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Baird DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" February 10, 2021Kansas State UniversityManhattan, KS 66506Phone: (785) 532- 6088; E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:cbaird@ksu.edu" cbaird@ksu.eduEducationPh.D. in Sociology, Florida State University, 2005M.S. in Sociology, Florida State University, 2000B.S. in Sociology, College of Charleston, Graduated cum laude, 1996Academic and Administrative PositionsFull Professor, Kansas State University, 2020 Spainhour Family Chair for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering, 2012-presentExecutive Director, K-State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering (KAWSE), 2012-presentAssociate Professor, Kansas State University, 2012-presentAssistant Professor, Kansas State University, 2008-2012Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Arlington, 2005-2008Continuing EducationUnderstanding Legal and Ethical Issues for Supervisors, K-State Human Capital Services, Fall 2020Anti-Racist Book Club, K-State, Fall 2020-Spring 2021Academics for Black Survival and Wellness, University of Florida, Summer 2020Higher Education Leadership Development Program (HERS), Wellesley, 2018-2019 Managing Difficult Conversations, K-State Human Capital Services, Summer 2016Selected Leadership ExperienceImplemented 12 new programs designed in collaboration with KAWSE staff and advisors, 2012-present: KAWSE Inclusive Leadership Series- invites experts in inequality/inequity in leadership to discuss equity issues in leadership and offer strategies for addressing them, 2019-presentCareer Chats- program that invites women working in male-dominated STEM disciplines KAWSE Book Club- In its inaugural year, we read Robin DiAngelos book White Fragility: Why Its So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism. Throughout the year, we meet once per month for an hour to discuss two chapters. In 2020-2021, we read Abigail Stewart and Virginia Valians An Inclusive Academy: Achieving Diversity and Excellence, Fall 2019-present.HERS Alumnae group- This group works to share the cutting-edge practices learned at the HERS Institute with K-State, Spring 2018-present.Writing Accountability Group- Historically underrepresented groups have quantitatively more and qualitatively different demands from teaching and service. To combat those demands, scholars recommend writing/research accountability practices. I provide an on-line accountability group with multiple face-to-face check-ins throughout the year. The first session in the fall, summarizes scholarship on accountability practices and my experiences with different types, Fall 2018-presentPilot cross-college faculty mutual mentoring program with College of Agriculture and College of Human Ecology, Fall 2018-presentGender Recruitment and Retention Strategy Meetings- facilitation of college-wide or unit-wide strategy sessions for increasing diversity and inclusion in male-dominated fields, offered when requested and depending on needs, three offered since spring 2017KAWSE Ambassador Student Organization- undergraduate student organization that develops programming for undergraduates in STEM and recruits students to K-State and KAWSE programs by visiting high schools across Kansas and the surrounding areas, meets once per month, 50 participants, 2017-present KAWSE Award- annual award that honors the exceptional efforts undertaken by a K-State faculty or staff member to enrich girls' and women's lives in STEM disciplines, 2016- presentKAWSE Postdoctoral Researcher Travel Award- bi-annual award designed to enhance the postdoctoral researcher experience and enrich the lives of women in science, technology,and math (STEM) disciplines by providing funds to cover travel expenses to attend academic conferences, 2016-presentKAWSE Speaker Series- invites experts in gender inequality/inequity to K-State annually to raise awareness about gender inequality/inequity and provide strategies for remedying inequality/inequity, 2016-presentto K-State at least once per semester to discuss their career pathways with undergraduate/graduate students, 2012-present Professional Development Brown Bag Lunches- organize sessions at least once per semester on gender inequality/inequity topics, such as How to Not Write Gendered Recommendation Letters; When and How to Say No to Service Requests, What Does the Office of Institutional Equity Do?; What is an Ombudsperson?; Thriving in Mid-Career; Structural Supports for Women at KSU; and Modified Duties and Stop the Tenure Clock Policies, 2012-presentWomen of Distinction Recognition Ceremony- annual ceremony recognizing the academic achievements of K-State faculty and staff, Fall 2012-present Expanded middle school (GROW) and high school (EXCITE) Saturday workshops and summer camp workshops to include a broader range of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs, 2012-presentImplement and test the effectiveness of interventions designed with colleagues and KAWSE staff to reduce gender inequality in middle school and high school camps, 2017-presentApply inequality insights beyond groups KAWSE serves (i.e., middle school students, high school students, undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty in STEM) to implemented professional development opportunities for KAWSE staff, 2015-presentDeveloping strategies for incorporating diversity and inclusion issues into monthly department head meetings with College of Agriculture informal monthly meeting of social science departments in the College of Arts and SciencesDeveloping a network of KSU HERS Alumnae to serve as resource for K-State leadersHonors, Awards, and RecognitionKSU, Higher Education Leadership Development Program (HERS) Award, 2018,  HYPERLINK "https://hersnet.org/institutes/what-are-the-institutes/" https://hersnet.org/institutes/what-are-the-institutes/. Attended Wellesley, 2018-2019. Each HERS Institute participant undertakes Capstone and Signature Work, a leadership project designed by the participant which captures the unique needs of her campus along with the participants leadership strengths. The current curriculum covers many aspects of how to successfully lead a change initiative: general leadership principles, higher education trends, change management, budgets and financial statements, career planning, legal issues, inclusive excellence, strategic enrollment management, talent management, and fundraising. Each participant has the opportunity for deep discussions with faculty, staff and other participants. Participants are assigned working groups which align with the backgrounds and experiences of Institute participants. HERS is still going strong almost 50 years after its founding, having almost 6000 HERS alumnae working in a variety of roles across higher education. The Institute recreates the campus experience through its topics and diverse faculty and staff participants who enliven the Institute. With over 1000 HERS alumnae serving in senior leadership roles, a HERS alumna is never far away from impacting campus decision making and setting policy.HERS Luce Program for Women in STEM Leadership, Fall 2018-Spring 2019KAWSE Office, received INSIGHT into Diversitys Award for Inspiring Programs in STEM, 2018,  HYPERLINK "http://www.insightintodiversity.com/" http://www.insightintodiversity.com/KAWSE Office, received Kansas State Universitys Outstanding Department or Unit Award for Enhancing Diversity, 2018,  HYPERLINK "http://www.k-state.edu/provost/enrichment/awards/diversityguide.html" http://www.k-state.edu/provost/enrichment/awards/diversityguide.htmlKSU, Honoree, Recognizing Impactful Women Series for Womens History Month, Relevate Research Team, School of Family Studies and Human Services, 2018,  HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_895JGlbhc&feature=youtu.be" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_895JGlbhc&feature=youtu.beNominated, President, Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS), 2019- elections Fall 2019Southwestern Political Science Association, Jewell Limar Prestage Award for best conference paper on the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity, and political behavior: How Cultural Beliefs About Womens Role in the World Shape Womens Civic Engagement with Ethan Bernick and Sabri Ciftci, 2017,  HYPERLINK "http://swpsa.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/4/1/8541461/swpsa_jewel_limar_prestage_best_paper_award.pdf" http://swpsa.weebly.com/uploads/8/5/4/1/8541461/swpsa_jewel_limar_prestage_best_paper_award.pdfThe Kansas State Universitys Foundation featured the work of the Kansas State Office for the Advancement of Science and Engineering (KAWSE) in its Heroes series, 2016.  HYPERLINK "http://inspire.k-state.edu/your-support-in-action/impact-stories/Pathfinders.html" http://inspire.k-state.edu/your-support-in-action/impact-stories/Pathfinders.htmlNominated, Treasurer, Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS), 2014Best Publication Award from the Mental Health section of the American Sociological Association for paper entitled Is There a Downside to Shooting for the Stars? Unrealized Educational Expectations and Symptoms of Depression, John R. Reynolds and Chardie L. Baird, 2010, American Sociological Review.Best Learning Solutions Project of the Year for custom Introduction to Sociology textbook created in collaboration with McGraw Hill, 2010Sloan Early Work and Family Early Career Scholars program, 2008Whos Who in Work and Family, Sloan Work and Family Research Network, 2008Allen/Klar Foundation Best Graduate Student Research Award, FSU, 2000-2001FSU, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research Summer Program (ICPSR) Scholarship, 2000 Research Areas of SpecializationGender Inequality and Inequity in STEM, Gender Inequality and Inequity at Work and in the Home, Work and Occupations, Gender and Education PublicationsDringenberg, Emily, Chardie L. Baird, Jacqueline Spears, and Sara Heiman. 