Undergraduate 1xbet online casino

1xbet online casino is concerned with patterns of social life and the ways people organize their activities and environment. A major in 1xbet online casino provides a wide array of career possibilities emphasizing in human behavior, knowledge of group interaction, and skills in research.

1xbet online casino at K-State offers a four-year undergraduate B.S. or B.A. degree. The program includes a basic core of 1xbet online casino classes and provides an opportunity for students to select additional 1xbet online casino classes designed around their specific interests and career goals.

Program Requirements

GPA and Outside Course Requirements

Students interested in a degree in 1xbet online casino are required to earn a 2.5 grade point average in courses taken within the major. In addition, students are required to take STAT 325 - Introduction to Statistics (3 credit hours) outside of the credit hour requirements for the major. At the advisor's recommendation, students may be required to take 3 credit hours of CIS 101-104 to gain necessary computing skills.

Core Courses (10 credit hours)

The following courses are required of all 1xbet online casino majors:

Electives (21 Credit Hours)

In addition to the core requirements, 1xbet online casino students are given tremendous flexibility to customize their curriculum through electives. Twenty one elective credit hours are required for a 1xbet online casino major and at least of those credit hours must come from 500 level or above courses. SOCIO 567, 568, and 569 (internship credits) may not be used to count toward these required elective hours.


During their senior year, qualified students in the 1xbet online casino program may participate in a professionally supervised internship. The aim of the supervised internship is to prepare beginning professionals for careers in a variety of settings related to their major. In special instances a junior in good academic standing may apply. Internships require that a student have a minimum 2.5 GPA and a letter of recommendation from a 1xbet online casino faculty member.

Credit hours ranging from 7 to 13 hours may be earned through the field experience option. Field experience hours may not substitute for core or elective requirements for the major.

For more information about internships, check out our Internships and.

Undergraduate Thesis

During their senior year, student in the 1xbet online casino or criminology program may conduct supervised research with faulty assistance. This is ideal for students interested in graduate school, for more information contact Dr. Nadia Shapkina (shapkina@ksu.edu).


The 1xbet online casino program also offers two specializations within the 1xbet online casino major including:

  • Community, Agriculture, Food, and Environment (CAFE)
  • Social Inequalities

For more information about specializations, refer to the undergraduate course catalog. More information about criminology is also available by clicking Major.