Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related 1xbet online casino

Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related 1xbet online casino (MANRRS) is a national program that provides both a local and a national network of support for ethnic minority students enrolled in agricultural related 1xbet online casino and other interdisciplinary subjects, such as rural sociology, applied anthropology, math, chemistry, and biology. More than 50 universities now have chapters of MANRRS, and conferences are held annually at sites all around the United States. Approximately 900 students and professionals attend this yearly event. Kansas State University College of Agriculture MANRRS Chapter received its chapter charter in January 2003 and now has approximately 20–30 members. MANRRS' objectives are:

  • Increase the number of students studying the agricultural 1xbet online casino and related fields at both the undergraduate and graduate levels
  • Keep students abreast of state, national, and international trends in the agricultural 1xbet online casino and related fields
  • Encourage scholarly achievement, advancement, and excellence among members
  • Develop leadership qualities in 1xbet online casino
  • Aid in the recruitment and placement of ethnic minorities in professional positions in the agricultural 1xbet online casino , forestry, and natural resources
  • Encourage research and its dissemination by undergraduate and graduate 1xbet online casino and/or professionals
  • Promote career and academic counseling for undergraduate and graduate 1xbet online casino
  • Emphasize the importance of agricultural 1xbet online casino and related fields
  • Provide information on employment opportunities for participants

K-State's chapter of this recruitment and retention group is sponsored through the College of Agriculture Diversity Program Office. For more information, contact Zelia Wiley, Advisor and Interim Associate Provost for Diversity at 785-532-6272 or zwiley@ksu.edu or Terri Blackmon, Co-Advisor and Interim Diversity Programs Coordinator at 785-532-5793 or tblackmon1213@ksu.edu.