2020. The Influence of a Growth Mindset Intervention on Middle School Girls Beliefs about the Nature of Intelligence. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 26(3): 245-262.Spears, Jacqueline, Chardie L. Baird, and Beth Montelone. 2020. Exploring the Impact of Out-of-School STEM Experiences for Girls in Lynda R. Wiest, Jafeth E. Sanchez, and Heather Crawford-Ferres Edited Volume Out-of-School-Time STEM Programs for Females: Implications for Research and Practice (Vol. II: Short-Term Programs). Information Age Publishing. Invited.Baird, Chardie L. and Jennifer R. Keene. 2018. Closing the Math Confidence Gap: Intersections of Gender and Race/Ethnicity. International Journal of Gender, Science, and Technology 10(3): 379-410. Peer-reviewed.Baird, Chardie L. 2018. Male-Dominated STEM Disciplines: How Do We Make Them More Attractive to Women? IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine, vol. 21 (3), 4-14. Invited, Peer-Reviewed.Baird, Chardie L. and Stephanie Burge. 2018. Family-Friendly Benefits and Full-Time Working Mothers Labor Force Persistence. Community, Work & Family 21(2):168-92. Peer-reviewed.Donley, Sarah and Chardie L. Baird. 2017. The Overtaking of Undertaking? Gender Beliefs in a Feminizing Occupation. Sex Roles 77(1-2):97-112. Peer-reviewed.Donley, Sarah and Baird, Chardie L. 2013. Arlie Hochschild (Managed Heart). In Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia, edited by Vicki Smith. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Invited. Baird, Chardie L. and Sarah Donley. 2013. Career Ladders. In Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia, edited by Vicki Smith. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Invited.Baird, Chardie L. 2012. Going Against the Flow: A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Cognitive Skills and Gender Beliefs on Occupational Aspirations and Outcomes. Sociological Forum 27(4):986-1009. Peer-reviewed.Dana M. Britton, Chardie L. Baird, Ruth A. Dyer, B. Jan Middendorf, Beth A. Montelone, and Christa Smith. 2012. Surveying the Campus Climate for Faculty: A Comparison of the Assessments of SEM and non-SEM Faculty. International Journal of Gender, Science, and Technology 40(1):102-122. Peer-reviewed.Baird, Chardie L. 2012. Having it All: Debunking the Need and Choice Myths Dominating the Depiction of Womens Work. Sex Roles 67:122-124. Book review.Anderson, Mary R., Christopher J. Lewis, and Chardie L. Baird. 2011. Punishment or Reward? An Experiment on the Effects of Sex and Gender Issues on Candidate Choice. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy 32(2): 136-157. Peer-reviewed.Prokos, Anastasia H., Chardie L. Baird, and Jennifer Reid Keene. 2010. Attitudes about Affirmative Action for Women: The Role of Children in Shaping Parents Interests. Sex Roles 62(5): 347-360. Peer-reviewed.Reynolds, John R. and Chardie L. Baird. 2010. Is There a Downside to Shooting for the Stars? Unrealized Educational Expectations and Symptoms of Depression. American Sociological Review 75(1): 151-172. Peer-reviewed.Baird, Chardie L., Stephanie Burge, and John R. Reynolds. 2008. Absurdly Ambitious? Teenagers Expectations for the Future and Realities of Social Structure. Sociology Compass 2: 944-962. Peer-reviewed. Baird, Chardie L. 2008. The Importance of Community Context for Young Womens Occupational Aspirations. Sex Roles 58(3-4): 208-221. Peer-reviewed.Baird, Chardie L. and John Reynolds. 2004. Employee Awareness of Family Leave Benefits: The Effects of Family, Work, and Gender. The Sociological Quarterly 45(2): 325-353. Peer-reviewed.Hardy, Melissa and Chardie L. Baird. 2004. Effects Coding. Pp. 299-300 in The Sage Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences, edited by Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Tim Futing Liao. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Hardy, Melissa and Chardie L. Baird. 2004. Contrast Coding. Pp. 193-194 in The Sage Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences, edited by Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Tim Futing Liao. Thousand Oaks, CA: SageHardy, Melissa and Chardie L. Baird. 2004. Multiple Classification Analysis. Pp. 685-686 in The Sage Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences, edited by Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Tim Futing Liao. Thousand Oaks, CA: SageHardy, Melissa and Chardie L. Baird. 