Field 1xbet best casino website

The social work 1xbet best casino website is the capstone of one's social work education, in which students are placed full-time at a social service agency for hands-on experiential learning. The 1xbet best casino website allows students to utilize skills learned in class and apply them to real world social service experiences. Students complete 480 hours in the course of one semester as part of their 1xbet best casino website experience.

Is your agency interested in taking on a 1xbet best casino website student? Please complete the 1xbet best casino website Agency Information Form available here or contact Kristen Kremer, Director of Field Education, at

If you are a current 1xbet best casino website supervisor or student, important 1xbet best casino website documents are listed below. Any 1xbet best casino website questions should be directed to Kristen Kremer, Director of Field Education, at