dr 1xbet online games login. Travis Linnemann

Associate Professor

PhD. Sociology, Kansas State University, 2011.

M.A. Sociology, Kansas State University, 2006.

B.S., Sociology, Emporia State University, 1997.

Research areas: social and cultural theory, critical and cultural 1xbet online games login

Teaching areas: true crime, war on drugs, policing

Working in the area of cultural 1xbet online games login , Travis’s research focuses on the ways that crime, violence and disorder are imagined and represented. His writing appears numerous academic journals and edited collections. His first book Meth Wars: police, media, power was published by New York University Press in 2016. With Yvonne Jewkes (University Bath, UK) he is also author of Media and Crime in the US (SAGE, 2017). With Michael Fiddler (University of Greenwich, UK) and Theo Kindynis (Goldsmiths, University of London) he co-edited the collection Ghost 1xbet online games login (NYUP, 2021). His second monograph, The Horror of Police was published by The University of Minnesota Press in 2022. The Horror of Police was honored with the “Jock Young, Criminological Imagination book award” by the American Society of 1xbet online games login , Division of Critical 1xbet online games login and Social Justice. With Michelle Brown (University of Tennessee) he is presently at work on “1xbet online games login Goes to the Movies” for New York University Press.

Travis serves on the editorial boards of Theoretical 1xbet online games login , Critical 1xbet online games login , Current Issues in Criminal Justice (Australia) and Qualitative 1xbet online games login and is the series co-editor of Emerald’s Studies in Culture, Criminal Justice and the Arts.

Travis is also co-editor of the journal Crime, Media, Culture. In 2017, he was named Critical Criminologist of the Year, by the American Society of 1xbet online games login , Division of Critical 1xbet online games login and Social Justice.

Curriculum Vitae

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