2003. Is it all about Age? Placing Technology and Aging in a Social Context. Pp. 28-41 in Impact of Technology on Successful Aging, edited by Neil Charness and K. Warner Schaie. New York: Springer Publishing Research in ProgressBernick, Ethan, Sabri Citfi and Chardie L. Baird. How Cultural Beliefs about Womens Role in the World Shape Women's Civic Engagement. Submitted to Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy, Spring 2019.Chardie L. Baird and Ethan Bernick. How Does Gender Inequality in STEM Fields Happen? Academics Narratives about the Process of the Male-Domination of STEM Fields. In analysis phase, plan to submit to Sex Roles Winter 2019.KAWSE Program ReportsAnnual KAWSE Program Impact Report for Provost, 2013-presentProgram Impact Report for Funding CollegesCollege of Agriculture- 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020College of Architecture- 2019, 2020College of Arts & Sciences- 2013, 2015, 2017, 2020College of Engineering- 2013, 2015, 2020College of Human Ecology- 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020College of Veterinary Medicine- 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity related reportsAnalysis of the Full Professor Promotion Process at K-State. Submitted to KSU Dean of Arts and Sciences and Provost, Fall 2019 and Spring 2019, respectively. Pg. 1-100.Invited PresentationsEnabling Conversations about Inclusion. Butler Center panel session, Purdue University, November 21, 2019. Event summary: We all live in and participate in a society characterized by historical and ongoing institutionalized inequality. We have varying experiences based on our gender/gender expression, race/ethnicity, sexual identity, class, ability, etc. Working together as allies is key for social and institutional transformation and to facilitate scholarly productivity. The speakers on this panel will address questions such as: What do YOU want in a colleague? How can you be an ally when you are a bystander? How can conversations be enabled to avoid conflicts? Speakers: Chardie Baird, Associate Professor, Sociology and Executive Director, Kansas State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering, Kansas State University & Marion Underwood, Dean, College of Health and Human Science, Purdue University The Science of Gender Inequality and Inequity Research. Manhattan, KS Science Caf, November 12, 2019. Information about Science Caf:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sciencecafes.org/" \t "_blank" http://www.sciencecafes.org. Rejecting Your Femininity in order to Succeed? Amplify it Instead. One-hour interactive talk with the facts about and strategies for navigating the male-dominated world of STEM disciplines in Silicon Valley at  HYPERLINK "http://www.gallerysouthsaratoga.com" www.gallerysouthsaratoga.com. The gallery donated their space and tickets will be on sale for $100/person to benefit Love Never Fails to end human trafficking in the Bay Area, June 13, 2019.Recognizing Imposter Syndrome and Reining It In. Women in Economics event, Spring 2019. Belonging & Inclusivity: Tips for and Practice Being an Ally. KSUnite, Fall 2019, Fall 2020Hastings College Lecture Series Student Symposium, Fall 2018K-State Public Administration and Society Course, Fall 2018Implicit Biases about Race/Ethnicity and Sexuality in College Athletics, NCAAs Women Leaders in College Sports annual Womens Leadership Symposium, Spring 2018.  HYPERLINK "http://www.ncaa.org/about/resources/leadership-development/ncaa-and-women-leaders-college-sports-women-s-leadership-symposium" http://www.ncaa.org/about/resources/leadership-development/ncaa-and-women-leaders-college-sports-women-s-leadership-symposium#UsToo, Sociologists: Are we practicing what we teach? Southern Sociological Society meetings, New Orleans, Spring 2018Strategies for Navigating Gender Inequality and Inequity in STEM Disciplines, KAWSE SUCCEED Ambassadors, Fall 2017Gender Inequality/Inequity Cultural Advocate/Discussion Facilitator, Intercultural Development Professional Advancement Series, Pilot Spring 2017Implicit Biases about Gender in the Workplace. Panel of speakers, Caterpillar, Wamego, Fall 2016 Programs for Women in Male-Dominated Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Disciplines, P.E.O., an organization that exists to be a source of encouragement and support for women to realize their potential in whatever worthwhile endeavor they choose  HYPERLINK "http://www.peointernational.org/about-peo" http://www.peointernational.org/about-peo, Summer 2015 Strategies for Increasing Womens Success in Academia. Visions in Methodology (VIM) Conference, University of Kentucky, Summer 2015Breaking the Bias Habit, presentation designed by Women in Science and Leadership Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison  HYPERLINK "http://wiseli.engr.wisc.edu/" http://wiseli.engr.wisc.edu/, I use and modify the presentation with permission. Given at the following venues:KSU College of Agriculture group of new faculty (K-Stars), Spring 2015, Spring 2016KSU Extension Training, Spring 2017KSU Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional & Community Planning, Summer 2016KSU Directors Roundtable, Spring 2016 Conference PresentationsBaird, Chardie L. Spring 2021. How Are You Doing So Well? Persisting After and Fighting Through Being Denied Promotion to Full Professor, Twice. Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS), online due to covid19.Heidbreder, Brianne, Ethan Bernick and Chardie Baird. Spring 2020. Gendered Pathways: The Pursuit for Local Elected Office. Western Political Science Association (WPSA), online due to covid19Baird, Chardie L. and Ethan Bernick. 2020. How Does Gender Inequality in STEM Fields Happen? Academics Narratives about the Process of the Male-Domination of STEM Fields. Sociologists for Women in Society, San Diego, CA.Sara Heiman, Dringenberg, Emily, Chardie L. Baird, and Jacqueline Spears. 2018. The Influence of a Growth Mindset Intervention on Middle School Girls Beliefs about the Nature of Intelligence. Kansas Association of Teachers of Science (KATS), Rocksprings, KS. Baird, Chardie L. and Ethan Bernick. 2017. How Does Gender Inequality in STEM Fields Happen? Academics Narratives about the Process of the Male-Domination of STEM Fields. Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, CanadaChardie L. Baird, Stephanie W. Burge, and Ashley Wunder. 2016. Path Dependency in Full-Time Working Mothers Labor Force Pathways. Work and Family Researchers Network, Washington, DCBernick, Ethan, Sabri Ciftci, and Chardie L. Baird. 2016. How Cultural Beliefs about Womens Role in the World Shape Womens Civic Engagement. Presented at the annual meetings of the Southwestern Social Science Association conference, Las VegasBaird, Chardie L., Anastasia Prokos, and Jennifer R. Keene. 2015. Closing the Math Gap: Intersections of Gender and Race/Ethnicity. Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association conference, ChicagoBaird, Chardie L., Anastasia Prokos, and Jennifer R. Keene. 2013. Closing the Math Gap: Intersections of Gender and Race/Ethnicity. Annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems conference, New York CityBernick, Ethan, Sabri Citfi and Chardie L. Baird. 2013. How Cultural Beliefs about Womens Role in the World Shape Women's Civic Engagement. Annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association conference, ChicagoBaird, Chardie L. and Stephanie Burge. 2010. One is One and Two is Ten: Motherhood Transitions and Mothers Labor Force Participation. Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association conference, Atlanta Baird, Chardie L. and Stephanie Burge. 2009. One is One and Two is Ten: The Effect of the Transition from One to Two Children on Womens Labor Force Participation. Annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems conference, San Francisco Dana M. Britton, Chardie L. Baird, Ruth A. Dyer, B. Jan Middendorf, Beth A. Montelone, and Christa Smith. 2009. Campus Climate: Perceptions of SEM and non-SEM Faculty. Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN) conference, Austin Baird, Chardie L. 2009. The Pipeline Meets Structural Constraints in Later Life: The Effects of Occupational Plans. Annual meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, New OrleansProkos, Anastasia H., Chardie L. Baird, and Jennifer Reid Keene. 2008. Attitudes about Gender-Based Affirmative Action: The Role of Children in Shaping Parents Interests. Annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Boston Reynolds, John and Chardie Baird L. 2007. The Mental Health Consequences of Unrealistic Achievement Expectations: Is It Better to Shoot for the Stars or Plan for the Probable? Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association. New YorkBaird, Chardie L. 2006.  HYPERLINK "http://convention2.allacademic.com/one/asa/asa06/index.php?click_key=1&cmd=Multi+Search+Search+Load+Publication+For+Extra&publication_id=97112&PHPSESSID=ebab58748726ffab240ca48318ea6b60" Womens Gender Beliefs, Career Goals, Career-relevant Decisions, and Occupational Attainment. Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association. Montreal, CanadaBaird, Chardie L. 2006. The Process of Career Goal Formation. Annual meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, New OrleansBaird, Chardie L. 2005. Structural Constraints on Career Goals. Annual meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, CharlotteBaird, Chardie L. and Melissa Hardy. 