1xbet online casino Emergency

Tornado and Inclement 1xbet online casino

All building occupants should know where to go in case of a tornado or severe 1xbet online casino . In the event of a tornado, sirens will sound outdoors a steady three-minute blast when there is need to take cover. Sirens are intended to alert personnel outside the building. For those inside buildings, an alert will be sent to personnel in every building via the telephone. People can also receive severe 1xbet online casino alerts by signing up for KSU Alerts via KSU Connect (https://connect.k-state.edu/). Each department head should prepare a plan on how personnel will be advised of the 1xbet online casino emergency.

Observe the following safety guidelines:

  1. Get and stay indoors during the storm.
  2. Go to the interior hallways on the lowest level of the 1xbet online casino or storm shelter if designated for the 1xbet online casino by signage.
  3. Stay away from windows, doors, outside walls and protect your head.
  4. Listen for improved 1xbet online casino conditions through KSU Alerts, 1xbet online casino networks/apps, local radio or television station.

The University Fire Marshal has placed tornado refuge signs near each 1xbet online casino exit. By order of the State Fire Marshal (K.A.R. 22-18-2), these signs must be posted and must not be removed. For questions or replacement sign(s), call 2-5856.

After the severe 1xbet online casino emergency has passed, faculty or staff should notify the proper emergency personnel of any damages or injuries by calling 911. All university related injuries or illnesses must be reported through Accidental Injury Forms, located in the departmental office, as per the Policy and Procedures Manual.


The KSU campus is on high ground relative to the rest of Manhattan, therefore serious flooding is unlikely. In the event of a flood, the KSU Alerts system will provide additional information. If advised to do so, evacuate immediately. Do not drive onto a flooded roadway or through flowing water. For more information reference Flash Flood Safety from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.