august 1xbet online sports betting 25, 2016

1xbet online sports betting , Scholarly and Creative Activities, and Discovery (RSCAD) News

August 25, 2016

The weekly RSCAD newsletter provides the latest 1xbet online sports betting news, funding opportunities, and academic trends.

Announcements from the Office of the Vice President for 1xbet online sports betting

Required Training for New K-1xbet online sports betting Researchers

All K-1xbet online sports betting researchers are required to complete RCR training 1xbet online games login. Online, self-paced training modules are designed to ensure that all new researchers, from undergraduate students or faculty members, have instruction in how to conduct 1xbet online sports betting . If you're new to campus, please complete these now. If you direct others in 1xbet online sports betting , please ensure that they have completed the modules. Additional project-specific training is available as needed. Contact the Office of 1xbet online casino Integrity, Compliance and Se if you have questions. Interested in other support for new researchers? Check the Faculty Resources section of our website.

Postdoctoral Appreciation Week

Mark your calendar to celebrate National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week September 19-23. Read about the events and register to attend as we celebrate the contributions of these vital 1xbet online sports betting colleagues. Encourage your postdocs to attend!

New Funding Opportunities

The Funding Connection

The Funding Connection is a weekly publication of the Office of 1xbet online sports betting & Sponsored Programs. For more information about individual programs and for applications, please e-mail 1xbet online sports betting or call 785 532-6195.

Highlights from this week's Funding Connection: The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Major 1xbet online sports betting Instrumentation Program (MRI) serves to increase access to shared scientific and engineering instruments for 1xbet online sports betting and 1xbet online sports betting training. Specifically, the MRI program assists with the acquisition or development of a shared 1xbet online sports betting instrument that is, in general, too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NSF programs. The instrumentation should support an institution’s 1xbet online sports betting and training goals and may be used by other researchers regionally or nationally. This is a limited submission with notification of an intended submission due to the Office of 1xbet online sports betting and Sponsored Programs by September 9 via .

K-1xbet online sports betting in the News

K-1xbet online sports betting 's A.J. Tarpon to Share Biosecurity Tips and Strategies Oct. 14 in Dodge City

8/18/16 The Hutchinson News
K-State 1xbet online sports betting and Extension, the Ford County Extension Office, Ford County Emergency Management and the 3i Show have teamed up to offer farmers, ranchers, emergency personnel and the general public the opportunity to learn more about keeping an important part of the food supply, livestock, safe in Southwest Kansas. During the 3i Show, Dr. A.J. Tarpoff, K-State Extension Beef Veterinarian, will present the program “Protecting Livestock from Disease: Basics of Biosecurity” on Friday Oct. 14 at 11 a.m. and again at 4 p.m.

Navigating Landlord-Tenant Agreements

8/20/16 High Plains Journal
Moving can often be a tedious, stressful event. The decisions made along the way will affect your next year — maybe longer, so it’s important to be well informed at every step in the process, said Elizabeth Kiss, K-State 1xbet online sports betting and Extension family resource management specialist. She shared tips to aid the hunt for your next rental home.

Sugarcane Aphid Field Day Set for Aug. 22

8/16/16 The Hays Daily News
J.P. Michaud, K-State 1xbet online sports betting & Extension entomologist, will be on-hand at the field day to show and discuss the SCA, which is a new pest to grain sorghum in the Great Plains that can cause significant yield loss when it reaches economic threshold levels.

Awards for Campuswide Assessment

8/22/16 Inside Higher Ed
Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting , one of the designees, has made significant changes in its curriculum in response to strengths and shortcomings identified through faculty-driven assessment efforts, said Frederick Burrack, director of the assessment office and professor of music at Kansas State.

Wheat Olympics: A Test of Endurance

8/22/16 Minnesota Ag Connection
Finding a wheat variety that performs well in terms of both quality and protein becomes a survival-of-the-fittest to see which varieties outlast the others under hot and dry conditions. If wheat is the athlete, then Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting associate professor in agronomy, Krishna Jagadish is the coach. Jagadish and his team impose heat and drought stress on post-flowering plants to determine which ones will cave under pressure and which ones will overcome the odds.

From Our Peers

The World’s Most Popular Pesticide Probably Killed England’s Wild Bees

8/17/16 Yahoo! Finance
In Europe, 9.2% of the continent’s almost 2,000 bee species are facing extinction, according to one assessment. But until now, it’s been hard to quantify how seriously chemicals have impacted bees. “Pesticides and beekeeping have been butting heads for 50-plus years,” David R. Tarpy, a professor at North Carolina State 1xbet online sports betting ’s department of entomology, told Quartz.

How Women Politicians Are Becoming Just Like the Guys

8/22/16 Yahoo! News
The lower corruption rates for women stem, in part, from how females are raised. “Women have been socialized to be more risk averse than men, and so that’s one thing that operates among women political candidates,” says Dianne Bystrom, director of the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics at Iowa State 1xbet online sports betting .

‘Climate Change is Water Change’ — Why the Colorado River System is Headed for Major Trouble

8/19/16 The Washington Post
Such solutions will likely be all the more important in the face of future climate change, according to Brad Udall, senior water and climate 1xbet online sports betting scientist at Colorado State University’s Colorado Water Institute. For the past 15 years, a combination of precipitation declines and unusually high temperatures have helped fuel the region’s ongoing drought. “Because you have these warmer temperatures, you then get a whole bunch of other processes at play,” Udall said. “You get a higher evaporative load from soil, you get plants that green up sooner and use more water, you get more evaporation out of reservoirs, you get a longer growing season on both the spring and the fall ends. All of that leads to declines in runoff.”

