recent 1xbet sports betting Publications

recent 1xbet sports betting Publications

Becerra, Terrie A., Gerad Middendorf, Amber Campbell, and Peter Tomlinson.2016. “Attitudes of Extension Educators in Kansas and Oklahoma Regarding Climate Change.” Journal of Extension 54(6).

Laszlo J. Kulcsar (2016) "Depopulation and its Challenges for Development: An International Comparison." Journal of Population Problems 12, pp. 323-349.

Laszlo J. Kulcsar, Joseph Aistrup, Thomas Bulatewicz, Jeffrey Peterson, Stephen Welch, and David Steward (2016) "Water and Society: Interdisciplinary Education in Natural Resources." Journal of Contemporary Water 1xbet sports betting and Education, Issue 158, pp. 120-131.

László J. Kulcsár (2016) "Population and Development." In: Gregory Hooks (ed.) Sociology of Development Handbook. 1xbet sports betting of California Press.

Lynn, Tamara and L. Susan Williams. (2016, Online First). Have a Quiet, Orderly, Polite Revolution: Framing Political Protest and Protecting the Status Quo. Critical Sociology. DOI: 10.1177/0896920516666646.

Brian Thiede, David L. Brown, Scott Sanders, Nina Glasgow and László J. Kulcsár (1xbet sports betting ) "A Demographic Deficit? Local Population Aging and Access to Services in 1xbet sports betting America, 1990-2010". 1xbet sports betting Sociology.

Sarah Donley and Chardie L. Baird. (2016, Online First). The Overtaking of Undertaking?: Gender Beliefs in a Feminizing Occupation. Sex Roles.

Steinmetz, Kevin F., Brian P. Schaefer, and Edward L.W. Green. (2016). “Anything but Boring: A Cultural Criminological Exploration of Boredom.” Theoretical Criminology. Available online at:

Manglos-Weber, Nicolette D., Margarita A. Mooney, Kenneth A. Bollen, and J. Micah Roos. 1xbet sports betting . "Relationships with God among Young Adults: Validating a Measurement Model with Four Dimensions." Sociology of Religion.

Casey, Karen McKnight, Cynthia Fletcher, Charles Ganzert, John Hamerlinck, Steven A. Henness, 1xbet sports betting , Pam Proulx-Curry, J. Ashleigh Ross, Heidi A. Stevenson, Randy Stoecker, Sophie Tullier, and Spencer D. Wood. (2016). “The Landscape of 1xbet sports betting Service Learning,” chapter in forthcoming edited volume, The Landscape of 1xbet sports betting Service Learning and What it Teaches us All, eds. Randy Stoecker, Nicholas Holton, and Charles Ganzert. Michigan State University Press. Click here 1xbet sports betting .

Casey, Karen McKnight, Cynthia Fletcher, Charles Ganzert, John Hamerlinck, Steven A. Henness, 1xbet sports betting , Pam Proulx-Curry, J. Ashleigh Ross, Heidi A. Stevenson, Randy Stoecker, Sophie Tullier, and Spencer D. Wood. (2016). “1xbet sports betting Service Learning: Innovation in the Hinterland?” chapter in forthcoming edited volume, The Landscape of 1xbet sports betting Service Learning and What it Teaches us All, eds. Randy Stoecker, Nicholas Holton, and Charles Ganzert. Michigan State University Press. Click here 1xbet sports betting .

White, M. Beth and Spencer D. Wood. (2016). “Targeted Student Engagement in 1xbet sports betting Communities: Pairing Select Students with Community Organizations to Link Service Learning and Community Based Research,” chapter in forthcoming edited volume, The Landscape of 1xbet sports betting Service Learning and What it Teaches us All, eds. Randy Stoecker, Nicholas Holten, and Charles Ganzert. Michigan State University Press. Click here 1xbet sports betting .

Beach, Sarah S. and László J. Kulcsár. 2016. "1xbet sports betting Often Takes Two Income Earners to Raise a Farm: On-Farm and Off-Farm Employment in Kansas" Journal of 1xbet sports betting and Community Development 10: 54-74.

Green, Edward L.W. and Kevin F. Steinmetz. 2016. “Up in Smoke: Marijuana, Abstract Empiricism, and the Criminological Imagination.” In Legalizing a Crime: Marijuana Policies Across America, 1xbet sports betting by Joshua Hill and Nancy Marion, 19-41. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic 1xbet sports betting .

Kharel, Arjun and Gerad Middendorf. 2015. “Is Fair Trade ‘Fair’? A Study of Handmade Paper Producers in Nepal.” Journal of Land and 1xbet sports betting Studies 3(2): 253-273.

Kurtz, Don, Egbert Zavala, and Lisa A. Melander. 2015. “The Influence of Early Strain on Later Strain, Stress Responses, and Aggression by Police Officers.” Criminal Justice Review 40(2):190-208.

Marganski, Alison and Lisa Melander. 2015. "Intimate Partner Violence Victimization in the Cyber and Real World." Journal of Intimate Partner Violence. Available online at:

Miller, Michael, Gerad Middendorf, and Spencer D. Wood. 2015. “Food Availability in the Heartland: Exploring the Effects of Neighborhood Racial and Income Composition.” 1xbet sports betting Sociology 80(3): 340-361.

Steinmetz, Kevin F. and Howard Henderson. 2015, Online First. “Inequality on Probation: An Examination of Differential Probation Outcomes.” Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice.

Nolasco, Claire, Rolando V. del Carmen, Kevin F. Steinmetz, Michael S.Vaughn, and Anita Spaic. 2015. “Building Legal Competency: Foundations for a More Effective Criminology and Criminal Justice Discipline.” Journal of Criminal Justice Education 26(3): 233-252.

Steinmetz, Kevin F. 2015. “Becoming a Hacker: Background Characteristics and Developmental Factors.” Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology, 3(1), 31-60.

Steinmetz, Kevin F. 2015. “Craft(y)ness: An Ethnographic Study of Hacking.” British Journal of Criminology 55(1): 125-145.

Steinmetz, Kevin F. and Jurg Gerber. 2015. “‘1xbet sports betting Doesn’t Have to Be This Way’: Hacker Perspectives on Privacy.” Social Justice 41(3): 29-51.

Steinmetz, Kevin F. and Howard Henderson. 2015. “On the Precipice of Intersectionality: Race, Gender, and Offense Level Interactions on Probation Failure.” Criminal Justice Review 40(3): 361-377.

Steinmetz, Kevin F. and Jamilya O. Anderson. 2015. "A Probation Profanation: Race, Ethnicity, and Probation in a Midwestern Sample." Race and Justice: An International Journal. Published online before print.

Tyler, Kimberly A. and Lisa A. Melander. 2015. “Child Abuse, Street Victimization, and Substance Use Among Homeless Young Adults.” Youth and Society, 47(4):502-19.

Wood, Spencer D., Joseph T. Jakubek*, Jr., and Kristin Kelly*. 2015. “You’ve Got to Fight to Be White: The 1xbet sports betting Foundation of the New Militia for Race Control,” Contemporary Justice Review. 18 (May 2).