Bachelor's in 1xbet online games login

A bachelor’s in 1xbet online games login will prepare you for a broad assortment of careers working in areas of addiction, counseling, community health, case management, law enforcement, and related fields.


The 1xbet online games login major requires a comprehensive set of courses that integrate knowledge, skills, and values to prepare students for entry into the 1xbet online games login profession. These requirements are designed to produce individuals, both as citizens and as 1xbet online games login professionals, who function intelligently and responsibly to serve the special needs of the less fortunate in our society.

Core 1xbet online games login Courses

  • ADC 200: Introduction to Addiction
  • ADC 315: Addiction Pharmacology
  • ADC 325: Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues in Counseling
  • ADC 395: Holistic Recovery
  • ADC 561/SOCWK 561: Methods of Individual Counseling/Social Work Practice II
  • ADC 570/SOCWK 570: Methods of Group Counseling/Social Work with Groups
  • ADC 575: Addiction and Family
  • ADC 630: Co-Occurring Disorders

Learn more about 1xbet online games login courses here.

Social Work Electives

  • SOCWK 100: Social Work: The Helping Profession
  • SOCWK 200: Basic Skills for Working with People
  • SOCWK 315: Human Behavior in the Social Environment
  • SOCWK 320: Dynamics of Working with Older Adults
  • SOCWK 350: Social Work with Criminal Offenders & Victims
  • SOCWK 370: Child Welfare
  • SOCWK 380: Social Work and Intimate Partner Violence
  • SOCWK 510: Social Welfare
  • SOCWK 530: Social Work Research Methods
  • SOCWK 560: Social Work Practice I
  • SOCWK 568: Macro Practice and Theory
  • SOCWK 620: Global Social Work

Students graduating from the 1xbet online games login program at Kansas State University are eligible for licensure as bachelor degree addiction counselors in the State of Kansas and are prepared for employment in a variety of social service settings.

Dual Licensure Opportunity for Social Work Majors

K-State students pursuing a bachelor’s in social work also have the opportunity to become dual-licensed in 1xbet online games login . To do so, students need to:

  1. Complete ADC 200 Introduction to Addiction and ADC 315 Addiction Pharmacology
  2. Graduate with a bachelor’s in social work and pass the LBSW licensing exam
  3. Pass the 1xbet online games login (LAC) licensing exam.

Further Education
1xbet online games login also pairs well with other majors, minors, and certificates, including: