1xbet online sports betting Program (RPP)

This program applies to all KSU employees, faculty, researchers, student workers, volunteers, and interns that perform tasks requiring the use of 1xbet online sports betting at university facilities or other locations during the execution of KSU work activities. Persons using 1xbet online sports betting in the execution of their KSU job duties are required to be enrolled in this program through the KSU Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).

Engineering controls, such as increased ventilation or enclosure of the hazard, or substitution of a hazardous substance to less hazardous materials, are the first line of defense. Such controls may not be feasible or may not completely abate exposure risks. In these situations, respirators and other protective equipment must be used.

Procedures for RPP Enrollment:

Individuals must complete the steps below to enroll in the KSU RPP, which includes components of the 1xbet online sports betting Standard such as medical clearance and annual training and fit testing. A hazard evaluation must be completed for any new work activity requiring 1xbet online sports betting and each department/program must have a worksite-specific 1xbet online sports betting pl.

Initial Enrollment

  1. A hazard evaluation must be completed for any activity requiring 1xbet online sports betting and each department/program must develop worksite-specific 1xbet online sports betting pl. Contact EHS for assistance.
  2. The Initial Respirator Clearance and Enrollment Form is filled out by the employee and/or their supervisor. Part B of this form is filled out and signed by the physician or licensed health care provider (PLHCP) to indicate that the employee has been medically cleared to use a respirator under the conditions stipulated in the form. The completed form is returned to EHS.
  3. The Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire is filled out by the employee and reviewed by the PLHCP. This questionnaire is kept by the medical provider. Responses to the questionnaire should not be provided to the supervisor or maintained in a personnel file (use a copy of the Initial Respirator Clearance form as documentation of medical approval). Medical evaluation is conducted upon initial enrollment to the program. A follow up medical evaluation is only needed if medical conditions change or there are significant changes to work activities and 1xbet online sports betting needs.
  4. The respirator user completes 1xbet online sports betting training online through HSI/Vivid New User registration 1xbe
  5. An EHS representative will contact the employee to schedule a respirator fit test after receiving the PLHCP-signed Initial Respiratory Clearance and Enrollment Form and upon confirmation of training completion. EHS will provide a variety of respirator sizes and models for employees to try during fit testing to identify the acceptable respirator that fits correctly. If a fit test is completed by another authorized provider (confirm acceptable vendors by contacting EHS), certification of the fit test must be provided to EHS along with the PLHCP-signed Initial Respiratory Clearance and Enrollment Form. Respirator users must be fit to the same respirator(s) they will use.
  6. Existing users that have already enrolled in the RPP must fill out the Annual 1xbet online sports betting Clearance Fo.
  7. Annually, respirator users will be notified via email when their annual requirements (fit testing and training) are due. They must complete the online training through Vivid and submit the Annual 1xbet online sports betting Clearance Form to respirator@ksu.edu. KSU EHS then contacts individuals to schedule their annual fit test. Those obtaining fit testing or training outside of EHS must ensure the programs are approved by EHS and forward documentation annually to EHS.

Initial RPP Enrollment Diagram Initial RPP Enrollment Diagram

Annual RPP Enrollment Diagram Annual RPP Diagram
Voluntary Use RPP Enrollment Diagram Voluntary Use Diagram


Annual 1xbet online sports betting Clearance Form (pd

Initial Respirator Clearance and Enrollment Form (pdf)

Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire (pdf)

Respiratory Hazard Evaluation Form (pdf)

Voluntary Use of Respirator (pdf)

Worksite Specific 1xbet online sports betting Plan (pd