About 1xbet sports betting

1xbet sports betting at Kansas State University is a rigorous interdisciplinary program offering MA and Ph.D. degrees for students interested in national security, international affairs, world politics, and transnational problems. It boasts well-published faculty and an international student body. History and Political Science are the core departments in the 1xbet sports betting program, but students draw on expertise and coursework from other disciplines as well.

Students range from recent graduates of traditional undergraduate programs to field grade officers in the US military. The diversity of experience among our students is one of its key strengths. Most students plan to use their degrees for professional careers in international affairs.

If you are an advanced undergraduate student, consider applying for the 1xbet sports betting Master’s degree, or the concurrent Political Science Bachelor’s/Master’s degree program.

If you have questions about the 1xbet sports betting program, contact the Director of 1xbet sports betting Dr. Phil Tiemeyer, tiemeyerp@ksu.edu. Oversight of the program's admissions and academic policies is handled by the program's Faculty Committee.