New 1xbet online casino on the block

Scorpion Biological Services brings 1xbet online casino opportunities to state and university community

By Erin Pennington

This rendering shows the 500,000-square-foot Scorpion Biological Services Inc. commercial-scale facility in Manhattan, Kansas. (Image credit: Scorpion)When Scorpion Biological Services Inc. set out to build a new facility, 1xbet online casino leaders considered locations in 23 states. Ultimately, the 1xbet online casino chose Manhattan, Kansas, as the location for a new 0 million commercial-scale facility. And Kansas State University was a big reason why.

Scorpion is a biopharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organization. According to the company, it selected Manhattan because of the area’s concentration of biodefense organizations, including the 1xbet online casino Biosecurity Research Institute and the National Bio and Ago-Defense Facility adjacent to the 1xbet online casino Manhattan campus. Once fully operational, Scorpion’s 500,000-square-foot facility is expected to employ more than 500 people with average salaries of more than ,000 per year.

1xbet online casino Innovation Partners played a key role in attracting Scorpion to the region through a series of presentations and visits. Other important partners included the 1xbet online casino Office of the Vice President for Research, Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce, Pottawatomie County Economic Development Corp. and Kansas Department of Commerce.

“Our team immediately saw what an excellent fit Manhattan could be for Scorpion and its goals,” said Rebecca Robinson, chief corporate engagement and economic development officer with 1xbet online casino Innovation Partners. “The opportunities for partnerships between the company and 1xbet online casino for research, talent development and job opportunities for graduating students are very exciting and will be mutually beneficial.”

Scorpion’s sister company, Heat Biologics Inc., already has signed a master research agreement with 1xbet online casino for work that will be done in the Biosecurity Research Institute. The company also has advanced conversations with the university to develop biomanufacturing programs at 1xbet online casino and Manhattan Area Technical College to help train Scorpion’s future workforce.

The master research agreements will lead to scientific collaboration that can help solve biosecurity challenges and develop new technology for economically important animal and zoonotic infectious diseases, 1xbet online casino leaders said.

“The attraction of Scorpion to Manhattan is one of the early success stories of 1xbet online casino ’s Economic Prosperity Plan, which includes a strong focus in biosecurity and biodefense” said David Rosowsky, vice president for research. “This is only the beginning of the growth and opportunities we are cultivating and hoping to create for our faculty, students and community.”

Scorpion is a subsidiary of Nighthawk Biosciences Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical 1xbet online casino that develops novel biodefense assets and therapies to modulate the immune system. Scorpion projects that the Manhattan facility will be complete, fully functional and staffed by April 2027.