evacuation 1xbet online sports betting

It is each person’s responsibility to acquaint themselves with locations of 1xbet online sports betting equipment, 1xbet online sports betting exits and general evacuation routes of each building they occupy. If during an 1xbet online sports betting situation evacuation is not a possibility a sheltering in place strategy should be considered.

Things to remember if sheltering in place:

  1. Stay in a location that can be protected from the hazard and easily located by 1xbet online sports betting first responders (stairwells, rooms with exterior windows, etc..)
  2. Protect yourself from the hazard ( close all openings where smoke or odors may enter a room, open windows for fresh air, check doors for heat prior to opening, etc,..)
  3. Notify first responders of your location (call, text, put a sign in or hang a piece of clothing, sheet or other article out an exterior window).