In Rural Oregon People Can Have Trouble Getting Medication

8/18/16 SF Gate
As a result, Heppner is one of many towns across Oregon with limited access to prescription drugs. A recent analysis from Oregon State 1xbet online sports betting suggests that the lack of pharmacy services may be boosting the rates of hospital readmissions among seniors, at great cost to both patients and the health care system.

What Do Women Leaders Have in Common?

8/17/16 The Atlantic
Which is why women are more likely to take a grassroots route to politics, says Farida Jalalzai of Oklahoma State 1xbet online sports betting , and the author of Shattered, Cracked and Firmly Intact: Women and the Executive Glass Ceiling Worldwide and Women Presidents of Latin America: Beyond Family Ties? “Women are more likely to first get into public life through activism; sometimes 1xbet online sports betting is through their identities as mothers to work on a particular problem,” she explained.

RSCAD Trending Topics

Rethink How Chemical Hazards Are Tested

Improved regulation is necessary to protect people and the environment from harmful substances. But 1xbet online sports betting does little for inventors who face the perplexing task of creating safer chemicals and products. In the current system, safety information is gathered after a chemical is invented, or in many cases, after 1xbet online sports betting is incorporated into products and distributed to the public. The molecular interactions of chemicals within products are unaccounted for, meaning that ingredients lists may be misleading as sources for product safety information. Such factors make 1xbet online sports betting nearly impossible for an inventor to avoid the risk of creating an unsafe chemical or product.

USPTO Launches Cancer Moonshot Challenge

The USPTO is playing an important role in the National Cancer Moonshot , a Presidential initiative we blogged about earlier this summer , to speed up cancer advances, make more therapies available to more patients, and improve the ability to prevent cancer and detect 1xbet online sports betting at an early stage. Today, we are launching the USPTO Cancer Moonshot Challenge to enlist the public’s help to leverage our intellectual property data, often an early indicator of meaningful 1xbet online sports betting and development (R&D), and combine it with other economic and funding data (ie. SEC U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings, Food and Drug Administration reporting, National Science Foundation grants vs. philanthropic investments, venture capital funding, etc.). This comes on the heels of our Patents 4 Patients program, which was launched in July and aims to cut in half the time it takes to review patent applications in cancer therapy. The USPTO Cancer Moonshot Challenge 1xbet online sports betting conclude on September 12 and winners 1xbet online sports betting be announced on September 26. Learn more about the prizes.

Putting the Power of Self-Knowledge to Work

Last week, and the week before, I reported on efforts over the past two decades to put more of this kind of knowledge into effect. Specifically, I examined how community-based networks were sharing 1xbet online sports betting with professionals and residents in numerous communities, about how the effects of childhood trauma — so-called adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs — substantially increase risks for a range of negative outcomes, including dropping out of school, abusing drugs, becoming depressed, committing suicide, and being a victim of, or a perpetrator, of violence or abuse. (For information about ACEs, including the landmark ACE study and “ACE scores,” see these infographics and resources.) This 1xbet online sports betting didn’t exist when Lessing gave her lectures in 1985, and it’s still largely unknown to Americans, much like cholesterol was before the 1980s. But social scientists now see it as a major factor behind an array of social ills and chronic diseases. And today, a growing network of health care professionals, educators, government officials, social service workers and community leaders are working to get knowledge about ACEs into public consciousness.

Zika Poised for Possible Spread Across U.S. Gulf

One of the top U.S. public health officials on Sunday warned that the mosquito-borne Zika virus could extend its reach across the U.S. Gulf Coast after officials last week confirmed it as active in the popular tourist destination of Miami Beach. The possibility of transmission in Gulf States such as Louisiana and Texas 1xbet online sports betting likely fuel concerns that the virus, which has been shown to cause the severe birth defect known as microcephaly, could spread across the continental United States, even though officials have played down such an outcome.

Better Burgers, More Healthful Hotdogs: Could A Pinch Of Seaweed Be The Answer?

Next-generation hot dogs and hamburgers may come with an unusual ingredient: seaweed. That's the goal of a group of scientists trying to make these red-meat-rich, unhealthful foods more healthful by adding nutrient-packed seaweed, a staple in Japanese and other Asian cuisines. But it's still early days of 1xbet online sports betting . The Madrid-based team has been exploring what happens to the taste, texture and smell of meat products when they replace some of the fat and salt content with dried and powdered seaweed. They summarize their progress in a report published last month in the journal Food 1xbet online sports betting International.

As Lab-Grown Meat and Milk Inch Closer to U.S. Market, Industry Wonders Who 1xbet online sports betting Regulate?

The first hamburger cooked with labmade meat didn’t get rave reviews for taste . But the test tube burger, rolled out to the press in 2013, has helped put a spotlight on the question of how the U.S. government 1xbet online sports betting regulate the emerging field of cellular agriculture, which uses biotechnology instead of animals to make products such as meat, milk, and egg whites. So far, none of these synthetic foods has reached the marketplace. But a handful of startup companies in the United States and elsewhere are trying to scale up production. In the San Francisco Bay area in California, entrepreneurs at Memphis Meats hope to have their cell-cultured meatballs, hot dogs, and sausages on store shelves in about 5 years, and those at Perfect Day are targeting the end of 2017 to distribute cow-free dairy products. 1xbet online sports betting ’s not clear, however, which government agencies would oversee this potential new food supply.