Prestigious awards recognize early career 1xbet best casino website

Inspiring minds

By Carson Byers

The National Science Foundation has recognized four Kansas State University researchers with Faculty Early Career Development, or CAREER, awards — the foundation’s most esteemed honor for early career faculty members. The CAREER awards 1xbet best casino website help support the vital work of these researchers as they launch projects in various fields.

Sonny Lee

Assistant professor in the Division of Biology College of Arts and Sciences

AREA OF STUDY: The interactions among plants and their soil microbiomes

AWARD: Nearly 1,000 NSF CAREER award

1xbet best casino website TITLE: “How do rhizosphere associated microorganisms and 1xbet best casino website host interact to regulate soil microbial processes”

1xbet best casino website DESCRIPTION: This project 1xbet best casino website link plant gene diversity to rhizosphere, or soil, microbial composition and determine how the rhizobiome affects plant function and resistance to drought stress. The work 1xbet best casino website allow Lee and his team to better understand how plant-rhizobiome interactions influence ecosystem sustainability, which is critical for anticipating ecosystem responses to environmental change. Lee 1xbet best casino website integrate education with research and 1xbet best casino website collaborate with students and citizen scientists to determine this mechanistic interaction and how that affects fitness and drought resistance.

1xbet best casino website : “We are excited to identify the potential mechanism in which the plant and its associated microbes can work together to become more resilient under climate change conditions,” Lee said. “We are also thrilled to be working holistically with our citizen science partners and collaborators to extend our 1xbet best casino website to the public and students.”

Won Min Park

Assistant professor in the Tim Taylor Department of Chemical 1xbet best casino website Carl R. Ice College of 1xbet best casino website

AREA OF STUDY: Protein biomaterials 1xbet best casino website

AWARD: 0,000 NSF CAREER award

1xbet best casino website TITLE: “Modular protein origami to build genetically programmable 1xbet best casino website ”

1xbet best casino website DESCRIPTION: Park 1xbet best casino website develop a simple, modular and versatile technology to direct the folding and assembly of protein biomaterials using a molecular version of origami. This project 1xbet best casino website examine the genetic programming of complex functionalities into the biomaterials created from this process. Additionally, Park 1xbet best casino website produce educational activities that 1xbet best casino website train students in protein biomaterials engineering.

1xbet best casino website : “This project 1xbet best casino website focus on understanding the process of nanoscale origami using the building blocks of engineered proteins,” Park said. “The technology of modular protein origami 1xbet best casino website create next-generation tools for the advancements in biomanufacturing and health care.”

Tendai Gadzikwa

Associate professor in the Department of ChemistryCollege of Arts and Sciences

AREA OF STUDY: Molecular reactions

AWARD: Nearly 0,000 NSF CAREER award

1xbet best casino website TITLE: “Confinement effects and emergent behavior in multifunctional MOF-based catalysts”

1xbet best casino website DESCRIPTION: Gadzikwa’s lab studies, designs and synthesizes porous materials that are known as metal-organic frameworks. These materials have physical and chemical structures modeled after the active sites of enzymes, which are the most efficient catalysts known to researchers. This project 1xbet best casino website better understand the molecular origins of unexpected reactivity and confinement effects within these materials so researchers can design and construct efficient catalysts.

1xbet best casino website : “Emergence occurs when a system displays behavior that would not be expected given the properties of its constituent parts,” Gadzikwa said. “Such surprising behavior, 1xbet best casino website no one can yet explain, is exciting to observe because it suggests we are on the verge of discovering something that could transform how chemists think about reactions in confined spaces.”

Raj Kumar Pal

Assistant professor in the Alan Levin Department of Mechanical and Nuclear 1xbet best casino website , Carl R. Ice College of 1xbet best casino website

AREA OF STUDY: Elastic wave energy trafast

AWARD: 4,000 NSF CAREER award

1xbet best casino website TITLE: “Guiding and confining nonlinear elastic waves in moiré metastructures”

1xbet best casino website DESCRIPTION: Pal’s research 1xbet best casino website address a major challenge of wind energy generation. He 1xbet best casino website explore new architected metamaterials to provide vibration protection of large-capacity wind turbine blades. The project 1xbet best casino website focus on the application of these engineered materials, called moiré metastructures, which are able to guide and confine elastic wave energy in a new, innovative way.

1xbet best casino website : “The project 1xbet best casino website train and expose our graduate and undergraduate students to cutting-edge research in vibrations, support international study exchange with our collaborators in France and result in novel devices for wave control,” Pal said.