Contract 1xbet best casino website templates

Memorandum of 1xbet best casino website (.doc)

A written 1xbet best casino website for public service, outreach, and research and development activities performed by K-State faculty, staff and students.

1xbet best casino website (.docx)

Use this form to modify the terms of an existing 1xbet best casino website (budget revisions, time extensions, etc.). The form can be modified to follow the structure of the original 1xbet best casino website .

Testing and Evaluation Services 1xbet best casino website (.doc)

A written 1xbet best casino website for the performance of technical testing and evaluation services performed by K-State faculty and staff on a sponsor’s existing intellectual property.

Master 1xbet best casino website for Research and Testing/Evalua (.docx)

For strategic university collaborators, this Master 1xbet best casino website template option provides for the negotiation of standard contract terms for research and testing/evaluation projects in order to help expedite the execution of simple task orders when it is anticipated that future or ongoing engagements will occur with a sponsor.

Confidentiality 1xbet best casino website (.docx)

A written 1xbet best casino website that governs the time frame in which confidential information disclosed between K-State and a potential research sponsor can be restricted, so as not to be shared with any third party.

Material Transfer 1xbet best casino website — outgoing material (.docx)

A written 1xbet best casino website for the exchange of research materials. K-State’s standard MTA is for the transfer of K-State-owned material to non-profit, research institutions. If the other party is a signatory to the Uniform Biological Material Transfer 1xbet best casino website (UBMTA), generally, the UBMTA may be used instead of the K-State MTA template to help speed up the negotiation process.

Intellectual Property Assignment 1xbet best casino website (PDF)
Public Policy Mandates (PDF)

A discussion of intellectual property and works-for-hire contract language.

Lisa Duer


Lisa Duer
Associate director, contract negotiations