Undue Foreign Influence: Risks and Mitigations Training

How to complete CITI training:

Visit citiprogram.org

New users
  1. Click "Register" at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Select "Kansas State University" for 1xbet online casino Organization Affiliation.
  3. Enter 1xbet online casino name and email address. Use 1xbet online casino K-state email as 1xbet online casino primary email address. Enter a secondary email address.
  4. Create 1xbet online casino username and password (not case sensitive), then enter optional demographic information.
  5. CITI offers an option for learners to receive Continuing Education credits for a fee. If 1xbet online casino are interested in paying for CE credits, select yes when asked, otherwise, select no.
  6. After completing all requested information on the next page (contact information, research role, eID, etc.), 1xbet online casino will arrive at a page that asks about research activities.
  7. For Question 17: Undue Foreign Influence: Risks and Mitigations, check the box that reads "Yes."Checking this box will automatically enter 1xbet online casino into the Foreign Influence course.
  8. Click "Submit" and you will be brought to the "Main Menu" which will contain 1xbet online casino required courses under "Kansas State University Courses."
  9. Complete all required modules. Prior to each course, CITI will prompt 1xbet online casino to answer whether 1xbet online casino ’d like to complete a pre-course assessment (optional), and an Integrity Assurance Statement (required).
Previous users (at Kansas State University)

If 1xbet online casino have previously been enrolled in CITI at Kansas State University, use the following instructions:

  1. Login with 1xbet online casino username and password (this is CITI-specific and is not 1xbet online casino K-State eID/password).
  2. On the main page, under the header "Institutional 1xbet online casino ," click on the blue box labeled "View 1xbet online casino " next to Kansas State University.
  3. If 1xbet online casino need to add a new course to complete:
    1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Add a Course."
    2. Answer "Yes" to Question 17: Undue Foreign Influence: Risks and Mitigations and hit "Submit" at the bottom of the page.
    3. After being routed back to the main page, scroll down to the section entitled "Courses Ready to Begin," select 1xbet online casino course, and click the blue box labeled "Start Now."
  4. If 1xbet online casino need to renew a course that is expired:
    1. Scroll down to the section on our main page labeled "1xbet online casino Ready to Begin."
    2. Find the course that 1xbet online casino need to take and click on the blue box labeled "Start Now."
Previous users (at a different institution)

If 1xbet online casino have accessed CITI in "demo" mode, or have previously used CITI at another institution, use the following instructions:

  1. Login with 1xbet online casino username and password.
  2. Once you reach the "Main Menu," select, "Click here to affiliate with another institution," then choose "Kansas State University" for 1xbet online casino Organization Affiliation.
  3. Follow steps 7 through 9 above.

If 1xbet online casino have any questions about how to add a course or find a course to take, please feel free to call the University Research Compliance Office at 532-3224.