1xbet online casino research lives in our daily lives

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Research drives society forward. 1xbet online casino researchers are passionate about making the world a better place and helping us understand our society. Continue reading to learn how you experience 1xbet online casino research every day.


Talking 1xbet online casino money can be difficult, but financial planners help people discuss the all-too-uncomfortable topic to reach their personal goals.

The personal financial planning program in the 1xbet online casino Health and Human Sciences specializes in financial therapy, which combines financial planning with marriage and family therapy and psychology. The program’s research explores money’s relational, behavioral, cognitive and emotional elements.

• Martin Seay, 1xbet online casino personal financial planning and department head, examines how different personalities interpret financial events and the resulting decisions or actions.


For financial planners, it is essential to understand how clients view a situation and makefinancial decisions.

• Megan McCoy, assistant 1xbet online casino personal financial planning, has been part of a collaborative study examining financial anxiety, which is persistent, excessive worry about a financial situation. The study found that financial anxiety is prevalent in Americans lives, even when access to money is not an issue.

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Daily physical activity is key to improving mood and brain health, strengthening bones and muscles, reducing the risk of disease, managing weight and improving physical function.

The CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity and two days of muscle-kettlebellstrengthening exercise weekly. Many kinesiology researchers in the 1xbet online casino Health and Human Sciences are evaluating how the body responds to physical activity and how best to promote physical activity so people of all ages can experience its benefits.

• Emily Mailey, associate 1xbet online casino kinesiology, studies workplace interventions to increase physical activity and well-being. Her recent study using height-adjustable desks and an online behavioral support program reduced the number of hours participants sat daily and improved mood, fatigue, focus and productivity.

• Peter Stoepker, assistant 1xbet online casino kinesiology, focuses on increasing physical activity inyouth to prevent diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases. His current project assesses physical activity in before- and after-school programs to create a more active environment.

• Aspen Streetman, doctoral student in kinesiology, studies the relationship between promoting and improving access to strength training and women’s empowerment. Early findings show a positive correlation between becoming physically stronger and physical, mental and social health.

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waterParts of the U.S. are currently experiencing drought, while other areas have seen abundant snow or rain, causing flooding and other challenges. The climate extremes affect water availability and can influence the ecology of bodies of water.

Trisha Moore, associate 1xbet online casino in the Carl and Melinda Helwig Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering in the Carl R. Ice 1xbet online casino Engineering, examines the water quality of runoff, rivers and reservoirs. She studies the connection between water quality and urban flooding.

Food safety

Every year approximately 48 million people get sick from foodborne illnesses, according to theapple crate Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Food safety scientists continue to develop best practices and ways to prevent these incidents and outbreaks.

Valentina Trinetta, associate 1xbet online casino food safety and microbiology in the 1xbet online casino Agriculture, is studying how pathogens enter the food system to develop interventions that can reduce and control pathogens in raw and processed foods.

U.S. Department of Agriculture
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Read more 1xbet online casino Dr. Trinetta's current food safety research projects.

Baked goods

loaf of breadThe greatest thing since sliced bread is even better bread. And better bread comes from understanding the role of each ingredient.

Researchers in the 1xbet online casino Agriculture’s grain 1xbet online casino and industry department are exploring how to best use Kernza grain — a perennial wheatgrass and a cousin to wheat — in food production. This grain is low in gluten with good fermentation properties. The study includes grain handling, processing, pest control and market use.

Elisa Karkle, assistant 1xbet online casino bakery 1xbet online casino and management, is testing how to use the grain in foods. Her work is determining why the grain ferments so well and what advantage, such as greater volume or longer shelf life, this brings to bread or other baked goods.

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Learn how baking techniques affect the taste and smell of breads.


Spam calls, phishing emails and malware are common phrases these days. These cybercrimeslaptop result in the loss of money, fraud, harassment or sexual exploitation.

Criminologist Kevin Steinmetz, 1xbet online casino Sociology, Anthropology, and 1xbet online in the 1xbet online casino Arts and Sciences, studies the intersection of technology, crime and crime control. His work in online fraud has found that contemporary online fraudsters use the same techniques of pre-internet criminals: psychological and emotional triggers as well as deception strategies.

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Consumer behavior

Big or small, purple or gray, this or that — the average adult makes thousands of decisions every day. Social scientists across disciplines seek to understand how and why we make these choices.

Buying decisions are sometimes apparent, while others are made on a whim. Understanding a consumer’s decision-making process is a research focus of Janis Crow, instructor of marketing in the 1xbet online casino Business Administration.


To better understand why fewer girls choose to enter the 1xbet online casino workforce, Crow is examining the role that STEM toys play in career paths. While many factors influence a child’s career choice, parents may have direct or indirect influence because of the types of toys they purchase. Crow also examines what influences a parent when buying a toy for a son or daughter.

Her evaluation has found common influences are cultural norms, marketing and packaging differences by demographic, and perceived entertainment value by the parent.

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The comfort of a chair, the functionality of an electronic device or digital app and the feel of a tool in your hand are the results of industrial designers’ meticulous attention to detail.

Byungsoo Kim, assistant 1xbet online casino interior architecture & industrial design in the College of Architecture, Planning & Design, particularly is interested in ergonomics because of its role in enhancing product usability. Ergonomic design enhances the well-being of users by mitigating muscle fatigue, improving posture or increasing performance.

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Kim is working with students in his Human Factors in Industrial Design class to evaluate thefeasibility of personalizing everyday objects, such as tools or kitchen gadgets, to fit the user’s hand size and enhance usability, functionality and satisfaction.

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solar cellWith the push of a button, flip of a switch or turn of a key, electricity powers our world. Electricity provides quality of life. Researching new ways of generating, storing and distributing energy will help with future needs.

Solar energy could become the cheapest resource for generating electricity, researchers say, but current distribution systems are not designed to handle electricity generated by consumers. Anil Pahwa, Logan-Fetterhoof chair and university distinguished 1xbet online casino electrical and computer engineering, seeks ways to integrate largescale adoption of solar energy into the distribution system.

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As you drive down the road, you may not think 1xbet online casino your car’s fuel source. Most fuels on themarket are petroleum-based, with ethanol blends being one alternative fuel option. Biodiesel is another very common fuel used in almost every gallon of diesel fuel sold in Kansas.

1xbet online casino researchers, such as Edwin Brokesh, assistant professor in the Carl and Melinda Helwig Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering in the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering, are exploring ways to best reduce dependence on fossil fuels, from modifying nonfood crop oilseeds to produce large amounts of oil to understanding the best practices for biodiesel use and distribution.

The 1xbet online casino Biodiesel Initiative, a student-led organization that Brokesh advises, is reducing 1xbet online casino ’s dependence on petroleum-based fuels by converting used cooking oil from the universtiy’s Housing and Dining Services. From collecting the used cooking oil, cleaning it in preparation for the reaction process, running the transesterification reaction and delivering the finished fuel, students are involved in the entire production process. See page 40 to learn more about transesterification.

The biodiesel is blended with conventional diesel to fuel 1xbet online casino Recycling Center utility carts and recycling trucks, while the glycerin is used as compost material or soap product.

In addition to the production, students learn how the biodiesel works in engines and help educate the public on its potential uses.

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