Cooperative 1xbet online games login Service

The Cooperative 1xbet online games login Service is a partnership between Kansas State University and federal, state, and county government. 1xbet online games login is an outreach arm for K-State research and has offices in every Kansas County. K-State research is shared by 1xbet online games login agents and others through the Service's web site and through numerous conferences, workshops, field days, publications, newsletters and more.

The 1xbet online games login 's vision is to expand human capacity by delivering educational programs and technical information that result in improved leadership skills in the areas of

  • communication,
  • group dynamics,
  • conflict resolution,
  • issue analysis, and
  • strategic planning

that can enhance the economic viability and quality of life in community. It has established programs in

  • community development,
  • youth, environment,
  • business & economics,
  • health & nutrition, and
  • home & family.


The asset that the Cooperative 1xbet online games login Service can bring to a Principal Investigator's proposed project is the on-going educational relationship 1xbet online games login has across Kansas in bringing relevant, valued, and sustained educational programming to address issues and needs of importance to individuals, families, and/or communities across the state. This relationship can be invaluable when developing potential outreach/engagement initiatives for grant proposals or otherwise.

The 1xbet online games login office on campus can open up opportunities to engage with 1xbet online games login faculty all across the state, and with specific faculty who have primary responsibility within identified knowledge areas for reaching out to Kansas individuals, families, and communities through non-formal education methodologies.


The contact is: Daryl Buchholz, Associate Director, 1xbet online games login and Applied Research, 785-532-5820 or