1xbet online sports betting model gets entomologists, bumblebee buffs all abuzz

Breaking a bottleneck in 1xbet online sports betting research

By Pat Melgares

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Learn more about BeeMachine.
Citizens are encouraged to contribute to BeeMachine. Find instructions on how to participate in the project

A Kansas State University project that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and the curiosity of nature lovers may just be the 1xbet online sports betting ’s knees for saving one of the world’s most efficient pollinators.

K-State entomologist Brian 1xbet online sports betting is leading the project, called BeeMachine, which uses computer vision to identify North American bumblebee species with 1xbet online sports betting submitted from public databases and ordinary citizens.

As of summer 2021, the database has more than 125,000 1xbet online sports betting and feeds a computer algorithm that Spiesman hopes will break a bottleneck in getting important research data to conservationists and others who put that knowledge to use.

“The way research currently works is you go out into the field, capture a lot of bees and bring them back to the lab to identify them,” 1xbet online sports betting Spiesman, research assistant professor of entomology in the College of Agriculture.

Lab workers then identify the bees under a microscope one at a time. Spiesman 1xbet online sports betting researchers often collect bees all summer, identify them during the winter, then analyze and write data for publication — a process that can sometimes take years.

“BeeMachine, and what will likely be future iterations of the use of artificial intelligence for insect identification, will transform the field of bee and insect conservation more broadly,” 1xbet online sports betting Claudio Gratton, professor of entomology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who has used the program with his students to confirm the identities of species. “The possibility of having species-level identifications from numerous places will finally give us the ability to accurately and rapidly monitor 1xbet online sports betting occurrence, population sizes and how they fluctuate over time.”

Photos courtesy of BeeMachine.

A citizen 1xbet online sports betting approach

There are more than 20,000 native bee species — including bumblebees — around the world. 1xbet online sports betting is commonly believed among scientists that the population of bumblebees in North America is declining. One species — Bombus pensylvanicus — once was widely spread across the eastern U.S., but its range has greatly contracted, according to Spiesman. While the species still exists in Kansas, 1xbet online sports betting has not been seen in many places around the U.S., including Pennsylvania.

“Bumblebees are great pollinators, especially for things like tomatoes and blueberries and other crops that require buzz pollination,” Spiesman 1xbet online sports betting . “They vibrate very rapidly and that helps them more effectively deposit pollen on the flowers that require that.”

Rich Hatfield, a senior conservation biologist with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, has contributed thousands of 1xbet online sports betting to BeeMachine from his own site, Bumble 1xbet online sports betting Watch, which gathers 1xbet online sports betting submitted by citizens and has them reviewed by an expert taxonomist.

That process — best known as citizen science — is valuable to researchers because 1xbet online sports betting connects them to an endless number of interested citizens who are contributing to scientific knowledge.

But current efforts to engage the public in bee research fall short because of the amount of time 1xbet online sports betting takes to accept samples and then wait for an expert taxonomist to identify the species and provide feedback. Often, people submitting the samples simply want quick answers on what they have seen.

Spiesman 1xbet online sports betting BeeMachine shows promise for bridging that gap. One idea is that BeeMachine’s computer vision system could be integrated with Bumble Bee Watch and similar sites to provide quicker feedback to those submitting pictures.

The power of artificial 1xbet online sports betting

K-State 1xbet online sports betting scientist William Hsu with the Center for Artificial 1xbet online sports betting and Data Science is developing the 1xbet online sports betting that is key to making quicker identification a reality.

“Computer vision is the scientific field of using machines to understand images and videos, meaning that we have a picture or sequence of pictures captured on a camera, phone or other device, and we might want to name all the objects or people, mark out the borders of objects, label and track living organisms, or even explain events or actions that are happening,” 1xbet online sports betting Hsu, professor of computer science in the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering.

As computer programs analyze images, Hsu 1xbet online sports betting , those programs store the information for use in identifying similar images sometime in the future. Initially, images may be identified by a human being, and that information is stored alongside the image.

“The learning system we use is a deep neural network, a mathematical model resembling some parts of the visual processing system of the human brain,” Hsu 1xbet online sports betting . “This model is modified to make it better at predicting the labels that people already put on images. This is called training and the result is a trained model that we can use on bees we haven’t seen before.”

Future buzz

This heat map shows the locations from which observations of bumblebees were submitted to citizen science programs. Photos from these observations were used to train the BeeMachine algorithm now being developed at K-State.

While 120,000 1xbet online sports betting currently in the BeeMachine database seems like a lot, it’s still not enough. The more that the program is fed, the better it gets at identifying the correct species.

“An expert taxonomist usually has to look at two or three images of the same individual bee that are taken at different angles,” Spiesman 1xbet online sports betting . “In the artificial intelligence model, we are realizing that it needs that, too. If it has a really good look at it, it will give us a good result. If you want to make sure you have the right answer, you have to load in two or three or four images of the same bee.”

In the year since BeeMachine debuted, Spiesman 1xbet online sports betting the K-State researchers have increased the number of species identified in the database from 36 to 41. There are an estimated 45 species of bumblebees in North America. Eventually, BeeMachine could be used to identify bumblebees around the world, and then — much more long term — any of the 20,000 native bee species found across the globe.

Getting there means advancing the technology even further. Already, Hsu 1xbet online sports betting researchers are looking at other ways to gather images, such as using thermal sensors, drone-mounted cameras, wearable or implantable sensors and other devices. Spiesman 1xbet online sports betting something as simple as mounting motion-sensitive cameras in a field to track bees as they pollinate flowers also could be valuable — similar to remote wildlife cameras.

A 1xbet online sports betting model for farmers

Kansas State University entomologist Brian McCornack half-jokingly says he’s counted close to a billion aphids — a minute, sap-sucking bug that feeds on plants — in his career of 20-plus years, and he’s just plain tired of doing 1xbet online sports betting .

So, he’s pretty happy that computers may soon be able to do 1xbet online sports betting for him. Computer vision modeling also could be used to aid farmers in their crop fields.

“Counting insects, especially across large geographic regions, is time-consuming and sometimes impractical,” 1xbet online sports betting McCornack, professor and head of the entomology department. “Insects are quite mobile, and populations can change drastically from one week to the next. Farmers simply can’t walk every single acre of a field as frequently as needed to make management decisions. Machines can reduce the workload while improving the reliability in pest or natural enemy density estimates, which are the basis of all treatment thresholds. The exciting part is that we are not that far away from seeing these tools in the hands of farmers and consultants.”

K-State entomologists, agronomists and biological engineers are developing technologies, 1xbet online sports betting drones, to identify defoliated soybean leaves or to identify lady beetles on sorghum.

But automation does not mean removing people from production agriculture, McCornack 1xbet online sports betting .

“It does mean that we need to be sure that our students and stakeholders know that these tools have a place in decision-making, and that we teach them how to use this technology to solve some of the grand challenges facing agriculture,” McCornack 1xbet online sports betting .