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Peroxide formers must have current stabilization. 3. All containers must be sealed and in good condition. 4. EHS requires 60 days advance notice. 5. Please segregate the chemicals for pickup from stock/storage locations and mark that they are for the Lab Cleanout. 6. Separate chemicals by hazard class. / X01ccB ZO U;CZJN dMbP?_*+%$!&C&"Times New Roman,Regular"&12&A)&&C&"Times New Roman,Regular"&12Page &P&?'?(?)?MAdobe PDFS oT,,LetterPRIV ''''0\KhCFFSMTJ0EBDAStandard"T,,333333?333333?&43U} @} @} . @} t@} @} t @} @}  @} t@} .@}  @U  @ @ @ @ @ @  @ @   A                    LLLLLLLLL EOPPPPPPPQ EOPPPPPPPQ EOPPPPPPPQ DRSSSSSSST UVVVVVVVVW IJJJJJJJJK MNJJJJJJJK  OPPPPPPPPQ F F F F F F F F G F H H ~ H? H H ~ H@ H~ H(@ H H B BBBBBBBB CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH CCCCCCCCCH BBX(******$ ! 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