2004. The Gendered Structure of Career Goals: Influences of Role Models, Gender Ideology, and Agency. Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, San FranciscoBaird, Chardie L. and Melissa Hardy. 2003. The Gendered Structure of Aspirations: How Agency and Culture Shape Career Goals. Annual meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, San DiegoBaird, Chardie L. 2003. Mothers Matter: The Importance of Mothers Employment. Annual meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, New OrleansHardy, Melissa, Lawrence E. Hazelrigg, and Chardie L. Baird. 2002. Participation in 403B Pension Plans: Privatized Retirement Saving for Public-Sector Employees. Annual meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, BostonBaird, Chardie L. 2002. The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act: Employee Awareness of Family Leave Benefits. Annual meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, BaltimoreBaird, Chardie L. 2000. Gender Differences in Knowledge about Parental Leave Benefits. Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Washington DCGrant Support/ApplicationsK-State, College of Arts & Sciences Diversity Award. 2017. Support for Dr. Adia Harvey Wingfields visit to K-State to speak about Intersectionality in Academia to Provosts First Tuesday meeting of department heads and deans, university-wide lecture, and career chat with undergraduate and graduate students.  HYPERLINK "http://artsci.k-state.edu/about/diversity/programs/lecseries.html" http://artsci.k-state.edu/about/diversity/programs/lecseries.htmlHinze, Susan and Chardie L. Baird (co-principal investigators). 2015. Commercialization of STEM Innovations by Women. The Small Business Administration, National Womens Business Council (NWBC). Not Funded.Kramer, Bradley, Chardie Baird, Margaret Rys, and Shing Chang (co-principal investigators). 2015. Revolutionizing an Engineering Department to Comprehensively Engage Faculty, Students, and Alumni in Forming Students Individualized Industrial Engineering Identities. National Science Foundation. Not Funded.Kramer, Bradley, Chardie Baird, Margaret Rys, and Shing Chang (co-principal investigators). 2014. Accelerating Professional Formation of Industrial Engineers through the Development and Reinforcement of Students Individual Industrial Engineering Identity. National Science Foundation. Not Funded.Britton, Dana M., Sharon Bird, Patricia Roos and Kathrin Zippel (co-principal investigators). 2008. A Contextual Study of Faculty in Engineering, Biomedical, and Social Science. $1,514,638.National Institutes of Health. Pending. Role: Co-Investigator. Not funded.ADVANCE Distinguished Lecture Series award to bring Dr. Paula England, Stanford University sociologist, to KSUs campus for a public talk, September 2010. $1,200ADVANCE Career Enhancement Opportunities Initiative of the College of Arts & Sciences travel grant to attend the Society for the Study of Social Problems annual meetings, August 2009. $1,300ADVANCE Career Enhancement Opportunities Initiative of the College of Arts & Sciences travel grant to attend the Southern Sociological Society annual meetings, April 2009. $1,000University of Texas at Arlington Research Enhancement Program Grant: The Importance of Gender Beliefs for the Sex-Segregation of College Major and First Full-time Job, 2006-2007. $9,950. Role: Principal InvestigatorKansas State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering (KAWSE) ExperienceKAWSEs mission is to enrich the lives of girls and women in White, male-dominated STEM disciplines. KAWSE has programs for middle school students (GROW), high school students (EXCITE), undergraduate and graduate students (SUCCEED), and postdoctoral researchers and faculty (ADVANCE). KAWSE is staffed by a full-time program coordinator, full-time administrative assistant, and a quarter-time executive director. Signature KAWSE programs (not including new programs I implemented):GROW- designed to foster middle school students interests in STEM fieldsFull day, hands-on workshops led by K-State faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students; two/semester, approximately 50 attendees/workshopThree-day, two-night hands-on workshop led by K-State faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students; one/summer, approximately 50 attendees/workshopEXCITE- designed to further high school students interest in STEM fields and pursue their interests and K-State by providing them with opportunities to meet K-State STEM students and faculty and to experience campus life.Assign high school students to a female STEM major at K-State and spend the day living the life of a college student; four/semester, ~10 attendees/dayThree-day, two-night hands-on workshop led by K-State faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students; one/summer, ~50 