licensure 1xbet sports betting

1xbet sports betting is a licensed profession in the state of Kansas, and the 1xbet sports betting program at Kansas State University prepares students to meet requirements to become a licensed bachelor's-level social worker in the state of Kansas upon successful graduation from the program. The agency charged with regulating 1xbet sports betting licensure in the state of Kansas is the Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board (BSRB). For more information, please contact the BSRB directly at 785-296-3240. BSW students who are in their last semester of degree requirements may start the process of applying for licensure.

1xbet sports betting program requirements at Kansas State University are only aligned with licensure requirements for the state of Kansas; however, 1xbet sports betting program requirements may also fulfill requirements for licensure in other states. Students can explore licensure requirements by state through the Association for 1xbet sports betting Boards.