Lorenza 1xbet online sports betting

Lorenza Lockett

PhD, Kansas State University, 2015
MSW, Arizona State University, 2006
BSW, Kansas State University, 1999

Affiliate, Executive Board, Black Faculty Staff Alliance
Mentor, IMHOTEP, Black Male Initiative
Facilitator, Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy
Affiliate, Manhattan-Riley County Coalition for Equal Justice

Email: renz@ksu.edu Phone: (785) 532-2648
Office: 212 Waters Hall

Dr. Lorenza 1xbet online sports betting joined the Kansas State University Social Work faculty as an instructor in 2008. After obtaining his PhD in the fall of 2015, Dr. 1xbet online sports betting continued on as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Social Work. He teaches at all levels within the social work curriculum to include: SOCWK 100, SOCWK 315 and SOCWK 570. In addition, Dr. 1xbet online sports betting has experience as an online instructor and has previously taught SOCWK 200 and SOCWK 510.

Dr. 1xbet online sports betting takes great pride in his excellent relationship with students and his legacy as a classroom instructor. His motto, "People Matter" is more than a catch phrase. As Dr. 1xbet online sports betting observes, "I enjoy connecting with students from all backgrounds and empathically embrace diversity and inclusion." Dr. 1xbet online sports betting is ethically, morally, and spiritually grounded and openly shares his faith convictions while honoring the ideal of others without judgment or intimidation. 1xbet online sports betting further explains, "I just flat out enjoy people and celebrating life with them, regardless of their philosophical, political or religious ideals."

Dr. 1xbet online sports betting has a strong sense of community. He is a motivational speaker and is active in numerous advocacy-based groups in the Greater Manhattan Community to include being an affiliated facilitator with The Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy (ICDD); Storytelling for Social Justice, Community Conversations, Manhattan-Riley County Coalition for Equal Justice, and Community Conversation on Race & Reconciliation.

Research Interest: Perceptions and image ideations across Black group memberships in 21st Century America.

Dissertation (2015): Black Propinquity in 21st Century America. SOCWK. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/20362