attendees/workshopSUCCEED- offers opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in STEM to mentor middle school and high school students; network with faculty, other students, and industry professionals in STEM; learn strategies to overcome common barriers to womens success in male-dominated fields.Professional Development Seminars & Networking Opportunities; 2/semesterEmployment and opportunities to build mentoring skill; 9/semester Serve as recruiters to K-State and KAWSE for on-campus recruitment events; 2/yearServe as recruiters to K-State, KAWSE, and STEM disciplines for off-campus recruitment events; 2/semesterOver 100 participants/yearADVANCE- offers networking, professional development, and support for postdoctoral researchers and faculty. It also raises awareness about gender inequality and inequity in academia and STEM fields and communicates best practices for increasing diversity and inclusion.ADVANCE Distinguished Lecture Series (ADLS)- awards up to $1,200 to tenure-earning women faculty to bring discipline leaders to K-State for mentoring and collaboration; approximately 16/yearProfessional Development Seminars & Networking Opportunities; at least 3/semesterTeaching ExpertiseGraduate Courses: Gender and Society; Introduction to Methods of Social Analysis; Research Design Undergraduate Courses: Introduction to Sociology; Methods of Social Research; Power & Privilege; Sociology of Women; Sociology of Work; Statistics. Graduate Student Advising and CommitteesDissertation CommitteesPaige McAllister (Couple & Family Therapy, expected Spring 2022)Benjamin Strother (Personal Financial Planning, Fall 2020)Michelle Washburn-Busk (Couple & Family Therapy, Summer 2020)Constance Carpenter (Education, expected Summer 2020)Michael Kothakota (Personal Finance, Fall 2019)Sara Berkowicz (Personal Finance, Spring 2019)Charity Clifford (Family Studies and Human Services, Summer 2016)Lora Peaden Adair (Psychology, Spring 2015)Tammy Sonnentag (Psychology, Spring 2014)Blake Micha Berryhill (Marriage and Family Therapy, Summer 2014)Bakor Kamal (Curriculum and Instruction, Spring 2013)Sarah Donley (Spring 2013, chair)Laura Logan (Summer 2013)Jeremy Briggs (Summer 2013, co-chair with Dr. Dana Britton)Egbert Zavala (Spring 2010)Masters CommitteesAbigaile Weiser (expected Summer 2022, chair)Hailey Quick (Fine Arts, expected Spring 2021)Aislin Neufeldt (Summer 2019, chair)Austin Rice (Spring 2018)Lora McGraw (Spring 2017)Karly Craig (Journalism and Mass Communication, Spring 2017)Rebecca Carnes (Spring 2013)Lora Peaden (Psychology, Spring 2013)Jennifer Miller (Summer 2009)Jennifer Graham (chair, Spring 2008)Talaun S. Thompson (Spring 2007)Chia-Chi Cheng (Spring 2006) Exam CommitteesJamilya Anderson, (Social Inequalities, Summer 2019, chair)Foster Kamanga (Methods, Summer 2019)Ebo Browne (Social Inequalities, Spring 2019, chair)Alayna Colburn (Social Inequalities, Summer 2018, chair)Rebecca Carnes (Gender, Summer 2018)Patrick Rissler (Methods, PhD, Spring 2017, chair)Sandra Huerta (Gender, PhD, Summer 2016)Will Chernoff (Methods, Fall 2013)Megan McCall (Gender MA, Summer 2011)Sarah Donley (Gender PhD, Summer 2011)Uma Sarmistha (Methods PhD, Spring 2011)Exam Committees (contd)Egbert Zavala (Methods PhD, Spring 2010)Ryan Button (Work and Labor Markets PhD, Spring 2010) Travis Linnemann (Gender PhD, Spring 2009)Sarah Jones (Gender PhD, Spring 2009)Russ Nunley (Methods MA, Fall 2008)Professional ServiceMember, Editorial Board, Sociology Compass, 2019-presentDiscussant, Work II Roundtable, Sociologists for Women in Society, February 2020Nominated, President, Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS), Fall 2019Member, Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS), Feminist Activism Award Committee, 2018-2019External Reviewer, Tenure and Promotion Cases Summer 2018Summer 2017 Member, National Science Foundation Peer Review Panel, 2016; initial and secondary review as proposal moved to next levelMember, Editorial Board, Gender & Society, 2011-2015Reviewer for Peer-Reviewed Journals American Journal of SociologyAmerican Sociological ReviewCommunity, Work, & FamilyEducational ResearcherGender & SocietyGender, Work and OrganizationsInternational Journal of Criminology and SociologyJournal of Family IssuesSex RolesSocial Forces Social Psychology QuarterlySocial Science Journal Social Science ResearchSociological ForumSociological InquirySociology of Education Work and Occupations Member, Sociologists for Women in Society Cheryl Allyn Miller Award Selection Committee, 2009-2011Founding Member, Society for Work and Family Research, 2011Member, Southern Sociological Society Committee on the Status of Students, 2002- 2007 Presidential Aide for Patricia Yancey Martin, President of the Southern Sociological Society, 2002- 2003University