Radiation 1xbet online sports betting Training

This is mandatory training for all employees who are working in areas that contain radioactive materials.

Annual radiation 1xbet online sports betting training is required for all those working in laboratories that contain radioactive materials. This includes both those handling and not handling radioactive sources. Topics covered include radiation basics, hazards, and 1xbet online sports betting precautions as well as policies and procedures unique to the Kansas State University Radiation 1xbet online sports betting Program.

All personnel working around radioactive material will be signed up for "Introduction to Radiation 1xbet online sports betting " and those handling unsealed material additionally will be signed up for "Handling Radioactive Material." Since we are able to provide information specific to users in each department there is no distinction between unsealed and sealed training like there was with the in-person sessions.

Radiation training is now completed through Vivid Online Training: Contact EHS with any questions.

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