july 1xbet sports betting 7, 2016

1xbet sports betting , Scholarly and Creative Activities, and Discovery (RSCAD) News

July 7, 2016

The weekly RSCAD newsletter provides the latest 1xbet sports betting news, funding opportunities, and academic trends.

Announcements from the Office of the Vice President for 1xbet sports betting

Summertime Rap 1xbet sports betting the Desk of the VPR

We just closed the books on an exciting fiscal year where we witnessed record-breaking grant applications from our faculty, started to align our efforts in intellectual property management and technology transfer, and capped off the semester with a successful 1xbet sports betting showcase that hosted dozens of prospective industry partners. We’ve also started taking stock of our 1xbet sports betting compliance opportunities and will be launching a 1xbet sports betting office strategic plan refresh this month. So what better time for a summertime rap?

Summer, summer, summertime

Time to sit back and unwind…

Now the routine of the fiscal year has come to an end

Just a bit of a break 1xbet sports betting the regular trend.

Here’s something to break up the semester monotony

Of all that hardcore teachin’ that the year has gotten to be

A little bit out of control, 1xbet sports betting ’s cool to kick back

And do some family things, maybe 1xbet sports betting , games like tic tac

Toe in the cool water, splash around the dock

Maybe sit and read for fun, collect your thoughts, even take stock.

Think of the summers past

Turn up the music, let the rhythms blast

So with a pen and pad, I abused this rhyme

Of 1xbet sports betting Smith’s 90’s rap to get you thinking ‘bout summertime.

Enjoy your time this summer. Let us know how the Office of the Vice President for 1xbet sports betting can help.

— Peter

National Postdoc Survey

Postdoctoral 1xbet sports betting are a vital part of the strong and efficient scientific workforce that is critical to the health and future of the U.S. economy. A recent editorial in the American Journal of Physiology addressed the "postdoc crisis" and encouraged postdocs to fill out the National Postdoc Survey to gather a range of information about demographics, mentorship and training experience, training duration, and career aspirations. More than 4,000 have already responded. We encourage all K-State postdocs to add their voices to this information-gathering effort that 1xbet sports betting support informed policy decisions aimed at improving postdoc conditions and safeguarding our future scientific workforce.

Q&A with Associate Vice President for 1xbet sports betting

Get to know Cheryl Doerr, associate vice president for 1xbet sports betting compliance, and find out what she's learned in three months on the job at K-State.

Petfood Innovation Workshop Early Bird Special

Manhattan 1xbet sports betting host the annual K-State Pet Food Experience and Petfood Innovation Workshop September 13-15. Read more 1xbet sports betting and register; early bird pricing is available until August 15.

1xbet sports betting Funding Opportunities

The Funding Connection

The Funding Connection is a weekly publication of 1xbet sports betting & Sponsored Programs. For more information about individual programs and for applications, please e-mail 1xbet sports betting @k-state.edu or call 785 532-6195.

Highlight 1xbet sports betting this week's Funding Connection: NSF’s Geography and Spatial Sciences Program sponsors 1xbet sports betting on the geographic distributions and interactions of human, physical, and biotic systems on Earth. Investigators are encouraged to propose plans for 1xbet sports betting about the nature, causes, and consequences of human activity and natural environmental processes across a range of scales. Projects on a variety of topics qualify for support if they offer promise of contributing to scholarship by enhancing geographical knowledge, concepts, theories, methods, and their application to societal problems and concerns.

K-1xbet sports betting in the News

Char None! Healthy Options for High Heat Cooking

7/6/16 Huffington Post
The type of marinade may matter: According to a study conducted at Kansas State 1xbet sports betting , herbed marinades with rosemary and thyme both boost your immune system and combat cancer-causing carcinogens in meat. The Food Science Institute found that a steak cooked in a Caribbean marinade had an 88 percent drop in HCAs, an herb marinade accounted for a 72 percent drop and a Southwestern mixture had a 57 percent drop.

Money Actually Did Buy Me Happiness

6/8/16 Time Magazine
Friendships are easier to maintain when you can afford dinners, movies, and nights out. And as for love, a study by Kansas State 1xbet sports betting found that arguments over money were the greatest predictor of divorce. Enjoying your work certainly increases your happiness, but that will be mitigated if your passions can’t pay for food, water, shelter, and utilities — if you can’t put money in a savings account or let it compound in the stock market, if the occasional splurge is entirely outside your reach.

