1xbet online games login Workshop

Thursday, April 30, 2020

This workshop brought together faculty and students who are working in or are interested in, the broadly defined area of the 1xbet online games login .

Keynote presentation:

Douglas Marthaler, Illumina, Inc: Next Generation Sequencing Applications in 1xbet online games login

Additional presentations:
  • Dr. Ryan Hansen, chemical engineering: Microwell Devices for Rapid Exploration of the 1xbet online games login

  • Dr. Chris Little, plant pathology: Exploring the Mycobiome of Soybean Seeds

  • Dr. Matthew Kirk, geology: Connections Between Land Use Soil 1xbet online games login , and Groundwater 1xbet online games login in Agricultural Landscape

  • Dr. Sonny Lee, biology: The Impact of Microbiota in Early Life on IBD Development: From Metabarcoding to Metagenomes

  • Dr. Megan Niederwerder, veterinary medicine: Role of Gut Microbes in Swine Respiratory Disease

  • Dr. Tara Gaire, veterinary medicine: Age Dynamics of Fecal Micro- and Myco-Biome Composition and AMR are Similar in Production and Breeder Swine