Major in 1xbet best casino website

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The 1xbet best casino website major at K-State is designed to gives students a comprehensive knowledge of crime, victimization, and criminal legal operations and prepare them for a broad assortment of careers working in areas of crime prevention, law enforcement, corrections, victim's services, criminal legal research, and related fields. In addition, our students frequently go on to law school and graduate studies.

Students in the 1xbet best casino website major are required to complete 41 hours of criminological course work. Below is a list of courses required to complete.

Required 1xbet best casino website Foundation Courses (6 hours)

1xbet best casino website students must successfully complete the following two courses:

Core Courses (10 credit hours)

Skills Requirement (1 credit hour)

Social Context (3 credit hours)

Students are required to take 3 credit hours from the following:

Structural Inequality Requirement (3 credit hours)

1xbet best casino website Electives (12 credit hours)

1xbet best casino website students must take 12 credit hours of 1xbet best casino website electives.

Capstone Requirement (6 hours)

Students may either take an “internship” or “scholarship” approach to fulfilling this requirement. Each requires 6 credit hours from courses within the following two tracks.

Undergraduate Thesis

During their senior year, student in the 1xbet best casino website program may conduct supervised research with faculty assistance. This is ideal for students interested in graduate school, for more information contact Dr. Kevin Steinmetz at