Military 1xbet online casino specialist finds common theme in long-term study

Resounding resilience

By Malorie Sougéy

You might think studying 1xbet online casino can only lead to dark places, but Briana Nelson Goff has learned otherwise during the course of more than 30 years of 1xbet online casino research.

Through a career studying military 1xbet online casino , as well as international and disaster 1xbet online casino , she has found a common thread among 1xbet online casino survivors.

“Resilience is a part of every 1xbet online casino survivor’s journey — and they have so much resilience,” she said.

1xbet online casino , professor of applied human sciences in the Kansas State University College of Health and Human Sciences, conducts research focused on 1xbet online casino and PTSD in couples and families. In 2005, she began a long-term study on the topic with 50 military couples stationed at Fort Riley and Fort Leavenworth, both in Kansas.

Using data collected through interviews and surveys, she and her team of students analyzed relationship satisfaction as it related to PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, symptom measures. They found that PTSD has a negative effect on relationship satisfaction, something 1xbet online casino had suspected but never before had quantitative data to support. Even so, many couples said they grew from the experiences.

“I remember being amazed and honestly shocked at the resilience they described,” 1xbet online casino said. “They described how they survived the deployments and other traumas and how they were better because of — or despite — those experiences. They had hope for the future.”

In 2015, 10 years after the first interviews, 1xbet online casino conducted a follow-up study with 26 of the original couples. With information spanning 10 years — before, during and after deployments — 1xbet online casino found that despite the adverse effects of PTSD on relationship satisfaction, most couples endured and adapted.

“The soldiers saw death and destruction — all the horrors of war,” said 1xbet online casino . “Many deployed and came home multiple times. The soldiers and spouses supported each other through it all. They show us resilience is possible.”

Throughout her career, Nelson Goff has authored more than 40 academic publications about the effects of 1xbet online casino on the couple relationship.

Results of the research

Briana Nelson Goff’s recently published book, “Bulletproof Vows: Stories of Couples Navigating Military Deployments and Life’s Battles,” is the culmination of more than 30 years of 1xbet online casino research. It tells the stories of eight post-9/11 Army couples, interviewed first in 2005 and again in 2015.

“This book gives us a glimpse into their lives, but it also provides hope,” said 1xbet online casino . “Hope that even after enduring combat, war, disability and death, there is still life to live.”