proposal 1xbet online games login Preparation Information

Official address

The official address to use for all sponsored project matters is:

Kansas State University
Office of Sponsored Programs
1601 Vattier Street
103 Fairchild Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-2504

Authorized Institutional Representative

Our signature authority is:

Paul R. Lowe
Associate Vice President for 1xbet online games login
Phone: 785 532-6804
Fax: 785-532-3640

Frequently used numbers

K-State's FEIN # 48-0771751
Unique Entity ID (UEI) CFMMM5JM7HJ9
K-State's FICE 1xbet online games login 001928
Federal Registry # 48-073-167K
Animal Welfare Assurance # A3609-01
NRC # 38C011-01
Human Subjects 1xbet online games login Assurance # FWA00000865
Dun & Bradstreet # 92-977-3554
CAGE 1xbet online games login # 4B817
Standard Industry 1xbet online games login 8221
Contract Establishment 1xbet online games login (CEC) # 04-114-6432
Congressional District KS-001
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 1xbet online games login # 611310
Federal Interagency Committee on Education # 001928
Vets-100 Registration # V796386
NIH Institutional Profile File # 4202801
USDA-ARS FMMI Vendor 1xbet online games login 1500043534