechanical andnuclear engineering. Together with a team of graduatestudents, research engineer Garrett Mann who ensuresequipment is operational, and the 77 silver, inflatabledummies riding in the 1xbet online sports betting ’s passenger seats, they areresponsible for the safety and comfort of our air travel.

“We’re a one-stop shop when it comes to 1xbet online sports betting cabinresearch,” Jones said. “We develop the experiment, buildthe components we need to conduct it and then analyzethe data from that experiment so we can make recommendations.In the nine years we’ve been in operation,there really hasn’t been anything like this in the U.S.”

Ground control

Despite having never left the ground, Kansas StateUniversity’s lab is considered a crown jewel in aviationresearch by the FAA and is part of the agency’s AirTransportation Center of Excellence for Research in theIntermodal Transport Environment, or RITE. KansasState 1xbet online sports betting co-leads the center with Auburn Universityand partners Harvard 1xbet online sports betting , Purdue 1xbet online sports betting Boise State 1xbet online sports betting and Rutgers Biomedical andHealth Sciences, each specializing in a different sector ofaeronautical research.

The 10,000 square-foot research lab was previously ashowroom for a car dealership and later a children’sdance studio. For the past 12 years, though, the space hasbeen used to conduct research ranging from how diseases spread throughout the 1xbet online sports betting to what happens to body heat passengersrelease. All tests are performed with the 1xbet online sports betting ’s crew of dummies —some of which sport magic marker eyes and mustaches.

The space is divided into sections. One section houses large ventilationducts and cooling units that dry and dehumidify air circulated in thereplica passenger 1xbet online sports betting . This dehumidified air is the same consistency asair that circulates in passenger cabins 30,000 feet above ground. Anothersection houses several smaller laboratories and workshops — one ofwhich contains a working jet engine.

In the center of the lab is an elevated, enclosed room containing thereplica Boeing 767 passenger 1xbet online sports betting , which was built with the seats, airdiffusers and outlets from a decommissioned 767. The 1xbet online sports betting is monitoredwith computers and serves as the team’s primary testbed.

With hundreds of passengers sitting in close proximity and electronicsa staple of air travel, keeping a steady temperature in the 1xbet online sports betting can be achallenge as an increase in heat can quickly create discomfort.

Researchers use the dummies to test and account for heat in the 1xbet online sports betting Wires suspended from the 1xbet online sports betting ’s ceiling are taped across every dummy.Each wire set generates about 100 watts of heat, roughly equivalent tohow much heat a person puts out when using a laptop or other electronicdevice, Hosni said.

“It’s a bit of an extreme scenario with every passenger using a laptop atonce, but it tests everything at its maximum limits, which is important toaccount for when tens-of-thousands of feet in the 1xbet online sports betting ,” Hosni said.

As the dummies are warmed, the heat begins to rise and warm thecabin. Cold, dehumidified air is released into the 1xbet online sports betting through longmetal vents called linear diffusers. The two temperatures mix to create asustained, comfortable 1xbet online sports betting temperature identical to that of an airlinein flight.

“The first criteria for how these systemsin airliners are designed is to remove thebody heat that comes with people in closeproximity and using electronics,” Jonessaid. “Even at 30,000 feet up where it’s 40degrees below zero outside, you still haveto cool the 1xbet online sports betting because all of the bodyheat in that enclosed space.”

Researchers use this method to test fortemperature fluctuations in the 1xbet online sports betting aswell as a variable for other studies.

1xbet online sports betting combat

Using the passenger 1xbet online sports betting ’s airflow andventilation to combat germs, diseases andcarbon dioxide is a common focus for theteam.

Jignesh Arvind Patel, master’s student inmechanical engineering, is studying theeffectiveness of the 1xbet online sports betting ’s ventilationsystems.

The FAA requires that the heated air andthe carbon dioxide passengers produceduring breathing need to be ventilatedfrom the 1xbet online sports betting as soon as possible forcomfort and safety, Patel said.

“If someone has a cold and 1xbet online sports betting sneeze,you don’t want those germs to spreadamong the other passengers,” Patel said.

