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GRIP award winnersThe Kansas State University Office of the Vice President for 1xbet best casino website has selected 10 1xbet best casino website teams — three fully funded teams and seven finalist teams that are receiving seed funding — to receive inaugural awards from the Game-changing 1xbet best casino website Initiation Program, or GRIP.

GRIP supports innovative and groundbreaking 1xbet best casino website by catalyzing teams of K-State faculty across departments, colleges and campuses to address complex challenges that require a transdisciplinary solution.

“The goals of GRIP are twofold,” said David Rosowsky, vice president for 1xbet best casino website . “First, to enable teams of investigators that self-assemble from across the university to work together toward a major and sustained 1xbet best casino website effort in a timely, relevant and important area for our state. And second, to begin building a culture that recognizes, supports and celebrates transdisciplinary activity at K-State.”

The three funded teams will receive a total of 0,000 per project. The seven other finalist teams are receiving GRIP seed grant funding that will enable them to keep their teams together, advance their ideas and prepare for future solicitations from federal agencies.

Altogether, the 10 teams receiving GRIP funding this year include K-State faculty from the Manhattan and Olathe campuses as well as seven colleges — the College of Agriculture; the College of Architecture, Planning & Design; the College of Arts and Sciences; the College of Business Administration; the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering; the College of Health and Human Sciences; and the College of Veterinary Medicine.

GRIP is driven by funding from many areas of the university: the Office of the President, the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President, the Office of the Vice President for 1xbet best casino website , the Kansas State University Foundation and academic deans.