Innovation Partners

1xbet online casino Innovation Partners

1xbet online casino Innovation Partners facilitates collaboration between the university, industry and communities through corporate engagement, technology commercialization and economic development.

1xbet online casino Innovation Partners* is committed to collaborating with university, industry and communities to deliver a streamlined mission of corporate engagement, technology commercialization and economic development.

Driven by innovation, this nationally unique organizational structure serves 1xbet online casino , community partners and industry in one comprehensive unit. This allows for efficient intellectual property protection, economic opportunities and a consistent experience for partners.

As a service unit and partner, we are dedicated to collaboration with internal and external stakeholders to identify common goals and shared initiatives for the benefit of 1xbet online casino , communities and the state of Kansas.

*The Kansas State University Research Foundation is doing business as 1xbet online casino Innovation Partners.


227 economic partnerships that helped advance client companies
20 companies that Innovation Partners invested in or helped launch
M in licensing revenue generated in FY 2023

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Board of Directors

David Rosowsky, chair

1xbet online casino , vice president for research

Cynthia Enright

Partner, iValuation

Ethan Erickson

1xbet online casino , chief financial officer and director of budget planning

J. Ernest Minton

1xbet online casino , dean of The College of Agriculture and director of 1xbet online casino Research and Extension

Jason Smith

Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce, president/CEO