“Instead, you want to ventilate those germs as soon aspossible so that they are removed from the equation.”To study this, carbon dioxide is injected into the passengercabin in the lab. The carbon dioxide begins to rise toa steady state. Over time it gradually begins to decline.Patel measures how fast the carbon dioxide takes todecline in the 1xbet online sports betting to find out how fast a contaminant inthe 1xbet online sports betting is ventilated. He then looks at seat arrangementand whether ventilation varies from seat to seat or if it isuniform throughout the 1xbet online sports betting .

“So far we’ve found that it’s pretty much uniform,” Patelsaid. “This is ideally what we want because it means thatthe systems are designed for maximum efficiency.”Another project looked at whether passengers could begetting more than refreshments 1xbet online sports betting the beverage cart.

“We were really curious to see if someone sneezes on theairline attendant or on the beverage cart, how far canthose germs be transported,” Jones said. “Someone haddone a mathematical equation that looked at disease distanceson airplanes, but nobody had done experimentalmeasurements on 1xbet online sports betting .”

Researchers built a track down one of the 1xbet online sports betting ’s seatingaisles. A dummy was attached to a beverage cart and aelectronic control system moved the two up and downthe aisle to mimic theattendant’s route. Carbondioxide and smoke werereleased into the cabinso that researchers couldvisualize the air movement.

“We saw that there isso much motion in thecabin’s 1xbet online sports betting from theventilation system thateven if someone sneezedon an attendant, it did nothave a significant effect onhow far the germs couldtravel,” Jones said. “Thereis almost zero chance ofgerms hitching a longride.”

Shortly after 9/11, a bigfocus was put on national security and air travel.Researchers were asked to study how contaminantssuch as biological agents moved throughout the cabinand how they could be controlled. Several studies wereconducted that used baby powder to visualize the sourceof the contaminant and its movement. Researchers foundthat while the contaminants spread to upward of eightrows rather than the predicted three, airflow quicklyneutralized the spread to a majority of the 1xbet online sports betting .

Researchers also found that personal 1xbet online sports betting outlets or “gaspers”— those round, protruding nozzles above seats thatstream 1xbet online sports betting — affect disease transmission.

“We found that when you have these blowing 1xbet online sports betting besideyou rather than toward your face, they act as a barrieragainst disease,” Hosni said. “It essentially works as apersonal 1xbet online sports betting dam.”

Engine safety

Shahin Nayyeri Amiri, instructor of civil engineering,works with a jet turbine engine in one of the smaller labs.He is looking at whether chemicals and tiny, toxic particlesin the plane’s fuel and oil can be released into thepassenger 1xbet online sports betting if one of the engines has a leak.

“There are several case studies in which passengers suedan airline because 1xbet online sports betting reported smelling oil during theflight and then after the flight felt sick and had memory

loss,” Nayyeri Amiri said. “These passengers reportedthat they could smell oil inside the 1xbet online sports betting during the flight.It’s something that’s hard to prove because you can’t seeit, so we want to figure out if it’s actually happening.”

Airplanes do not have an air-conditioning system. Theturbine engines that propel the plane also compress freshair from outside the craft into the passenger 1xbet online sports betting to coolit. If oil or jet fuel leak into the engine as it’s compressingair, chemicals andparticles from those fluidscan be released inside thepassenger 1xbet online sports betting , NayyeriAmiri said.

To study the particlesbeing released, NayyeriAmiri relies on a turbineengine and an 1xbet online sports betting simulatorto produce particles atdifferent concentrationsthrough temperature andpressure adjustments.Oil and fuel are theninjected into the engineand Nayyeri Amiri looksat what comes out duringcompression.

While he cannot speak tothe medical affects, Nayyeri Amiri and colleagues havepublished multiple 1xbet online sports betting on their findings about variousparticles and chemicals that are released.

“If an engine is healthy, this bleed through will nothappen,” Nayyeri Amiri said. “But if there is somethingwrong with an engine, even a small amount of oil mayleak inside the 1xbet online sports betting and cause a problem.”

The FAA is working to develop sensor technology thatcan detect the source of a leak and automatically turn aircompression off for the affected engine.