ServiceMember, Anti-Racist Faculty Policy Work Group, Fall 2020-presentChair, KAWSE Administrative Assistant Search Committee, Summer 2019Member, Truman Scholarship Committee, Spring 2019Chair, KAWSE Program Coordinator Search Committee, Spring 2019Chair, Women of K-State (WOKS) Social Groups, Fall 2018Search Committee Chair, KAWSE Temporary Administrative Assistant, Summer 2015 Member, KAWSE Executive Committee, 2012-presentMember, GROW/EXCITE Executive Committee, 2012-presentChair, ADVANCE Distinguished Lecture Series (ADLS) Screening Committee, 2012-presentChair, GROW/EXCITE/SUCCEED Steering Committee, 2012-presentChair, KAWSE Award Screening Committee, 2015-presentChair, KAWSE Postdoctoral Researcher Travel Award, 2015-presentMember, Women of K-State Leadership Committee, 2012-2016Member, Women of K-State Leadership Graduate Student Committee, 2012-2016Member, Search Committee, KAWSE Program Coordinator, Fall 2013Member, Search Committee, KAWSE Administrative Assistant, Summer 2013Panelist, ADVANCE Distinguished Lecture Series Panel Luncheon, Kansas State University, 2011Member, Library Appeals Panel, University of Texas-Arlington, 2007-2008 Member, Selection Committee for College of Liberal Arts Representative, Whos Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, University of Texas-Arlington, 2006New Faculty Representative, Focus Group for University Promotion, University of Texas-Arlington, 2006 Member, Expanding Your Horizons Conference Steering Committee, University of Texas-Arlington, 2005-2008 Escort Recruitment Coordinator, Expanding Your Horizons Conference, University of Texas-Arlington, 2005-2008Outside Committee Member- at KSU, faculty members serve as chairs of dissertation defense to ensure that the oral defense is rigorous.Zenova Williams (Spring 2019) Emel Genc (Spring 2019) Randy Kemnitz (Fall 2018) Stacy Conner (Summer 2017) Joey Lightner (Fall 2016) Frederick Fernatt (Fall 2016)Yolanda Mitchell (Summer 2014)College ServiceMember, Faculty Advisory Committee for re-appointment of Associate Dean for Research, Kansas State University, 2014Member, Womens Studies Paper Awards Committee, 2012Affiliate, Womens Studies, 2009- presentMember, Womens Studies Paper Awards Committee, Kansas State University, 2012Member, Faculty Advisory Committee for the five-year review of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Works department head, Kansas State University, 2010 Member, Womens Studies Advisory Board, University of Texas at Arlington, 2006-2008Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work ServiceMember, Department Development, Publicity, and Alumni Relations Committee, 2020-presentCo-founder with Dr. Alisa Garni, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, (SASW) Diversity and Inclusion Committee, 2016-presentMember, Departmental Documents Committee, 2015-presentMember, Evaluation Committee, 2011-2013 Member, Evaluation Committee, Kansas State University, 2011-2013 Member, Library Committee, Kansas State University, 2008-2010Sociology ProgramChair, Social Inequality Reading List Committee, 2016-2018Guest Lecture, Collegiality and Diversity, Pro-seminar for new graduate students, Fall 2017 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, 2016-2017Member, Undergraduate Student Awards Committee, 2012 All-University Open House, Kansas State University, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015Member, Ad Hoc Methods Course Substitution Request Committee, Kansas State University, 2011Member, Undergraduate Student Awards Committee, Kansas State University, 2011 Member, Assessment Committee, Kansas State University, 2010-2011. Spring 2011 Committee won the Effective Use of Assessments for Program Improvement Award. Member, Textbook Fund Committee, Kansas State University, 2011Member, Ad Hoc Introduction to Sociology Textbook Committee, Kansas State University, 2009-2011Guest Lecture, Organization of the Profession & Developing a CV, Pro-seminar for new graduate students, 2008-2011Academic Majors Fair, Kansas State University, 2010 Member, Graduate Program Midcycle Accreditation Review Committee, Kansas State University, 2008 Member, Scholarship Committee, University of Texas-Arlington, 2007-2008 Co-advisor, Sociology Student Association, University of Texas-Arlington, 2005-2008 Co-advisor, Alpha Kappa Delta, University of Texas-Arlington, 2005-2008 Member, Spring Awards Banquet Committee, University of Texas-Arlington, 2005-2008Member, Methods and Statistics Committee, University of Texas-Arlington, 2005-2008Member, Gender and Family Committee, University of Texas-Arlington, 2005-2008PAGE  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 14"#;<MNz{ ҲããÍ|l\M@hd+S5CJOJQJaJhhvCJOJQJaJhh,5CJOJQJaJhhzG5CJOJQJaJ 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