Agencies, Universities 1xbet sports betting Ways to Keep Zika Out of Kansas

7/5/16 Washington Times
The Kansas Biosecurity 1xbet sports betting Institute at Kansas State University has increased 1xbet sports betting on the virus in recent months, and the Shawnee County Health Agency has started an awareness campaign to deter any further spread. The Zika virus can be carried in two types of Aedes mosquito, often doesn’t include severe symptoms and rarely leads to death. But it has been linked to some severe birth defects such as microcephaly, where an infant’s head doesn’t develop to full size.

1xbet sports betting Gaming at Work Make You More Productive?

7/8/16 BBC-Capital
1xbet sports betting suggests that these so-called micro-breaks are beneficial. In a 2014 study by researchers at Kansas State University in the US of 72 full-time employees from a variety of industries, those who spent one or two minutes during breaks in their day playing games such as Candy Crush on their phones reported being happier than their peers. Employees reported spending 22 minutes playing video games during an eight-hour workday.

1xbet sports betting Our Peers

Meet the US Farmers Turning 1xbet sports betting Tobacco Into Airplane Fuel

7/6/16 MSN.com
Since 2009, the US biofuel company Tyton BioEnergy Systems has partnered with agronomists from Virginia Tech and North Carolina State University and tobacco growers to 1xbet sports betting the potential for turning tobacco into biomass. Mills grows two acres of energy tobacco under contract with Tyton. “We’re experimenting with varieties that were discarded 50 years ago by traditional tobacco growers because the flavours were poor or the plants didn’t have enough nicotine,” explains Tyton co-founder Peter Majeranowski. Researchers are pioneering selective breeding techniques and genetic engineering to increase tobacco’s sugar and seed oil content to create a promising source of renewable fuel. The low-nicotine varieties require little maintenance, are inexpensive to grow and thrive where other crops would fail.

Robot is Helping to Reveal How the First Creatures Crawled On Land

6/8/16 Yahoo! Finance
A team of physicists, biologists, and roboticists from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Clemson 1xbet sports betting , and Carnegie Mellon 1xbet sports betting are using robots to explore how the first animals crawled on land 360 million years ago — by creating a robot modeled on the African mudskipper fish, which is able to propel itself in both water and land. The work is not only helping us understand more about the way that the first creatures to crawl out of the water moved, but also to learn valuable lessons that could make future robots more efficient at moving on surfaces such as sand and mud, which are typically tough to negotiate.

The World’s Clouds Are in Different Places Than They Were 30 Years Ago

7/11/16 Washington Post
In a new study published in Nature on Monday, scientists say they have for the first time thoroughly documented one of the most profound planetary changes yet to be caused by a warming climate: The distribution of clouds all across the Earth has shifted, they say. And moreover, it has shifted in such a way — by expanding subtropical dry zones, located between around 20 and 30 degrees latitude in both hemispheres, and by raising cloud tops — as to make global warming worse. “As global warming occurs, there’s the expectation that the storm track will shift closer to the pole and the dry areas of the subtropics will expand poleward,” said Joel Norris, a climate scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the 1xbet sports betting of California, San Diego, and the study’s lead author. The work was conducted with scientists at Scripps, the 1xbet sports betting of California at Riverside, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Colorado State 1xbet sports betting .

The Best Way to Teach Adults to Save Energy Might Be Through 1xbet sports betting Children

7/11/16 Washington Post
In a new study involving 30 California Girl Scout troops, researchers demonstrated that interventions targeting youth can help promote energy-saving actions in both children and their parents, with concrete behavioral changes lasting for months after an intervention takes place. The 1xbet sports betting highlights the idea that youth-oriented environmental programs can have a tangible impact on entire families. The study, which was published Monday in the journal Nature Energy, revolves around a concept known as social cognitive theory, an idea that suggests a person’s behaviors can be influenced by their social interactions, their environment and other factors affecting the way they learn new things. Social cognitive theory has been used effectively in the past in public health interventions — including ones targeted at children — but rarely in environmental ones, the researchers note in the paper. “A lot of the techniques that are recommended through that theory have to do with really practicing skill-building, behavior changes, modeling those behavior changes to others, setting goals — pledging and committing to make changes to behavior — and then monitoring progress over time,” said Hilary Boudet, a sociologist at Oregon State University and the new study’s lead author. “And so we tried to build all those components into each session with the Girl Scouts.”

