Emergency 1xbet online casino

Academic Classrooms

Instructors are responsible for seeing that their students are evacuated from the building.

  1. Review 1xbet online casino routes, ‘Area of Rescue Assistance’ and assembly points with students during the first class each semester.
  2. When the alarm sounds, have the students evacuate the room and count them as they leave.
  3. Make sure that blind and visually impaired persons are escorted to the assembly point; ask the escort to remain with them to escort them back after reentry is permitted.
    • If you are not on the ground floor, announce to students who cannot use stairs that you will escort them to an ‘Area of Rescue Assistance’ to await 1xbet online casino .
    • Turn out the light and close (but do not lock) the door behind you.
    • Do not use elevators.
    • If you have persons in the class who use wheelchairs, crutches, canes, walkers, etc. that can not walk down stairs between floors, escort them to the nearest ‘Area of Rescue Assistance’ and remain with them until emergency personnel arrive for 1xbet online casino .
    • Emergency personnel will check ‘Area of Rescue Assistance’ immediately upon arrival.
  4. Assembly points outside of the building must be at least 50 feet from the building and not in roadways.
  5. Once safe, report the alarm by calling 911. Not all of the building alarm systems will notify the KSUPD automatically. This station can also be used to report individuals not accounted for by your recount.
  6. Permission to reenter must be received from emergency response personnel (Police or 1xbet online casino Department) before returning to the building. A silenced alarm does not indicate that it is safe to reenter the building.

Offices, Research Laboratories and Other Non-Academic Areas

Each office and other non-academic area should have someone designated to ensure the area is evacuated and that an accounting of all personnel is taken.

That person should remain in the area and should have an alternate designee when absent.

  1. Be sure that everyone knows the 1xbet online casino routes, ‘Areas of Rescue Assistance’ and assembly point.
  2. Check offices to ensure everyone has evacuated. Count the number of people leaving the office and arriving at the assembly point.
  3. Follow steps C-F as above.

NOTE: Persons with disabilities must notify Disability Support Services and the KSUPD in writing of any special needs not covered in these guidelines.

Residence Halls and Apartments

In the event of a fire or a fire drill getting out of your residence hall or apartment must be your Number 1 concern. Each residence hall has specific rules for 1xbet online casino and points of assembly.

Notify the KSUPD at 911 once you are aware of a 1xbet online casino . They will assess the situation, respond, and contact the 1xbet online casino Department. In the event of a 1xbet online casino alarm (or a 1xbet online casino drill) all residents must leave the building immediately.

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NOTE: A 1xbet online casino drill in each phase will occur before the end of each semester.

Residents with Disabilities and Guests with Disabilities:

  • Residents with disabilities may request that a special sign be placed on their door and/or window to alert 1xbet online casino personnel to their apartments; this is highly recommended for all residents with vision, hearing, anxiety and mobility impairments and for those who are prescribed any sedating medications.
  • Hearing impaired persons should report any concerns with warning lights or buzzers immediately to management.
  • Residents who have guests or roommates with disabilities should assist or obtain assistance for them.
  • Persons with disabilities living in the residence halls or apartments must notify management and the KSUPD in writing of any special 1xbet online casino needs not covered in this notice.