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NIH Data 1xbet sports betting

As of January 25, 2023, NIH requires that all submissions include a 1xbet online sports betting and Sharing Plan.

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NSF requires an up to two-page, supplementary document labeled "1xbet online sports betting Plan," or DMP. This document should describe how the proposed research team will conform to NSF's data sharing policy.

USDA 1xbet online sports bettin

Increased access to scientific research results — scholarly publications, digital data sets — from NIFA-funded projects is considered critical to achieving NIFA’s vision to catalyze transformative discoveries, education and engagement to address agricultural challenges. Therefore, since October of 2019, an appropriate 1xbet online sports betting plan is a required core component of proposals submitted to NIFA.

Other Funding Agencies

The best resource for developing a 1xbet online sports betting Plan for other agencies is the funder's guidance information. The other important resource is the DMP Tool, a free resource available to researchers that has guidance information for a wide variety of funders as well as sample plans. A login is required but because Kansas State University is a partner institution you can login using your K-State eID and password. (Note Kansas State University is not one of the listed institutions, so you will need to type our name in when prompted). Once in the tool you can choose the template by funder and the tool guides you through how to create a DMP. The site also includes example DMPs for many funding agencies under the “Public DMPs” tab.