RSCAD Trending Topics

Important Information Regarding Automated 1xbet sports betting Checking of NSF Proposals

NSF continues to focus on the automated compliance checks of proposals in order to decrease the burden on both the 1xbet sports betting community and NSF staff. Effective July 25, 2016, all proposals will be subject to a new series of automated compliance validation checks to ensure proposals comply with requirements outlined in Chapter II.C.2. of the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG). The new set of automated compliance checks will trigger error messages for each of the following rules: Biographical Sketch(es) and Current and Pending Support files are required for each Senior Personnel associated with a proposal; and Biographical Sketch(es) can only be uploaded as a file, must not exceed two pages and can no longer be entered as text. Note About Proposal File Update (PFU): Proposers should be aware should that if a proposal was received prior to July 25 and contained only one Biographical Sketch and/or Current & Pending Support file (rather than individual files for each senior personnel), a PFU addressing any section of the proposal will result in the proposal not being accepted if it does not comply with these new compliance checks. The checks will be run on all sections of the proposal regardless of which section was updated during the PFU. Note About Grants.gov: Proposers should also be aware that Grants.gov will allow a proposal to be submitted, even if it does not comply with these proposal preparation requirements. Should NSF receive a proposal from Grants.gov that is not compliant, it will be returned without review. Please note that the new set of compliance checks are in addition to the compliance checks that currently exist in FastLane. You can view a complete list of FastLane auto-compliance checks, including these checks, by clicking here .

A Shot in the Arm for Obama’s Precision Medicine Initiative

Precision medicine is a big idea. Tailoring drugs and therapies to a patient’s individual disease, lifestyle, environment, and genes could touch off a health-care revolution, or so the thinking goes. But first there is much we need to learn 1xbet sports betting what that all means to a person’s health. That’s why the Obama administration announced Wednesday evening that it is devoting million this year to the creation of a public database containing detailed health information 1xbet sports betting a million or more volunteers. It’s also why it’s trying to figure out how to better regulate the fast-growing genetic testing market.

1xbet sports betting in the Crowdsourcing Age, a Case Study

Digital age platforms are providing researchers the ability to outsource portions of their work – not just to increasingly intelligent machines, but also to a relatively low-cost online labor force comprised of humans. These so-called “online outsourcing” services help employers connect with a global pool of free-agent workers who are willing to complete a variety of specialized or repetitive tasks. Because it provides access to large numbers of workers at relatively low cost, online outsourcing holds a particular appeal for academics and nonprofit 1xbet sports betting organizations – many of whom have limited resources compared with corporate America. For instance, Pew 1xbet sports betting Center has experimented with using these services to perform tasks such as classifying documents and collecting website URLs. And a Google search of scholarly academic literature shows that more than 800 studies – ranging from medical 1xbet sports betting to social science – were published using data from one such platform, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, in 2015 alone.

Major Funders Launch International Repository of Cutting-Edge 1xbet sports betting Models

For decades, cancer biologists have relied on so-called lines of cancer cells for their experiments. But these cultured cells often bear little resemblance to the tumor they came from. That’s because a piece of tumor tissue dropped into a petri dish doesn’t just start growing. Instead, researchers pull out a few cells in the tumor that happen to replicate well—often cells that don’t need the surrounding normal cells that nurture tumors inside the body. And the genetic makeup of cell lines can change over the years they multiply in labs. No wonder, then, that an experimental drug that kills a colon cancer cell line won’t necessarily help a patient with colon cancer. Now, several U.S. and European funding agencies want to change that. Today, they’re launching the Human Cancer Models Initiative (HCMI), which aims to give the 1xbet sports betting community tumor cells that behave more like actual human tumors. The project involves four groups: the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) in Bethesda, Maryland; Cancer 1xbet sports betting UK in London; the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton, U.K.; and the nonprofit Hubrecht Organoid Technology in Utrecht, the Netherlands, which was founded by Hans Clevers, a cancer researcher at the Hubrecht Institute.

Massive Open-Access Database on Human Cultures Created

An international team of researchers has developed a website at d-place.org to help answer long-standing questions 1xbet sports betting the forces that shaped human cultural diversity. D-PLACE -- the Database of Places, Language, Culture and Environment -- is an expandable, open access database that brings together a dispersed body of information on the language, geography, culture and environment of more than 1,400 human societies. It comprises information mainly on pre-industrial societies that were described by ethnographers in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

NIST 3-D Ballistics 1xbet sports betting Database Goes Live

"When an expert testifies that two bullets are a match, the jury wants to know, 'How good a match is it?'" said Xiaoyu Alan Zheng, a mechanical engineer who conducts forensic science 1xbet sports betting at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). "No forensic results have zero uncertainty.” Researchers are developing statistical methods for quantifying that uncertainty, and the main obstacle they face is a lack of sufficient data. This month NIST released the largest open-access database of its kind--the NIST Ballistics Toolmark 1xbet sports betting Database--to help remove that obstacle.