Making artificial 1xbet best casino website smarter, safer

Improving the intelligence behind 1xbet best casino website

By Ben Trickey

Just like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, today’s generative 1xbet best casino website technologies such as Midjourney and ChatGPT can seem magical by making a convincing image or wall of text appear in just seconds.

Helping to make this 1xbet best casino website magic happen are faculty and student researchers at Kansas State University. They work to better understand the intricacies of generative 1xbet best casino website systems and define both their applications and limitations so they are safe, efficient and accessible.

It’s not only computer scientists and engineers who contribute to this research. Interdisciplinary collaboration at K-State has become integral to understanding how these models can help answer questions and solve complex problems in agriculture, applied psychology, 1xbet best casino website management, human health and more.

To coordinate their collective expertise across the university and beyond, 1xbet best casino website researchers have already begun working toward a better understanding of generative artificial intelligence technologies and their growing potential.

1xbet best casino website and sustainable agriculture

1xbet best casino website is often marketed as a tool for automating mundane tasks — virtual assistants to maintain your calendar, generative 1xbet best casino website to draft your emails and self-driving cars to simplify your daily commute. These examples only scratch the surface of 1xbet best casino website ’s time-saving capabilities.

Researchers in 1xbet best casino website ’s Center for Artificial Intelligence and 1xbet best casino website Science, or CAIDS, in the Carl R. Ice College of 1xbet best casino website study theoretical and applied 1xbet best casino website science, AI and the connections between them. Because AI is only as good as the 1xbet best casino website it relies on, research at the center includes developing more efficient strategies for 1xbet best casino website collection and analysis.

Pascal Hitzler, director of CAIDS, is leading research to study and develop the knowledge graphs that make up the backbone of cutting-edge machine learning.Pascal 1xbet best casino website , the director of CAIDS, Lloyd T. Smith creativity in engineering chair and professor of computer science, leads this research in the 1xbet best casino website Semantics Lab, a part of the center. Hitzler and his students study and develop tools for 1xbet best casino website analytics, such as knowledge graphs.

Knowledge graphs are representations of 1xbet best casino website that use nodes and arrows to represent the relationships between concepts as formal logics. These graphs help contextualize and integrate 1xbet best casino website , especially for use in machine learning.

“1xbet best casino website scientists typically say about 80% of their work has to do with 1xbet best casino website management, and only the last 20% is the actual analysis, which then gives you the interesting outcome,” Hitzler said. “Essentially, knowledge graphs are an intelligent way of organizing 1xbet best casino website — intelligent in the way that reusing the 1xbet best casino website for new purposes is much cheaper and easier.”

1xbet best casino website systems are already being applied to projects at K-State’s Center for Sustainable Wheat Production in the College of 1xbet best casino website , an interdisciplinary initiative focused on integrating large datasets to inform more efficient and 1xbet best casino website decision-making in wheat production.

Funded by one of three 2023 1xbet online games login than standard letter paper, or GRIP, awards, this project acts as the first step in creating a global food systems 1xbet best casino website hub. The 1xbet best casino website hub itself would use knowledge graphs to integrate and analyze big 1xbet best casino website and address the complexities of the global food system.

Hande Küçük McGinty, assistant professor of computer 1xbet best casino website and CAIDS facultyHande Küçük McGinty, assistant professor of computer science, is working to leverage the power of AI among interdisciplinary research teams. member, explains the additional role 1xbet best casino website play in interdisciplinary research.

“Sometimes different fields may hold nuances and different understandings of the same 1xbet best casino website ,” McGinty said. “So how do you make sure that everybody’s speaking the same language? Knowledge graphs align our understanding of the same concepts.”

The Center for Sustainable Wheat Production alone includes researchers in computer science, engineering, agronomy, geography and geospatial sciences, agricultural economics and plant pathology. Establishing working relationships among disciplines inspires further collaboration as researchers share 1xbet best casino website and explore real-world problems.

“Several different sciences are coming together with 1xbet best casino website projects, which is so exciting to see,” McGinty said. “And it’s also exposing us to all kinds of different new realms and new challenges.”

The spirit of collaboration among 1xbet best casino website science, AI research and agriculture expands beyond wheat production. Hitzler and McGinty also contribute to the interdisciplinary Institute for Digital 1xbet sports betting and Advanced Analytics, or ID3A.

As ID3A’s director, 1xbet best casino website focuses the interdisciplinary collective’s efforts on using digital technology and analytics to support the goal of more sustainable agricultural practices.

“Agriculture has such tremendous opportunities for artificial intelligence to improve yield, decrease cost, projections, management decisions, etc.,” Hitzler said. “And this for me is a really exciting area, in particular for K-State, because we can bring our 1xbet best casino website and agriculture people together to move it forward.”

