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Taking research to the nest level: Prairie songbird biologist engages public in 1xbet sports betting work on nestlings

By Beth Bohn

Sarah Winnicki

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Sarah Winnicki is passionate about sharing 1xbet sports betting prairie songbird research. Watch videos, look at photos and learn more about 1xbet sports betting work.

Website: sarahwinnicki.com
1xbet sports betting : @skwinnicki
YouTube channel: bit.ly/2PRRRfc

Learn more 1xbet sports betting the we're 1xbet sports betting talking science and the Sunset Zoo’s 1xbet sports betting Communication Fellowship program.

Finding and tracking the growth and development of songbird nestlings is how Sarah Winnicki feathers 1xbet sports betting research nest, and getting to tweet about 1xbet sports betting work makes this prairie songbird biologist as happy as a lark, or at least a grasshopper sparrow.

1xbet sports betting is a master’s student in Division of 1xbet onli at Kansas State University where 1xbet sports betting is a member of the lab of Alice Boyle, assistant professor of bird ecology. 1xbet best casino website across forests and pl.

The team is studying grassland 1xbet sports betting at the Konza 1xbet sports betting Biological Station, a tallgrass prairie reserve jointly operated by the university and The Nature Conservancy. The team searches for nestlings and then tracks them using transmitters and tags to monitor their growth and the predators the young birds face. Winnicki is using the work for 1xbet sports betting master’s thesis on cowbird parasitism and how it affects the growth and development of nestlings of three grassland species: grasshopper sparrow, dickcissel and eastern meadowlark. The cowbird is a bird that lays its eggs in other birds’ nests.

Winnicki has been a birder since 1xbet sports betting childhood in Ohio where she was involved with the Ohio Young Birders Club. She pairs 1xbet sports betting love of bird-watching with conservation and science communication efforts through 1xbet sports betting website, Twitter account and YouTube channel.

“I love my 1xbet sports betting , so sharing it seems very natural,” Winnicki said. “I had always shared photos of the birds I saw as I was out birding, so when I started working with birds professionally, transitioning to using social media to share my 1xbet sports betting was seamless.”

Winnicki calls 1xbet sports betting “adorable nestlings” the perfect excuse for sharing photos and videos of them, such as how nestlings eagerly leave their nests; how she and 1xbet sports betting fellow team members discover new nestlings; and even how nestlings sometimes escape, and sometimes do not escape, predators such as snakes.

“Social media like Twitter allow me to connect not only with other scientists interested in my work, but also with anyone interested in birds in general,” 1xbet sports betting said. “Because of my communication through social media, I have been able to connect with nonscientists, with professional scientists in other fields and with collaborators, all while having a ton of fun.”

Winnick credits two university-related programs with helping 1xbet sports betting enhance 1xbet sports betting science communication efforts. In 2016, she was accepted to the Sunset Zoo’s 1xbet sports betting Communication Fellowship program for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. The fellowship is part of the Manhattan zoo’s Behind the 1xbet sports betting program that is funded by the National 1xbet sports betting Foundation and an Institute of Museum and Library Services grant.

1xbet sports betting also takes part in the we're 1xbet sports betting talking science, which helps K-State faculty, students and staff engage the public in 1xbet sports betting and research.

“The training with the zoo’s fellowship program provided very insightful feedback about my 1xbet sports betting communication skills and techniques, such as pointing out when I was using jargon or when I was being too technical and how to connect my research to people,” Winnicki said. “The experience has been helpful not only for my public 1xbet sports betting communication but also for my teaching and for my professional 1xbet sports betting communication as well.”

Involvement in the we're 1xbet sports betting talking science has helped Winnicki find a larger audience and hone 1xbet sports betting message for a broader group.

1xbet sports betting was drawn to K-State while an undergraduate at Denison University in Ohio. The school did not offer an ornithology program, so she applied to Research Experience for Undergraduates, or REU, programs offering a bird research project. She was accepted toK-State’s program with Boyle’s lab in 2014 and 2015. She then joined Boyle’s lab as a master’s student.

After completing 1xbet sports betting master’s degree in 2019, Winnicki plans to seek 1xbet sports betting doctorate. 1xbet sports betting goal is to land a faculty position teaching ornithology and animal behavior and to continue 1xbet sports betting research on songbird nestlings.

Sarah Winnicki takes measurements from a grasshopper sparrow

Sarah 1xbet sports betting takes measurements from a grasshopper sparrow on the Konza Prairie.