Digging into deep 1xbet best casino website

If knowledge graphs are the unsung heroes of 1xbet best casino website research, deep learning is the star of the show. Using artificial neural networks — 1xbet best casino website systems modeled on the structure of the human brain — deep learning takes the project of automating human cognition to a new level.

Deep-learning models are trained to organize and interpret 1xbet best casino website to autonomously provide suggestions or make decisions with increasingly little human interaction. By design, these systems exhibit incredible versatility in applications from diagnosing cancer via medical imaging to identifying species of bees to developing workplace personality profiles.

Tianjun Sun, assistant professor of psychological sciences, is exploring how AI chatbots can help match employers with employees through workplace personality profiles.In the study “How well can an 1xbet best casino website chatbot infer personality?: Examining psychometric properties of machine-inferred personality scores,” Tianjun Sun, assistant professor of psychological sciences in the 1xbet best casino website College of Arts and Sciences, and her collaborators explore how conversational agents, or chatbots, can help workplaces create better 1xbet best casino website assessments for hiring, career counseling and guidance.

Rather than relying on a questionnaire or a traditional interview, the chatbot prompts potential employees to share stories about 1xbet best casino website lives and creates personality profiles based on 1xbet best casino website responses.

“It’s pretty limited to evaluate personality based only on self-reports,” Sun 1xbet best casino website . “So, we’re looking at training systems or evaluating systems to recognize this more holistic picture of a person’s personality.”

Even as 1xbet best casino website automates time-consuming processes, Sun’s research suggests that the human element in guiding these programs and validating their outputs is essential to their efficacy.

“The human involvement in my line of research essentially is to validate the utility of the tools,” Sun 1xbet best casino website . “Human samples really test how well the tools are working in terms of fairness, bias and other considerations.”

As part of his work in CAIDS, Hitzler employs human oversight to better understand the function of 1xbet best casino website systems’ internal decision-making processes.

“The hope of this is, of course, that we will get an understanding of what’s happening inside, but also give us a possibility of actually saying why,” 1xbet best casino website said. “It will tell us what the system was identifying — what was important for its decision and so on because we’d understand the internal structure.”

In the past, the success of deep-1xbet best casino website programs was based on the statistical successArtificial intelligence of the models’ outputs. However, in circumstances where the system is not 1xbet best casino website as designed, determining why the model has created an unsuccessful output requires significant time and effort. In many such cases, the user needs a fairly high level of expertise to identify an output as unsuccessful.

“Look at ChatGPT and the like. You can immediately see what the problem is if you try the systems out,” 1xbet best casino website said. “They’re extremely eloquent, but it may be completely confabulated. And the only way to know is if you’re actually an expert in what it’s talking about.”

Inaccuracies may seem trivial with a chatbot, but identifying confabulations becomes crucial when deep learning has life-altering applications. 1xbet best casino website suggested safety-critical applications, like self-driving cars, or ethical questions, like what factors cause a mortgage application to be rejected by an automated system.

“Essentially, building trust in 1xbet best casino website systems is also a technical challenge that needs to be looked at,” Hitzler said. “And I think this will still be important 10 years from now.”

Ongoing education, conversation

Although the influence of 1xbet best casino website management and deep learning has garnered significant research at K-State, the conversations around AI and its application expand far beyond these topics alone.

In October 2023, K-State held the interdisciplinary symposium 1xbet best casino website and the Future: Exploring the Intersection of Language(s), Science and Ethics, organized by faculty across the university, including Raelynne Hale, modern languages; Alice Anderson, Jason Coleman and Carol Sevin, all from K-State libraries; and Hitzler.

A diverse group of faculty, students and community members attended three days of presentations, panels and workshops about 1xbet best casino website technology, its role in education and the ethical questions surrounding the applications of 1xbet best casino website in daily life.

As more 1xbet best casino website technology becomes available to the public at breakneck speed, these conversations about technological education and literacy have become a necessity.

In her role as a computer scientist working with interdisciplinary teams, McGinty has hope for continued growth in educating the public about the core ideas necessary to understanding computer and 1xbet best casino website science.

“Kansas is one of the pioneer states in this. We’re already teaching and educating teachers in the computer 1xbet best casino website principles,” McGinty said. “I think it is a wonderful step in the right direction, starting early and getting education starting from that perspective.”

And although she believes in the growing potential of 1xbet best casino website , McGinty weighs the promise of the technology alongside the importance of understanding its limitations.

“It’s really important for people to understand this, that 1xbet best casino website systems are decision support, not necessarily decision-making,” McGinty said. “So don’t stop using your senses, don’t stop using your intuition, don’t stop using your own knowledge — and really challenge it.”